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April 09, 2014 12:40 PM UTC

The Tanc Makes The Ballot

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: 9NEWS' Brandon Rittiman:

Assuming Beauprez' petition is also valid, a maximum of five possible candidates can appear on the June 24 primary ballot.

Up to three candidates can gain ballot access at the state GOP assembly on Saturday by winning the support of 30 percent or more of the delegates there.

Tancredo tells 9NEWS he will not seek delegates at the Assembly now that he has gained access to the ballot. Beauprez has said he will not attempt to win delegates either.



The Denver Post's Lynn Bartels makes it official:

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo has made the ballot for governor, according to the secretary of state’s office.

In order to petition onto the ballot, Tancredo’s campaign had to collect 1,500 signatures from registered Republicans in each of the state’s seven congressional districts. The petitions were due March 31. Tanacredo on March 27 was the first governor’s candidate to to turn in his signatures.

With Tom Tancredo safely on the ballot, it will be interesting to see what becomes of any assembly delegates who may have pledged to him–Tancredo did receive at least some amount of support at the GOP caucuses, after all, though we can't say how much since many precincts did not conduct preference polls. A poll of our own follows.

Can Tom Tancredo win the GOP gubernatorial nomination?


19 thoughts on “The Tanc Makes The Ballot

  1. It's not just Hickenlooper, all Democrats should relish the possibility of Tancredo in the public eye. He wins elections for Democrats, plain and simple.

  2. Tank:

       Well done.  You can pick up your check at Stalking Horse LLP anytime.   Just don't let those whining liberals at ColoradoPols know I paid to finance your petition.   They still think I'm supposed to be financing them.

    Your Pal,

    George Soros.

    1. That's funny!

      In all serious though, most Republicans I know are very much aware that Tancredo can't win. Scott Gessler will win the primary, and has a better than even shot at unseating Hickenlooper. In fact, Gessler is the only candidate who can.

      1. No, THAT'S FUNNY, Mod. Gessler has no shot, silly. There isn't a Republican in the field who has a shot.

        As for the GOP Primary? There is enough support for Tanc that won't go anywhere else. He'll be the nominee. 

        1. Gotta go with moddy on this one, gumshoe.  The Colorado GOP has a death wish, but I can't really believe they will forgive Tancredo's betrayal of party principles by running a doomed third party campaign that wrecked the chances of the legitimately nominated — albeit lackluster — Republican candidate in 2010.  As to Gessler's chances?  Slim, but not nonexistant.  Some of the anti-frackers on the left really hate Hick for his balanced approach.   They won't vote for Gessler, of course, but they won't contribute or work for Hick either.   It's a long way to election day and I'll need more than a good poll or two to book a victory party at the Wynkoop.    

          1. I generally agree. As the Hickenlooper scandals start to come faster, Gessler's chances improve. Leftist hypocrisy over the IEC may be Hickenlooper's undoing.

  3. I wonder what impact Tancredo as the nominee might have on the Republican Party's attempt to increase its share of the Hispanic vote.

    1. What do you mean? His campaign slogans are: "Viva Tancredo!" "Live Your Own Life!"

      He flipped someone off while rolling by in a car!

      and he promises to smoke a joint with Hickenlooper!

      I mean really, what more could he possibly do to appeal to….umm, those people?

      ^^^^^^snark and  sarcasm alert^^^^^^^^^wink

      1. I remember when my non-Hispanic neighbor had a Viva Bush sticker on his car.I'm sure his preference now would be Tanc and he might get a Viva Tancredo sticker.

  4. If Tanc is the candidate, Coffman will no doubt often be in his company when he says outrageous things. Then Coffman will be asked if he agrees with those things, would like to denounce those things, etc.  Coffman's district being what it is now, the usual Coffman foot in mouth waffling awkwardness will ensue. CD6 Dems are hoping for Tanc.yes

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