With one week remaining until next Tuesday's primary election, here's a poll of our registered users (click here to create an account if you don't have one already) on who will win the Colorado Republican gubernatorial primary: former Congressman Bob Beauprez, Secretary of State Scott Gessler, former state Sen. Mike Kopp, or former Congressman Tom Tancredo. For this poll, we ask that you not vote your preference–we'd like to know who you honestly believe will win the election.
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Poll? (And, there isn't one here anyway.)
I don't need a stinking poll.
Go Tank!
I see Moddy got his vote for Gessler on the board.
Damn I was just going to make that same observation. Honey Badger in a landslide !
Gessler is not counting on the Democrats of Colorado Pols to win the primary.
OK. How's he doing in the other polls? Don't look it up. It will only upset you.
Hey, who's the fourth guy who voted for Scotty????
. . . or three.
Maybe he should, because he sure isn't getting much support from Republicans.
And, he's gonna' double that result when I write him in for the general !!!!!!
I hope that failing to campaign or failing to discuss any serious Colorado-centric issues (Impeaching Obama isn't a local issue) won't cause Tanc to fade in the stretch. Save disillusioning his ardent supporters for the general, not the primary.
But if Beauprez does wind up taking the primary by a nose, that should be almost as entertaining to watch him implode once again by exposing his rightwing-nutter positions over the last 8 years.
The difference between Tanc and Beauprez is that the Denver Post can plausibly distance themselves from Tanc and not be blamed for supporting Hick. Whereas if they continue to maintain that Beauprez is the "Moderate" GOP candidate (with accompanying endorsement), the last shreds of their credibility will be flushed down the toilet.
My question, if Beauprez wins, is will he remember to be on the right-side of the horse this time?
I voted for the Tank but I am conflicted. I think he will win and I want him to win for the R's but I think Both Ways has a strong shot too. Guess we all just have to see you next Tuesday.
Brought to you by the Committee to Save the APostrophe from Abuse.
Nope. It is acceptable to form a plural of a single letter or number by using apostrophe s.
I'm rooting for Tank just for the sheer entertainment value of such a campaign.
Well, the good news is that none of them will be Governor.
This is a completely who-cares primary, that means Tanchez will carry the day on the backs of all those RMGO
nuttersfreedom fighters that Dudley turns out.Hick got killed in Redstate.
The ads will write themselves.
The ads may write themselves, but the folks behind them will still have to polish whatever turd emerges from the Republican primary. I still like Hick's chances.
Nobody with a dick reads Redstate.
I guess that works, because I do read Redstate occasionally. Know thine enemy.
Now, one of the Andrews may have one, however, it seems to be taking all of the thought processes away from his brain. Sad case, very sad. I advise he not watch any more fauxTV. His addiction may be extremely debilitating with irreversible effects. He should step away from the corporatists and walk away from the needle.
I spent last night with my boys and my parents, three generations watching the finale of Fargo (my Mom was raised on a farm near there). I arrived a couple hours early and as was predictable, FauxNews was on. Who'd have thunk we still have a national crisis called the IRS scandal? I thought that horse had been beaten to death. But to your point about 'fear' Miss Jane, all of the talk on the Iraq scandal was so rooted in fear it even danced at making me anxious. Meygan Kelley, with dramatic short outbursts of fear…followed by a two second silence. RInse. Repeat. Then another burst of fear. Thankfully my relationship with my parents is good enough that I get to speak my mind (with always accompanies laughing at Meygan, Bill or Sean) followed by why I'm laughing – and I even get them to turn to an alternative channel.
Now this morning we get an OpEd by Darth Cheyney talking about how this President has been so wrong about so many things at the expense of so many. You really just couldn't make this stuff up.
Hick forgot the first rule of feeding alligators — don't stick your arm out close to their jaws. They'll enjoy feeding on your arm more than the meat you intended to offer them.
He'll still be your Governor, AC.
Looking over the field I get a funny thought. Each of these is a loser, not that a loser is always a loser, but this group is one of the better examples of Republican losers in the state. The only addition to the field I would like to see is Buck, but we can't have everything.
If we looked at current history, none of them would win a primary for any office. But, since this is the "best of the best" I have to pick Little Tommy. He is loony enough for all of the voters.
This is a Democrat fantasy poll. Gessler will shock the state next Tuesday. This campaign has the discipline and the organization to pull off a win right underneath the pundit's noses.
Gessler comes out of the closet next Tuesday — check.
Hey Mod,
You going to stick around after next Tuesday? Most shills disappear the day after their guy loses the election. How about you?
I'm giving odds…
Tommy will win the primary … though BWB would be a better candidate against Hick in this election cycle. Any Dems voting in Rep primary will go for Tank to ensure Hick gets elected and for the pure entertainment value.
And while our ClownCar limps to the finish line, four former Republican heads of the EPA will testify tomorrow before a Congressional committee advocating for action on climate change.
If the climate was a bank we would have saved it by now.
Too big to fail………
Would you people lay off Gessler.
After all, he does have 2 1/2 times the votes of Mike Kopp.
Hey, if ColoradoPols didn't make fun of Gessler, no one would be paying attention to him.