(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Alexis King
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) Joe Salazar
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Alexis King
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) Joe Salazar
As the Durango Herald's Peter Marcus reports, the felony indictments handed down against Texas Gov. Rick Perry by a grand jury last week continue to ripple. Yesterday, as Gov. Perry formally surrendered to authorities and got his mug shot taken, Colorado GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez faced a call to renounce Perry's endorsement:
A new, well-funded left-leaning organization, Making Colorado Great, has hired well-known progressive Michael Huttner to attack Beauprez.
Incumbent Gov. John Hickenlooper has vowed not to run attacks in his tight re-election campaign. On Tuesday, Hickenlooper released a new campaign video in which he doubles down on that promise, touting the economic progress of the state during the last four years rather than targeting Beauprez.
But Huttner, who founded ProgressNow Colorado about a decade ago, is not as shy as the governor. In his first news release for Making Colorado Great, Huttner called on Beauprez to immediately renounce his endorsement by Perry.
“If Bob Beauprez doesn’t immediately renounce Perry’s endorsement, it shows you that Beauprez and Perry are two peas in the same pod,” Huttner said. “We’ll see if Bob renounces Perry’s endorsement or tries to play it both ways as usual.” [Pols emphasis]
Public opinion on Perry's indictment, at least for now, breaks along partisan lines, with most voters in the conservative information loop hearing nothing but praise and defense for Perry and his actions against a local Democratic DA who oversees the state's public integrity investigations office. But as the story unfolds, there is also support building for the case against Perry–enough to make the current Republican strategy of scoffing wholesale at these felony charges against the sitting Governor of Texas, the first such indictment in over a century, more than a little risky.
Beauprez responded at the time, “I was proud to receive the endorsement of conservative Texas Gov. Rick Perry this morning. I am humbled by Rick Perry’s support and friendship … Rick Perry is a good man and an outstanding governor.”
Whether Beauprez likes it or not, these words will be used against him–and with at least some voters, it'll hurt.
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Things must be desperate on the progressive side if Perry's actions in trying to get a DA who is convicted of DWI, convicted of driving with a blood alcohol number almost three times the legal limit, from continuing in office is all you have.
That is precisely what 99% of voters would want him to do.
Responsible Dems will stay away from this.
If any Dem politician goes with this they will lose the middle.
Because its all about standards with you all…
Perry's going DOWN:
Why Rick Perry Will Be Convicted | James Moore
Hm.. nice link. Better than mine. Thanks. If Perry offered actual money or other bribes to stop an investigation… jeez. I wouldn't put it past him.
Something else to know about Gov. Rick Perry:
Wow. Man, this dude is really dirty lowdown. If any of these things can be proven conclusively, I hope he ends up doing serious hard time.
Texas Death penalty case and the dateline on the article is 2009? I doubt that's suddenly going to be a problem for him.
I don't think that Texas voters are likely to forgive him for funneling $11 million in cash for cancer research (CPRIT) to his friends and cronies, if that narrative is brought out.
Every family has lost someone to cancer, and the idea that the Governor was playing politics with cancer research money is not going to go down well.
Read the fine print, AC. The DA in question didn't oversee the grand juiry; a special prosecutor did. And said special prosecutor is a Republican.
It's a concept in American justice to wait for the evidence to come out. You might want to try it.
Bah! Facts! That's all you got?? AC's got TALKING POINTS, so there.
He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell at the WH in his future anyway. He doesn't poll well for that even among his own Texas Rs. Dem pols don't need to jump on this bandwagon and I expect most won't. If more damaging charges materialize, that would be another story but even then the story du jour media would have it running non-stop through several cycles without Dem pols needing to do much. The don't interfere too much with your enemy imploding rule would apply. Although there's not much left of Perry to implode. He was stick a fork in it done in terms of presidential aspirations long before this.
I agree he doesn't have the snowball's chance in hell in the general election but for the GOP nomination, that's another story. Remember the tradition over the last half century: they nominate someone who ran in the previous election cycle but lost (Nixon ran in '60, got the nod again in '68, Reagan ran in '68 and '76 nominated in '80, Daddy Bush ran in '80, got the nod in '88, Dole ran in '80 and '88, got the nod in '96 McCain ran in '00, got nod in '08, Mittens ran in '08, got nod in '12.) In '16, it will be one of the Ricks, Newt or maybe a do-over for Mittens.
This indictment will only stir the base up more in his favor. And should he be acquitted, he will wave that around as his bill of integrity. But in the general election, he's toast. For any moderate indies and moderate Repubs (all six of them), that moment in Nov. '11 when his brain had a cold shut down and he had his oops moment will forever be ingrained in their images of Perry.
Yeah but it's always a boring establishment type. In spite of all the Tea Party noise the last two, McCain and Romney, were pure vanilla establishment. By the time McCain won the nomination the old maverick had long been replaced by an establishment party line version and Romney was a former moderate trying to be more rightie but in a non-crazy kind of way. Perry doesn't fit the mold. He's toast.
The right have already lost the middle Andrew you douchebag. Will both ways Bob being endorsed by a criminal help him win in November in a blue state? I highly doubt it. LOL
Loook what crawled out from under its bridge!
I know — gross! I wonder what the corrupt thug charges to haunt a house?
These charges could be the least of Perry's concerns. Corruption, influence peddling and obstruction of justice might be coming soon. That's what he wanted to suppress with his attempt to force the DA's resignation.
AC's just fine apparently with supporting criminal enterprises as long as the GOP gets their cut!
Typical of radical Rs to show absolutely no self awareness or acknowledgement of public perception of their antics. Rs assume the public is clamoring for more of misguided “leadership”. Just because the republican autopsy report didn’t mention by name the bizarre gaffe factory in 2012. Perry for Prez?
Delightful image of dozens of them wrestling for control of the GOP clown car, Look out, Christie is also grabbing for the wheel, along with Walker, Ryan.
Cool yer jets, says I.
My own opinion about this is that all that's happened yet is an indictment, which raises only the possibility of a specific kind of wrong doing, and also raises only the possibility that the charges are trumped up and purely political.
As to the politics, I suspect that if there are politics motivating the charges, they may be R on R politics, so I don't read too much into it being a G.W. appointee who is the special prosecutor. Perry was never Bush's particular favorite, or Kay Bailey Hutchison's favorite either, if I recall. If the charges don't stick, the investigation will look politically motivated and could, sadly, help relaunch Perry's national ambitions. For all most of us can tell at this distance, maybe that's the point. Then again, given how terrible a candidate Perry is for national office, maybe it's a very long con by some clever Ds to crowd out more viable candidates.
As to whether there was any actual wrong-doing… On the one hand, the veto is an inherently political power that is expected to be used to serve political purposes including punishing political enemies. On the other, Perry certainly couldn't have offered to personally pay a duly elected county official to resign–how different is threatening to veto from a monetary bribe, really? I think the answer to that is probably entirely different having to do with the fact that courts can distinguish the use of money to buy action from elected officials (corruption) with the use of (powers legally vested in other public officials for political purposes such as:) vetoes, threatened vetoes, votes, threatened votes, filibusters, threatened filibusters, etc., on the part of one elected official to de-fund another if that elected official acts in a way sufficiently objectionable (we call this the political process, fyi). Part of the role of a governor is to use his executive power to push the whole politcal process forward–and to threaten to punish and/or actually punish anyone who gums up the whole works, such as a pol who should retire but won't. Then again, it looks like the governor used his veto threat against one DA (a Dem) who drove drunk–but not against other DAs (Rs) who also drove drunk, and that looks bad. Then again, political maneuvering always looks bad. Then again, what looks really bad and is that the office of the DA he tried to force out was investigating him–and he would have been able to appoint a successor if she had retired.
There's really too much backstory to sort out easily–the best info I've found is here.
Meh. He didn't need an indictment for his chances of ever being the nominee for President, much less getting elected to that office, to be over. That ship sailed long ago. Since he's not running for Gov and has no chance at Prez, it's hard to get too excited about whether this hurts him or not. Hurts him or helps him do what? Consider my jets cool as a cuke.