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November 13, 2013 11:28 AM UTC

Another Moderate Voice Departs Denver Post

  • by: Colorado Pols

A press release this morning from the Colorado Fiscal Institute spells more bad news for fans of objectivity at the state's newspaper of record, The Denver Post:

The Colorado Fiscal Institute is pleased to announce that Tim Hoover – most recently a member of The Denver Post editorial board – has been named Communications Director.

“Tim’s experience and insight will be invaluable in promoting our analytic work,” said Carol Hedges, Colorado Fiscal Institute Executive Director.  “We look forward to having Tim on board to help communicate the importance of widespread prosperity to the vitality of Colorado’s economy.”

He will develop communications strategy and implement the organization’s media, social media and community outreach plans to advance public policies that result in greater economic prosperity for all Coloradans.

“I am excited to be joining an organization with such expert knowledge of Colorado’s state budget and its multiple conflicts and challenges,” said Hoover.  “I’ve worked for many years analyzing and writing about state tax and fiscal policy, and this opportunity gives me the chance to work alongside top talent in the field.”

Hoover has 20 years of experience in the media industry, having researched and reported on public policy, government and politics for major newspapers including The Denver Post, The Kansas City Star and The Tulsa World.  A graduate of the University of Oklahoma’s Gaylord School of Journalism and Mass Communication, he has won multiple awards for his reporting.

Back in May, the Denver Post's editorial board lost Curtis Hubbard, who left the paper to join local PR house OnSight Public Relations. The much more conservative Vincent Carroll succeeded Hubbard as head of the paper's editorial board, and since then we've witnessed a slow but steady shift to the right in the paper's editorial leanings. The departure of Tim Hoover, former political reporter and by all estimations a fair and moderate member of the editorial board, is very likely to accelerate that conservative slant.

Between increasingly slanted news coverage and an editorial board moving similarly rightward, we'd say the Post has finally found a market to sell newspapers to.


23 thoughts on “Another Moderate Voice Departs Denver Post

        1. Yours was excellent too, Duke.

          Do me a favor. Tell Dylan I'm proud of him, so's my retired MPCMWD EOD technician.. Thank him for us, and tell him how important he is to this Democracy.

          He is the breathing representation of our Constitution.

    1. Socialists are not happy with Obama because he is not a socialist, not even close.  Supporting a social program does not make one a socialist.  In fact, there is a strong argument  to be made that social programs have kept us from becoming a socialist country.  These programs can be improved and improved as times change, but they are not going away any time soon.

      You should be embarrassed by your ignorance and the thuggish behavior you exhibit.  No one can wear either one well.  It is past time you started to grow up. I almost think you actually may be a progressive who wants to make sure the gop bullies, gun nuts and thugs are seen for the evil people they are.  You are doing a very good job of that.  If that is not the case you are killing your soul.  Obviously you don't care.

      And your logo doesn't frighten any of us here.  It is immature, pathetic and very telling.

    2. Well, considering that it's pretty much a right-wing rag, I don't see why not.

      It's pretty much a bird-liner. Makes me miss Rocky Mountain News even more.


    1. Heres the plan tea partiers:

      Lets say we'll commit to something so completely basic that requires almost no commitment at all on our part in exchange for 100% complete capitulation on their part.  So lets see, if Obama agrees to just rescind the signature domestic legislative achievement of his Presidency, we might open the government again.  That way we look like we're negotiating !

      N3B fits that model.

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