Colorado Citizens for Life, the statewide pro-life group that represents more than 37,000 pro-life families across the state, is announcing today its endorsement of Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO 3rd District), Ken Buck (R-CO 4th District), Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO 5th District), and Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO 6th District).
Rep. Scott Tipton has voted pro-life on 13 out of 13 votes, Rep. Doug Lamborn has voted pro-life on 27 out of 27 votes, and Rep. Mike Coffman has voted pro-life on 20 out of 20 votes.
All of these Congressman have a 100% pro-life voting record. These votes include voting for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act; the repeal of the Obamacare law which contains provisions authorizing federal subsides for abortion; and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which would close certain loopholes that give tax-preferred status to abortion. They also voted to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood and against the Medicare Prescription Drug Act, which would effectively prevent older people from being allowed to spend their own money, if they choose, to save their own lives through access to unrationed prescription drugs under Medicare.
This is certainly a mixed-bag endorsement for candidates such as Rep. Mike Coffman (CD-6), who have been trying hard to deflect criticism that they do not represent the interests of a majority of Colorado women.
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Like Con Man Cory, Con Man Coffman's serial lies and distortions are catching up to him, breathing uncomfortably down the back of his sweaty neck.
Run faster, Mike — faster! They're gaining on you!
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we lie our freaking head off for cheap political expediency.
Their silence on Rep. Gardner's record on abortion is deafening…….are they as confused as the rest of us are?
Colorado Right to Life doesn't think Gardner is 100% Pro-Life. They supported him in 2010, but not 2014. CRTL said:
The bright red font is all CRTL. So Colorado Right to Life isn't confused, just "betrayed". National Right to Life still endorsed Gardner – his voting record in the US Congress is "100% pro-life" – and he still supports the Federal personhood bill. I suppose if NRTL started getting queasy about the endorsing Gardner thing, then we might give some credence to Gardner's big change of heart on Personhood. But no. No, that isn't happening.