The Bentley Rayburn Campaign received a response to their letter sent on June 2nd regarding proposed debates in the Fifth District.
“The Rayburn Campaign is disappointed by this response, and feels that it is important during this critical time in our nation’s history for the voters to hear discussion of the issues and see the differences between the three candidates,” according to Rayburn campaign manager Mike Hesse. Hesse went on to say, “Our country’s foundation is based on the free exchange of ideas. It is unfortunate that Congressman Lamborn refuses to participate in any free public discussion of the issues. He is the elected representative of the people here in the 5th District and they have the right and ought to expect that their representative would make himself available for such public forums and debates so they can hear what he thinks about critical issues.”
The Lamborn Campaign’s Response Letter…
June 7, 2008
Mr. Bentley Rayburn
P.O. Box 62336
Colorado Springs, CO 80962Dear Mr. Rayburn,
The Lamborn Camapaign is in receipt of your letter dated June 2, 2008.
The reason we did not respond to your February letter is because you delivered it to Congressman Lamborn’s Congressional office, where it is a violation of Federal law to work on campaign matters.
The Lamborn campaign is not currently scheduling campaign debates or forums. We will be happy to make sure you are contacted if and when such events are planned.
Yours Truly,
Robin Coran
Campaign Manager
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But the top 10 reason he’s not going to be debating during the primaries are all here, including number 1!
10. They don’t have beer breaks.…
9. Dr. Ruth will be there with her razor, offering him a little shave off the top.…
8. He’s too busy working on his power game.…
7. It would conflict with fundraiser’s at Jack’s place.…
6. He doesn’t want to share his awards with those less worthy.…
5. He’s got bigger fights to attend.…
4. He’d rather make his case directly with his constituents than at a debate.…
3. Someone may ask him trick questions about Colorado’s weather.…
2. He’ll be too busy looking at pictures of himself in the mirror.…
1. He’s just having way too much fun pissing off his biggest financial supporter.…
From Voice of the Rockies
said it the first time NEWSMAN. Lamborn is a very weak speaker and even worse debator. To go up against Rayburn and Crank would only hurt his chances.
But this begs the question: If Lamborn is scared to debate his primary challengers, then how can his constituents expect him to stand up and debate the likes of Pilosi, or Reid?
His absence from these discussions should speak volumes about his leadership capacity. I don’t believe that the voters will fall for this incumbent Congressional arrogance stuff. I guess we will see how it plays in August.
Congressmen don’t debate; they read prepared speeches.
Pelosi rarely even does that; she engineers outcomes behind the scenes.
And Harry Reid is in the Senate.
Regrdless, I don’t think Lamborn is capable of engineering much.
and Congressman Lamborn for September or October.
Doug Lamborn is the presumptive nominee in the 5th Congressional District.
This Bentley Rayburn and Jeff Crank fellow have ever been elected to….
Oh yeah, nothing !
And in their last election try they were beaten by….
Oh Yeah, Doug Lamborn. (Before he was our incumbent Conservative Republican Congressman currently serving on the house Armed Services Committee.)
At least Bidlack represents a different point of view, and a civil debate is possible on the issues with him.
Crank has no issues to debate. Unless you count franking and Lamborns conservative “non-federal issue” vote on dogfighting. (Which don’t seam to resonate with voters of any party as issues in their top 100 list of the most important issue.)
That’s right the latest pol listed Franking, the Economy, and the War in Iraq as 2 of the most important issues for them, except Franking wasn’t on the list. Or any list.