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January 08, 2014 03:55 PM UTC

Local Media Disses Senate President Morgan Carroll

  • by: Colorado Pols
A man's the boss...
A man’s the boss, but a woman is just bossy.

Today, history was made again as Morgan Carroll was sworn in as President of the Colorado Senate after a unanimous 35-0 vote. Carroll's nomination was seconded by GOP Minority Leader Bill Cadman, and none of the once-rumored treachery against Carroll ever materialized. The Colorado Springs Gazette's Megan Schrader reports this afternoon:

"We are here united to serve one goal; to diligently act as public servants to the people of Colorado," said Senate President Morgan Carroll, moments after the Aurora Democrat was unanimously voted into the position by Democrats and Republicans alike. "Our job is to pave the way so Coloradans have the freedom to succeed. I have every reason to believe that we can and will work together to accomplish that end."

…In her speech, Carroll said the Senate would be supportive of the measure and also of removing red tape so local communities can quickly repair roads and bridges.

"Who wants to pay property taxes on a home that has been destroyed?" she asked.

But for Carroll, the top bill in the Senate is one that calls for a $100 million investment in higher education. Senate Bill 1 also would pay for merit-based and need-based scholarships, Carroll said.

Listening to President Carroll's speech today, we found it to be heartfelt and constructive in tone. The agenda laid out was modest, and we didn't detect any partisan animosity whatsoever. Here's the full text of Carroll's speech courtesy the Denver Business Journal.

What we can't figure out, though, is what speech some Colorado political reporters were listening to.

FOX 31's Eli Stokols:

In a speech full of feminist undertones, Carroll, the second woman elected senate president, described the importance of creating opportunities, especially for women… [Pols emphasis]

Folks, in the printed transcripts of President Carroll's remarks, a speech that lasted over half an hour, the words "women" or "woman" only appear four times. Carroll does say that for her mother, "freedom was an education," and told a story about her mother being slapped for insisting she would "be her own boss." But the opportunities Carroll talked of created were not "especially for women." Affordable college tuition is not a "feminist" issue. Neither is rural broadband, or business property tax. And–this may come as a shock if you have no children–men benefit from child care too! Above all, conjuring up an image of "bra burning" radical feminism, which by the way is also an urban myth, is a ridiculous and offensive stereotype. It's even worse applied wholly undeserved to the second female Senate President in this state's history.

One of the prerequisites of a job in politics is thick skin, and since these are reporters that elected officials rely on to cover their work, President Carroll will most likely not choose to take issue with these insults. But in this case, local members of the media–even Eli Stokols, whom we generally consider to be a good reporter–let their prejudices get away from them today. And we think that should not go unanswered.

Image source:


18 thoughts on “Local Media Disses Senate President Morgan Carroll

  1. There's something about the words "Bartels" and "bra" appearing in such close proximity . . . 

    . . . 

    . . . 

    . . . 

    . . . there ought to be a law!

      1. @- Modster-I'll second the thank you,but do not expect much in the way of an apology- even one of the phony sorry if anyone was offended sort- from a typical winger mouthpiece like Bartels.

  2. Dare we reverse engineer the Fox media talking points?

    • We can't attack Carroll for not being Christian enough (she's Jewish)
    • We can't attack her sexuality (she's straight as far as anyone knows)
    • We can't attack her proposed legislation because there isn't any yet
    • But we can attack her as a "bra-burning feminist" because the Kochs say that's the way to go to cut the legs out from her before she starts!

    This is horribly sexist. Just for comparison, imagine a male legislator making a similar speech. Would the local media jokingly say that he was about to bust out of his shorts or some other anatomical or underwear reference? Would he be criticized for mentioning "man" or "men" too many times? Not bloody likely.

    1. +10 Mama.  Great post.  We've gone from this state being run by the KKK (Wray is rumored to have one of the first chapters in the state) to a Senate President who is both female and Jewish and two members of the gay community in leadership positions in the House and Senate.  The God(esses)s are speaking…and smiling.

      1. When I first started getting involved as a volunteer in local Dem politics the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader were both Jewish, Andrew Romanoff and Ken Gordon. Considering what a small minority we are we do seem to be over-represented in Colorado politics. Take that KKK.

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