Democrat Ed Perlmutter announced today that he had raised $105,000 in Q3, a far cry from the $215,000 he raised in Q2. Perlmutter has now raised a total of $317,000 and will report about $259,000 cash on hand.
Perlmutter’s Q3 results could open the door for Democrat Peggy Lamm to catch up. Lamm raised just $93,000 in Q2, but with a slightly stronger Q3 she could find herself within striking distance of Perlmutter.
Click below for Perlmutter’s press release…
Today, Ed Perlmutter, Democratic candidate for the 7th Congressional District, announced that he has raised just over $105,000 for the Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing period that ended September 30th, bringing his total raised to $317,000.
Additionally, Perlmutter will report just over $259,000 cash on hand. Perlmutter also released some details from the report he will file today:
585 total contributions to date.
91% of all contributions have come from in-state donors.
Key donors include: Senator John Kerry’s PAC, Keeping America’s Promise, former State Senator Pat Pascoe, Mike Dino, Becky Brooks, Norm Brownstein, Steve Farber, Caroline “Caz” Matthews, Chris Romer, Roger Reisher, Leslie Oliver, Greg Stevinson, Robin Hernreich, and Kitty Hamill.
“I appreciate the support and confidence that so many have invested in my candidacy — we’re off to a great start,” said Perlmutter. “Over the summer I’ve been putting together a strong campaign team, as well as opening my campaign headquarters.”
The campaign also announced that Adams County Assessor Gil Reyes has taken over the reigns as Perlmutter’s Treasurer.
“Gil is a friend and advisor,” said Perlmutter. “I’m deeply grateful for his service as Treasurer of my campaign.”
Ed Perlmutter grew up in Jefferson County — which includes nearly two-thirds of the 7th district’s voters — where he has lived virtually all his life. For decades, Ed has and continues to support his community through various Parent Teacher Associations, coaching children’s sports and leading efforts to increase education funding for public schools. Ed is recognized as a skilled and experienced legislator, quickly earning the trust and respect of his colleagues who voted him Outstanding Freshman Senator in 1995 and President Pro Tem in 2001. Ed was also instrumental in helping Democrats gain control of the Colorado Senate in 2000 for the first time since John F. Kennedy was president. Today, Ed is an attorney with the Denver-based law firm of Berenbaum, Weinshienk & Eason where he specializes in business reorganizations and commercial litigation.
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But what is Ed going to do about Pearl Edmutter?
Where are the warriors. The current situation isn’t about who raises more than the others. Come on! Where is a discussion of the leadership and participation we need to make our state great?
No, I’m not going away. Hide your disappointment.
Most of us are more interested in information than puerile bombast, Sir Loin. I’m not going to convert to Marxism because of the brilliance of Phoenix Rising’s dialectic or suddenly discover that Ayn Rand holds the keys to the wisdom of the ages, no matter what Hugo thinks. The adults on this board, a category that includes most of us, have political philosophies considerably more developed than yours. What we’re looking for is information we can use to advance them.
To Vomititis:
Then please share it asshole.
Your cynicism grows moldy and stale.
Following up:
To AcidRefluxRising, a.k.a. Voyeur
Such drivel. Have you ever heard of projection? Your comment is Puerile. Your changiing my name is the height of small mindedness. Why should I expect you to change your mind cast in mud because of anyone’s “brilliant dialectic?” Or, on the flip slide, begin to follow the ideas contained in a friggin novel? The rest of your comment is more of the same drivel. Grow up, and offer some realistic facts, opinions, suggestions and vision of the future that we, as adults, can debate. You fucking moron!
Additional Comment:
Bloggers should be creating news, not just reporting what we’ve read or heard. In my opinion, this venue is the best we have for an interactive exchange of ideas worthy of debate with facts, historical context, humanistic drama, political give and take, and the strength of logic to support what is offered. Yes, logic. I won’t suffer the reader with texts from our forefathers dating back to Plotinus, Euripides, or any of the many brilliant exponents of furthering the human condition (I’m afraid it would be wasted on Voyageur and other such ilk).
So lets define our values. War or peace. Equitable distribution of wealth or wealth held only be the few at the expense of the many. Health care and education for all, or only for those that can afford it given the current labor relations conditions. Fouling in our nest, or environmental sanity. Sane population control or the worlds resources stretched to the limits, which creates endless wars. Science versus faith.
Community versus the individual. Five thousand year old civilizations honestly being compared to 200 year old countries. Personal freedom versus government control. Lies versus truth. Facts versus hyperbole.
It’s a choice we each have to make. Let’s get it on, in the words of our incompetent “leader”. I can only tolerate so much blind ignorance. Let’s get it on.
You aren’t just stupid, you’re vicious, too. But you’re so boringly vicious. Stupid, stupid, man.
Any other Dem fundraising #’s out there?? Also what is with the salty language SirRobin?
Thank you for comparing me to Ayn Rand. Oddly enough I’ve never read her books but I know enough about her to be flattered to know that you recognize my points about small government and personal responsibility.
Sir Robin’s language is anger due to his (Herb’s) number’s not being quite on par with the other CD-7 candidates.
Bag the profanity, junior.
“So lets define our values:”
“War or peace”: You prefer appeasement? Great way to end up speaking German. Are you naive, or just French?
“Equitable distribution of wealth or wealth held only be the few at the expense of the many”: Okay, Karl, but who decides what is equitable? If only we could live in your utopia, where power is shifted to, drumroll, government employees! You tool, the free market is why you can even post your drivel. And by the way, you taking the time to post your drivel (which creates no actual economic value) is a great argument against your proposition, because slugs like you would sit on your keester and human progress would atrophy. All because of you and your socialist friends.
“Health care and education for all, or only for those that can afford it given the current labor relations conditions”: Twit. Health care costs money, and covering everyone with the best healthcare system in the world is sadly cost prohibitive. Gordian knot, isn’t it? Either you cut the cost (socialized medicine) or increase the funding (80% tax rates), either way, I’ll bet everyone’s health ends up worse. Employer funded healthcare is kind of like democracy that way, which to borrow from smarter folks, is the worst system yet devised, except for every other form.
“Fouling in our nest, or environmental sanity”: How many potato chip crumbs have you fouled your computer with, junior? Human beings harnessing the environment is actually a natural progression, as is the natural progression to being environmentally responsible. I’ll bet the car you drive is the biggest you think anyone should have the right to own, isn’t it? But you still drive it, and it still probably gets 15 miles a gallon the way you drive. Putz.
“Sane population control or the worlds resources stretched to the limits, which creates endless wars”: I would be in favor of you not being allowed to procreate, if that is an option. I might even think that’s worth a war or two.
“Science versus faith”. Read some recent philosophy, you idiot. I recommend Nietzche, only this time, junior, really make an effort to understand what he is actually saying. You may be surprised at the ironies you discover. Unless, of course, you know how the universe got here. If so, please share with the rest of us.
“Community versus the individual”: Don’t you mean, “community, and to be specific, my individual opinions about community instead of whatever your individual opinions are”? Commie.
“Five thousand year old civilizations honestly being compared to 200 year old countries”: Karl Marx was born in 1818, so you should be a much bigger fan of recent civilizations.
“Personal freedom versus government control”: Are you serious?? Even if clear channel keeps shoving the wrong kind of music down your throat, at least they can’t force you to listen to it.
“Lies versus truth”: I’d rather have someone lie to me than tell myself a thousand lies every day for the purpose of liberal conformity, rather than thinking critically about my sources of information.
“Facts versus hyperbole”: Fact: in 15 years, you will be a republican.
Do try a Rand book, Hugo. Fountainhead is by far the best. We the Living is most autobiographical, but frankly tough going.
Atlas Shrugged has the best rape scenes, and an unforgettable paean to cigarette smoking.
How about a gubernatorial ticket of Mark Holtzman and Wesley Mouch?
All the talkers like Ed the lawyer. But, with all the crap going on in Washington, people want someone who?s a fighter. Peggy?s a fighter, she took on CU and didn?t care what people said about her. The last thing we need are insiders like Rick O?Donnell and Ed Perlmutter
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