We have occasionally changed the appearance of The Big Line from representing fractional odds to presenting percentages. It's a matter of preference, of course, but as Election Day nears and Colorado Pols attracts more and new readers, we figured now would be a good time to switch again to percentages.
Here's what we're currently thinking as to the main movers in the top races in Colorado. For the first time this cycle, we've also added Lines for State Senate and State House majorities, respectively.
Mark Udall (65%)
Cory Gardner (35%)
Gardner has been throwing multiple messages at the wall of late, which is typically the sign of a campaign that doesn't feel confident in the direction it is headed. There's a saying in football that if you are rotating more than one quarterback into the game, then you don't really have a quarterback. If you're a Gardner fan, this is a very difficult question to answer: What is his path to victory here?
John Hickenlooper (68%)
Bob Beauprez (32%)
While there has never been a point in this race where it really felt like Gov. Hickenlooper was in trouble, Hick has made enough errors that it has provided Beauprez with an opportunity. Still, Beauprez can't win just by running a decent race; if Hick stops his stumble, there's not enough room for Beauprez to squeeze past in November.
With so much money going into races for the U.S. Senate and CD-6, there will be little oxygen left in the room for candidates in the other statewide races after Governor. It's difficult to tell at this stage whether any of the candidates will be able to do enough to make their own luck.
CD-6 (Aurora-ish)
Andrew Romanoff (54%)
Mike Coffman (46%)
We wrote earlier about our belief that Countdown Coffman is underway following incumbent Rep. Coffman's boorish behavior in last week's debates. We've been hearing consistent buzz that Romanoff is now rising steadily while Coffman seeks the momentum he needs to prevent a complete collapse.
We usually wait until this point in the cycle to attempt handicapping state legislative outcomes, but our analysis is similar to what we anticipated in the aftermath of the June Primary. Tea Party victories in two key Senate districts (SD-19 and SD-22) make winning the majority an uphill battle for Republicans.
The ballot wasn't even completely settled until recently, but the direction of this battle has been clear for some time. Republicans have had difficulty even finding candidates for 2014; the GOP will be lucky not to lose a seat or two at this point.
Check out the full Big Line 2014 or comment below.
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Gardner has NO path to victory, and the polls will soon reflect that. His candidacy was a terrible idea from the start — far too much politcal baggage, far too little name recognition, and an utterly sleazy persona. The guy never encountered a political position he couldn't or wouldn't attempt to co-opt if expediency demanded it.
Coffman and Both Ways aren't even worth mentioning.
Adios, los tres pobrecitos.
The CD6 race isn't gping to a walkover for Andrew But I'm optimistic.
jeez. going.
Gardner getting sh*t kicked out of him in TV ads. These are much more hard-hitting and compelling than any of the other sides' Koch/Obamacare Lie ads. And this is coming from a guy that's quite fed up with his own side.
Yes. I especially like the "Keep Out Cory" ad. So multipurpose.
I think there is some voter fraud going to happen in CD-3 — the turnout looks to be 110% 🙂
Lots of cattle and sheep over here, Davie.
I may have been too subtle, or Alva is on break. I was implying a problem with the 65% to 45% numbers they calculated for CD-3. I see they still expect 110% in that race 😉
Maybe they meant 110% turnout from the PREVIOUS turnout…
As in like 1 goat showed up to vote, and now the goat brought his wife and a kid to vote….
Thanks for the percentages, Pols… a grateful readership can now stop puzzling over "4 to 7 means what exactly?"
I join in thank you.
I also am joining in thank you as well as abuse grammar.
Colorado is fully a blue state, especially in state-wide political offices. As in the rest of the country, the GOP has the most geographical territory but the Dems have the popular vote.
We always give it 110% effort.
Hope you're on target with CD6. Not a little too optimistic? 8 points is huge.
I get that this is odds of winning, not points, but I still think an 8 point advantage in the odds is maybe little too confident.
Also, Don't you think your odds for Udall are a little gung ho? Totally agree he'll win but…
Your percentages are crap.
See http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2014-colorado-senate-gardner-vs-udall
That’s close to what they have. Out of 10 polls, Gardner leads in 3 and two of them are push polls from the Gardner campaign and the last poll had Udall over 50 and ahead by 4.
This has nothing to do with margin of victory. We're listing our odds for winning or losing, no matter the total margin.
Those numbers make sense. Sabato Has It As Lean Dem, 538 has 60/40 and huff has it as 75/25. Ep has him up 2 and ev has home down 1 and cook has it as toss up or lean.
Moderatus and Andrew Carnegie are balling their eyes out right now. The right wing wackos need tissues. LOL
No, actually I am feeling really good right now:
You just keep clinging to that, dummy. These races aren't even in high gear yet, and you pustules are in for some nasty surprises. Bank on it.
Colorado stays BLUE wingnut. You lose. 😉
Guess he doesn't care about Colorado.
Obama's veto pen
need 60 votes to pass a bill in the senate
dems retake the senate 2 years later when Hillary runs and crushed the wingnuts by double digits as the democrats have by far a much easier path to 270 electoral college votes than conservatives do. Bye bye conservatives. 🙂
These facts make me a very happy democrat and make you a very sad and depressed conservative Andrew, Just like the wingnuts have been doing for the last few years, the democrats can return the favor by obstructing the wingnuts who will most certainly lose both the senate and white house in 2016. 🙂
You might lie by omission a bit less, since you are, after all, showing the RCP "No Toss Up" map and not identifying it as such.
The actual map looks like this:
So was President romney – oops.
Since you like real clear politics so much and since they are so accurate : http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2011/09/28/odds_favor_gop_gaining_senate_control_in_2012_111492.html
He only likes RCP to cherry pick for favorable news for his side.