(You're not helping… – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Rep. Paul Ryan was in town last week, and he did a round of interviews on talk radio shows, hoping to find a audience hungry for his new book, which essentially explains how the Tea Party can grab actual control of things, instead of just throwing wrenches and, ultimately, losing again.
The book is called The Way Forward: Renewing The American Idea, and here's how Ryan, who was Mitt Romney's running mate, described it on KNUS' Kelley and Company Aug. 26:
RYAN (at 3 minutes): I believe it’s not enough to criticize the direction the country is going. I believe it’s more important to say what you would do differently. And the purpose [of his book] is to show a conservative movement that is capable of appealing to a majority of Americans. One of the lessons I learned from being on a presidential campaign where we didn’t win the election is we have to win Congress to our cause. We have to show a conservative agenda and a conservative movement that is inclusive, that is appealing, that is aspirational, that’s principled but is big enough to appeal to a majority of Americans, so that we can win national elections, so that we can win Senate races like Cory Gardner is undertaking. So that we can actually fix the country’s problems. I believe we need to give the people of this nation a crystal-clear choice about what kind of country they actually want to have. And then if you win that kind of election, then you have the moral authority to actually make it so.
The funny thing about this statement is, no one would describe Ryan or Gardner as representative of the "inclusive" movement conservatives need to win. They're the problem with the Republican Party.
I mean, Ryan didn't appear with Gardner in Denver for a reason: Democrats take every opportunity to spotlight Gardner's votes for the Ryan's budget, which cuts deep into Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare, and other popular programs, particularly affecting the poor and everybody else.
It's so bad, I'm surprised Gardner's name came out of Ryan's mouth at all–and, in turn, that Democrats didn't spin it as, Ryan Visits Denver and Endorses Gardner!
As for Gardner, his divisiveness goes beyond voting for the Ryan budget. Gardner likes to talk about the big fat need for Republican inclusiveness too, as he did with Fox 31 Denver's Eli Stokols after the big fat 2012 election loss, saying how much the GOP needs women and Hispanics.
But it wasn't long after the 2012 election loss that Gardner went back to DC and added his name to the list of sponsors of the federal personhood bill, continuing his long-standing and hard-line opposition to abortion, even for rape and incest.
And of course Gardner helped block immigration reform, continuing his past pattern, even opposing the House Speaker John Boehner's puny effort to promote broad principles that might fly with the Tea Party.
Now, Gardner's trying to buckpedal, breaking out the whitewash, as ColoradoPols explained again yesterday, and talking about how inclusive he is.
And Ryan sounds just like Gardner, except Ryan is using less whitewash, because he's not running for vice president anymore–or for Senate in Colorado.
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Did he climb a 'fourteener' while he was here? Perhaps he visited the failed 51st state and climbed Mount Eckley?
all of them
The only fourteener Ryan has ever summited:
Ah, those pesky
47%-erslaborers…one of Stewart's great moments, "Chaos on Bullshit Mountain"…The Daily Show
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Daily Show on Facebook
(with all of the Dr. Chaps tutorials I was actually thinking about another mountain range, but for today let's go with "The Dinizens of Bullshit Mountain". We'll Save Mount ENDA for another day.)
"If hypocrisy was uraniam, they could power the planet"…
Ryan was laughed off the front page, when math didn’t add up, That was by Paul Krugman. Eddy Munster was no economic policy guru, In my opinion, I don’t think he (Ryan) could hold his own in a serious economic debate. Plus, he has never discarded the albatross of Ayn Randism.
He does bear a striking resemblance to little Eddy.
There is a side-by-side comparison that came up on this site quite a while back…it is remarkable how much they look alike…
Ask, and you shall receive:
Spooky…ain't it?
Egotists like Ryan have as their motto "Government by Me, My Friends, and our Billionaire Benefactors"
Their self-centered worldview really doesn't allow for the notion that helping the least among us helps us all.
Kind of like those "Christian" gospel of prosperity preachers who preach that God will make you rich if you follow me but what they really mean is you will make me rich with your generous donations.
That's how the real "redistribution of wealth" plays out in our economy: from the many to the few.
When the 47% video came out, George Will wisely observed that: “'It’s been well said that you have a political problem when the voters don’t like you, but you’ve got a real problem when the voters think you don’t like them.’”
This sums up the problem facing the Republican Party in general, not just Mitt Romney.
So true and what constitutes their core problem with minorities. Too many Rs in congress and state legislatures as well as town officials just sound like they really don't like "those" people.
And how about the Jeffco School Board President Ken Witt(less?) who thinks the whole idea of public hearings is a waste of his valuable time (since he's already made up his mind so what's the point in listening to contrary views?).
Mike Coffman absolutely exudes contempt for dealing with anyone that is not of a like mind (or kind).
Absolutely about Coffman. Having been his not like-minded constituent for years, I know that to be true. And if the Jeffco public doesn't mind being held in such contempt they deserve the Board President who sneers at them.
I hear that they actually have a volunteer day called, "Whites Only Wednesday".
(tryin to start a meme.)
I saw it on the internet. It must be true. Wait while I e-mail this to all my friends and relatives.
Bulleye!. I may not always agree with Will, but he's no dummy. He knows how to market the right side of the aisle without making them look like selfish jerks.
Here's a seven-minute respite, a yin for the yang if you will, to our insufferable trolls. This is why the tired, old, 19th-century ideas of todays Republican party are in the last seconds of the 4th quarter of their Superbowl. The Politics of a New Generation: #lateralpower.