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May 19, 2014 06:19 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"If idiots could fly, the sky would be like an airport."

–Laura Davenport


39 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

      1. Given the wealth of the folks who read Investors Business Daily doubled under our socialist, Kenyan, Muslim POTUS  youu'd think they'd be too busy counting their gold coins to notice a few young girls in a far-away land were kidnapped.

        Nigeria (the richest African country in terms of proven gas and oil) sells 40% of its output to the United States (we are their largest importer) – and the Nigerian civil war has roots in the US-sponsored organizations protect said interests.  We should stop being shocked that the root of practically every conflict outside of our border is over the control of fossil resources.  These people could care less about a few missing girls. It's all kabuki theater.

        If this cartoon wasn't so pathetically sad, it would be laughable.

        1. Right….always follow the money. Like most African states, Nigeria has had a working democratic government, or tribal control over territories, which were overthrown by imperialists who wanted control over the resources.

          And I hate to reply to anything Aggravating Carnivore posts, but the intent of this cartoon is just contemptible.

          These young girls are certainly being terrorized, probably raped and/or brutalized, sold into slavery or child marriages, ignorant of the fact that they are now the hip cause of the moment, soon to be forgotten again.

          They had education, they had hope, now they can only hope to survive.

          And the ACs of the world are using these children's plights to try to make political points about Hillary Clinton, who hasn't even declared her candidacy yet.

          It's beyond grotesque, all around.

    1. I truly think that any so-called human that would make light of addiction and brain injuries just in hopes to score a political point is loathsome and dispicable.  It saddens me that such a one would be part of my species.  What a sad, sad wretch of a worthless troll.  Perhaps in other places/forums it has redeeming qualities, but here it is nothing but a POS. IMO.  

      1. Agreed, CT.  He is a POS, and even that is a kinder description than he deserves.  The nutters conveniently leave out 'the rest of the story'.  Yes, the State Department knew what was going on two years ago and discussed putting them on the list.  The problem? Nigeria and the regional governments resisted as such a designation would put in place sanctions that would exasperate the poverty issues in the region – which is exactly what Boko Haram wanted.  Everyone did the math and made the best decision they could.  What happened to these girls is horrible – but no less horrible than any number of things that are happening to children all over the world that he exhibits zero outrage over.

    2. Maybe it's time to get serious about starving this troll. It's not as if he adds anything to any discussion since he's so predictable that if we decide we miss him any one of us could write his comments for him. We all know exactly what he'll say and what kind of cartoons he'll post. We even know that every third or fourth post he'll link us to some poll or article that he hasn't noticed says the opposite of what he thinks it says, proving him wrong instead of backing his point. Whatever amusement he has ever provided is long gone

    1. And yet the top stories on Today's morning show was Jessica Simpson, complete with pictures of Steve Forbes fawning all over her as the face of America's newest, $1 billion clothing empire"She understands women!" screams the headlines.  Perhaps women the Carnigie lusts after – the 99.99999% that live outside their bubble, not so much.  We are one FU'ed country.  

      1. MB, Are projecting about the Tom Steyer and the 99.9999% again?

        You really need to find better things to do than watch the morning TV shows.

            1. Yes.  I think I'll just sit back and watch It and Moddy 'spoon', internet-style (they are truly forks in a spoon world).  For someone who doesn't own a TV, I find my simple pleasures where I can.

  1. Pats on the back from the right for this apparent positive result from pressure applied by the Obama administration and allies? No? Will they continue to pretend they seriously want us to go to war or whatever it is they claim to have in mind with their bellicose rhetoric? Will McCain continue to make the usual ass of himself? True Putin probably didn't really want to bite off more than he could chew (things were getting out of hand even for him) but he's going to have trouble making it look like anything other than backing down.

    MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops deployed in regions near Ukraine to return to their home bases, the Kremlin said Monday.

    The move appears to indicate Putin's intention to de-escalate the crisis over Ukraine, the worst in Russia's relations with the West since the end of the Cold War.

    The West has protested the deployment of 40,000 Russian troops near the border with Ukraine, seeing it as a possible preparation for grabbing more land after the annexation of Crimea in March.


      1. Earlier, it's true, there was nothing to show a previous announced pull back but this one seems different.  We'll see. Putin may very well not have been prepared for any massive takeover of all of eastern Ukraine and may indeed be seeking to put a lid on it. Crimea is another story.

      1. Given that $120k is over twice the per capita US number, it looks like men have a 'get out of jail free' card using the dumbasses math – an equation that appears to apply the entirety of our national debt to just women? Yet another War on Women?  

        Now, if only he could use his magic time machine and repeal the 19th Amendment, sticking them with the debt and eliminating their right to vote, he could take our country back – to 1920.

    1. Who writes a lead weight of a phrase like "each Colorado woman voter?"  "Every female voter?" "Every woman?"  Jesus Christ, it reads like Cronk the caveman is writing GOP copy these days.  "Cronk think woman voter bad.  Woman voter make bad choice Mark Udall.  Make good choice Cory Gardner!"

  2. Today in Astroturf Fail:

    Colorado GOP gots so many Colorado women on their side they had a male oil and gas consultant set up the ''Breaking Up with MU" site and register it behind a blind proxy in Florida

    Registrant Name:Domain Discreet Privacy Service
    Registrant Organization:ATTN: breakupwithmarkudall.org
    Registrant Street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy
    Registrant City:West Jacksonville
    Registrant State/Province:FL
    Registrant Postal Code:32258


     I work as a management consultant to the international oil and gas industry

    Couldn't find a woman to set it up or a Colorado business to support?


  3. VICE reports on NewDEAL, the group that Governor Hickenlooper co-chairs:


    Created by Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and Senator Mark Begich of Alaska, the NewDEAL is one of several cash-rich efforts to resurrect the Democratic Party's flailing bench of electable candidates.

    This NewDEAL has little in common with President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal platform, which pledged to save capitalism from itself by cracking down on predatory banking institutions and restoring workplace rights for Americans. No, this NewDEAL is a 501(c)(4) issue-advocacy nonprofit, a tax vehicle which allows campaign activity without disclosure of donors, and its name is an acronym for "Developing Exceptional American Leaders."

    The group, touted as a platform to "highlight rising pro-business progressives," is led by Democrats who have made a name for themselves by bucking the populist trend. They include NewDeal co-chair Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, whose zeal for the charterization of public schools and love of Wall Street makes him indistinguishable from many across the aisle. The other co-chair, Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado, has staked a position in his state's energy wars as a staunch defender of drillers.

    VICE has obtained a "supporter list" showing donors of the NewDEAL, which reads like a who's who of corporations seeking government access: Comcast, Fluor, Merck, Microsoft, New York Life, Pfizer, Qualcomm, Verizon, Wal-Mart, the Private Equity Growth Capital Council, among others, including, of course, the host of Tuesday's event, ANGA.

        1. The CO GOP 'base' loves them some Santorum.  Then there are the various RINOs that will provide some good sport in the Clown Car rounds.  And I heard that Rick 'oops' Perry is considering a run.  

  4. I wonder if AC realizes the true affect he's having? I don't even have to read any of his posts any more: they are perfectly predicatable and run the gamut of Hannity>Levin talking points. But, I still do read the responses as they provide new info to me and are good examples of dem/progressive thought in this formerly "Red" state.

  5. The Federal government has approved Colorado's proposed ACA healthcare coverage region changes. The ski resort communities have been merged with other western counties (except Mesa, which has its own region), and the two eastern plains regions have also been merged.

    The mergers will create larger, more stable risk pools and will lower costs for those in the two most expensive regions defined under the original ACA plan. There will likely be small cost increases to some, but it is expected that the larger risk pool size will mitigate costs somewhat.

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