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October 15, 2014 09:20 AM UTC

Gary Hart Slams Post's Idiotic Gardner Endorsement

  • by: Zappatero

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Still having great respect for former Senator Gary Hart, and having zero respect for the Denver Post's Editorial Board (that is somehow considered "left-leaning", paging Dan Haley) and their inane endorsement of Cory Gardner over sitting Senator Udall, it was good to see the highly intelligent and respectable former senator make his views known about the Post's public puke.

The Post wouldn't print it, nor any of the other condemnations of their judgment, so I'm posting Gary Hart's response to that Post endorsement

Mr. Gregory Moore
Editor, The Denver Post 
Denver, Colorado

Dear Mr. Moore:

Your editorial board's decision to endorse Congressman Cory Gardner for the United States Senate ranks as one of the worst endorsement decisions, not only by theDenver Post but by any serious newspaper, in my lifetime.

As a Colorado citizen who pays more than ordinary attention to American politics generally and to Colorado politics particularly, I am dumbfounded and appalled by your endorsement. Colorado quite possibly has the two best Senators in the United States and you choose to dismiss one of them. It is flatly false to say that Senator Udall is not a leader or that he is not at the center of major debates. It is much more accurate to say that he is not a self-promoter, which seems to have become the coin of the political realm.

I know for an absolute fact that he is at or near the center of virtually all serious national security, energy, environment, and economic debate currently occurring. I know for a fact that he is widely respected as a serious legislator by Senators of both parties. I cannot imagine from what sources you are deriving your information, but it is clearly not other United States Senators or anyone with a clear picture of what is going on in our nation's Capitol. You have chosen to support a conventional partisan over a serious legislator concerned with the national interest.

For you to conclude that Mr. Gardner will be anything other than a consistent vote for a Tea Party dictated agenda on the major social and economic issues of the day is confounding. Simply because one source called him a "rising star" does not qualify him for Senate membership. I had the privilege of serving with serious Senators of both parties. Mr. Gardner has a very long way to go before even coming close to their standard of statesmanship. Senator Udall, from a distinguished public service family whom I have known and with whom I have served, has the gravitas concerning the future of our nation that a partisan such as Mr. Gardner will never have in his lifetime.

I will leave it to my wife to decide whether to continue her subscription to the Post. I have lost confidence in the seriousness of your editorial judgment.


Gary Hart 
Kittredge, Colorado

Hey, maybe he just didn't follow the rules for their LTE's. For shame!


2 thoughts on “Gary Hart Slams Post’s Idiotic Gardner Endorsement

  1. Actually, in the past two days the Post has printed letters about the endorsement. Each day their has been one supporting to two critical. So everyone who wrote in, whether your letter got printed or not (mine never do any more since I sent in a couple critical of Chuckie while I used to get printed most of the times time I wrote in), know that your letter contributed to that two to one distribution against. Gary Hart's letter obviously doesn't fit the 150 words or less requirement and wasn't written as an LTE anyway but addressed to Editor Gary Moore. Most papers, however do print  this kind of thing from well known political figures.

    Keep writing. Keep the number on our side of the issues and candidates strong. Every letter contributes to the percentage of letters printed reflecting our opinion.

    PS I do think Hart was an idiot back in the day to challenge the press to catch him cheating on his wife, then make it so easy, then whine about it.


  2. Gary Hart complains that Udall was not endorsed by the Denver Post.  He thinks that Udall's seating plan for the State of the Union shows that he is a leader.   There must have been some kind of monkey business going on. 🙂


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