Republican gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman’s campaign made an interesting move today in drawing Congressman Bob Beauprez into the fire over potential campaign finance violations.
Beauprez has hired election lawyer Scott Gessler to look into possible campaign finance violations over Holtzman’s appearances in ads against Referenda C&D. In response, the Holtzman camp dug up potentially questionable ads featuring Beauprez from 2002. Here’s the release:
The Holtzman for Governor Campaign accused Congressman Bob Beauprez today for trying to have it both ways in his campaign for Governor of Colorado. “Whatever the critical issue facing the people of Colorado, one thing is very clear, ‘Both Ways Bob’ Beauprez is against it — and also for it,” said Holtzman campaign manager, Dick Leggitt.
“Bob Beauprez criticized Marc Holtzman for appearing in ads against Referendums C & D while running for Governor, when in fact, Bob Beauprez used corporate funds to appear in ads for his bank when he was a candidate for Congress in 2002,” said Dick Leggitt, Holtzmans campaign manager.
Beauprez announced last week that he had hired an attorney and would file a campaign complaint against Holtzman because Holtzman is appearing in ads for the “If C Wins, You Lose” Committee as part of an effort to defeat Referendums C & D. And yet, when Congressional candidate Rick ODonnell made exactly the same charge against Beauprez in 2002 after he appeared in ads for his bank while running for Congress, Beauprez said his appearance was legal and appropriate.
“Whats really going on here,” said Leggitt, “is that ‘Both Ways Bob’ Beauprez, who claims to be against Referendums C & D, has joined forces with those who are asking Colorado voters to approve a $5 billion tax grab. No wonder Both Ways Bob said the largest tax increase in Colorado history may be a bitter pill we have to swallow.'”
“Whether its Social Security, taxes, illegal immigration, water, campaign ethics or Referendums C &D, Bob Beauprez is on both sides of the issue. Marc Holtzman is working every day to protect the working men and women from this outrageous tax increase, but the real question is ‘What about Bob?'” Leggitt said.
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Both Ways Bob, I love it!
I used to think that BB’s camp was just pissed they didn’t think of it (the ads) first, but it looks like I was wrong, they practically invented the idea.
Both Way Bob is a good way for MH’s campaign to turn an issue voters normally tune out (violations of campaign finance laws) to one voters will tune in: C&D.
This is like Marc attacking Owens, calling supporters of C&D pigs, etc. It reflects back on Marc more than anything else, and the reflection ain’t too good.
I disagree- this is a smart move by the HM folks… we’ll see if it has any traction.
If for nothing else, it’s kinda funny, you’ve gotta give em that.
Kinda like when MH’s camp tried to sign BB up for “Dancing with the Stars”. (Read Below),1299,DRMN_36_4102591,00.html
Saying it’s reflecting badly on Marc is ridiculous, you’re just upset that MH’s staff called Marshall on his accusations, and was right in doing so.
Say what you will; they have a sense of humor.
I love it when Republican kill each other!
Fight back Beauprez! Fight back hard!!!
Beauprez has a tendancy to dance around issues. Well done, Holtzman, if the intent here is to pigeon hole him (finally).
It doesn’t matter what MH does after the next fundraising reports come out. Beauprez has already earned $600K this quarter, easily blowing the doors off MH.
With the money he is raising he doesn’t need to be pulling any C&D parlor tricks like Holtzman.
Nutty Irishman, I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all. Do Coloradans want to vote for people who act like this? Sounds a little petulant, and leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths.
What does Average Voter Guy Think?
OK Shamus, I’m confused tough guy… What is Holtzman doing that he needs to be ashamed of?
Pointing out that Beauprez has been guilty of playing fast and loose with Campaign Finance Laws in the past? Is that what you’re talking about?
Coloradans vote for people who act like this all the time. You’ll see 26 people vote for the little guy if he can make it to the convention.
BwB. I love it. If only he could governor and congressman.
Having daddy bail you out with a hundred grand is pretty shameful…
You may remain confused
Does Scott Gessler still have those cool cuff links with the little working clocks?
Shamus –
People that act like this? Is it the calling John Marshall on his hypocrisy that you’re speaking of.
People that act like this? I don’t know, do they want to vote for people who ride behind RV’s and flip other candidates off? Might want to check the ground you stand on before making accusations…..
By the time I’m done with Bob, he’ll wish he’d never heard of anti-torpedo torpedos, underfunded VA budgets, Fastracs and “conflict of interest” He should have stuck with cowboy boots, hayseed and “aw shucks, pardner”. The way I see it, MH is a win win for the Democrats, he’s already broken the 13th commandment. Both ways Bob playing dress up:
By the time I’m done with Bob, he’ll wish he’d never heard of anti-torpedo torpedos, underfunded VA budgets, Fastracs and “conflict of interest” He should have stuck with cowboy boots, hayseed and “aw shucks, pardner”. The way I see it, MH is a win win for the Democrats, he’s already broken the 13th commandment. Both ways Bob playing dress up:
Odd Shamus,
I thought Marc father was kicking in to the C&D debate rather than bailing out his son.
More than Beauprez is doing though. Marc is working to kill C&D and Beauprez is only raising money for himself and paying lip service to the whole C&D debate.
But then again, I’m sure Beauprez wants to get bailed out by his own Sugar Daddy Bruce Benson when the fight gets intence next spring and sumer.
Mike Collins,
your scary. I bet Beauprez is very afraid.
I do hope the Holtzman folks realize that Federal campaign finance is different than Colorado campaign finance. It is completely pausible that something that is illegal at the state level is legal at the federal level.
Little Irishman – With LT on the Holtzman staff I think that calling Marshall a hypocrite is like people in glass houses throwing stones…
here we go again – attacking eachother once more.
People in glass houses throwing stones, that’s actually the metaphor I was looking for…
I’ve only met LT a handful of times but she’s always been extremely pleasant to work with from my experience.
I’ve only met Marshall once and can’t speak of him personally but as to calling out MH for “pirouetting around campaign finance laws” after his candidate did it several years prior, I’m sorry, but in my book that’s hypocritical..
Barry, I often get your and you’re mixed up, no worries. Actually I scare myself sometimes, but Bob scares me more, to the extent that is possible. Just read in the business journal that several aerospace contracts that Bob is working on are pretty dependent on C and D passing. Not sure if you looked at the wannabe picture of Bob in his flight suit, if you have, perhaps you are unaware of how veterans feel about non-veterans with draft deferments of a medical kind, playing dress up. There are 430,000 veterans in the state of Colorado that will not be amused, so yes, I’d say that Bob might be a bit concerned when he finds out.
You might remember that Owens did the same thing and it didn’t seem to hurt him that much. And, just to get it straight, people who have medical conditions and cannot serve should be looked down upon, correct?
The world trembles before your might, Mike.
But you don’t speak for me or 429,998 other Colorado veterans. Nobody who sucks up to Cindy Sheehan can pretend to speak for anyone who loves America. Or do you want to defend Cindy’s claim that “America isn’t worth dying for.”?
The world isn’t trembling before the might of the U.S. They’re deeply skeptical. I can speak to power. I can speak to liars. I can speak to hypocrites. I can speak to warmongers. I can speak to those whi STILL believe that Iraq was a just war! Bring our sons and daughters home where America is a great place to LIVE.
Watch out Mike, there are no veterans they are below smearing.
I love America and Cindy does speak for me in some capacity. She has brought the discussion about Iraq to the forefront and I commend her for that.
Another thing – God says in the 9th commandment to not bare false witness. Voyageur are you comfortable lying? When Cindy said “this country isn’t worth dying for” she is talking about Iraq. Can Republicans make their points without lying? There are legitimate things I disagree with Cindy about that you don’t need to lie to make your points.
You’ll never be Batman, Robin. You’ll always be little Dick in a silly suit.
If you can find a picture of Owens in the flight suit, you are a better man than me, I can’t find it anywhere. But then again Owens isn’t going anywhere is he? It appears that Beauprez and Coors might have had the same condition or at least the same doctor, but who cares, true patriots will do most anything to get in. Regards the other 429,998 veterans, probably well in excess of 170,000 are not registered to vote, similar percentages as the general population. The ones that vote straight Republican are falling fast, down to a manageable percent. I can’t seem to find any intelligent veterans that are very happy with Rummy or the dummy, however I have spoken very carefully to a few McNamara 100,000, I couldn’t quite discern what they were saying, other than “kill everyone, let God sort them out” I’m not making fun of Bob’s “condition” or perhaps his “other priorities” BTW, I’ve lost track on the different reasons that war against Iraq was such a good idea, what’s the latest? Make Levees Not War
Marshall, be careful who you start calling a liar, psycho-boy. It’s too easy to look up the quote:
I take responsibility partly for my son?s death, too. I was raised in a country by a public school system that taught us that America was good, that America was just. America has been killing people, like my sister over here says, since we first stepped on this continent, we have been responsible for death and destruction. I passed on that bullshit to my son and my son enlisted. I?m going all over the country telling moms: ?This country is not worth dying for. If we?re attacked, we would all go out. We?d all take whatever we had. I?d take my rolling pin and I?d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq. {applause} We might not even have been attacked by Osama bin Laden if {applause}. 9/11 was their Pearl Harbor to get their neo-con agenda through and, if I would have known that before my son was killed, I would have taken him to Canada. I would never have let him go and try and defend this morally repugnant system we have. The people are good, the system is morally repugnant. {applause}
The U.S. is morally repugnant, a murderous, imperialist power that is not worth dying for.
If that’s your position, then you and Cindy deserve each other. But read that and other hate screeds and its obvious that Cindy believes with her whole heart that the U.S. is evil. She even opposes our overthrow of the Taliban. Lie your way out of that one.
By the way, your claim that god wants us not to “bare false witnesses” means you don’t want them naked. That’s one thing I agree with you about — Cindy is bad enough in clothes. BARE she would be unbearable.
Get it straight, Voyeur. Rad this to yourself in a quiet moment. Perhaps with your therapist. Unless your therapist is the mudslinger, no facts to back him up, just mud, Lebowski above.
?This country is not worth dying for. If we?re attacked, we would all go out. We?d all take whatever we had. I?d take my rolling pin and I?d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq.
Start with the words “If we’re attacked…..” What do the blinders on your and so many of your ilk’s eyes fail to get?
We love America, Dude! It’s being destroyed through debt to the Chinese to finance the war, the tax cuts, the rebuilding of the gulf coast, the pork laden highway bill through this filthy Republican controlled Congress.
Highway bill bad. Vote no on C.
So you want me to “rad” do you, Sir Loin?
While I try to rad, why don’t you READ the statement again?
I?m going all over the country telling moms: ?This country is not worth dying for.”
The antecedent to “this country” is “the country” the U.S., she’s going all around.
She says she is going all over the country — clearly, America, because I don’t think she’s going all over Iraq– telling people “This country is not worth dying for.”
She’s free to hate America,
but real Americans don’t have to respect her or her propagandists.
By the way, she was arrested today.
You’re sounding less and less like Sir Loin and more like chopped liver.
Rad on that, subliterate one
You are repugnant! You choose to argue grammar instead of looking at shameful foreign policy and needless loss of sons and daughters. I will never respond to you again.
Peter! The woman is America hating scum. Put her to Ward Churchill.
Don’t flatter yourself, Sir Drivel. You’ve never responded to me. You just belched in your computer.
Don’t flatter yourself, Sir Rad. You never “responded” to me, you just belched into your computer. By the way, subliterate one,
I didn’t make fun of your grammar. I mocked your misspellings.
Rad it and weep.
This Leggitt guy seems pretty shrewd. Owens might want to try to get Wadhams back for Beauprez next year since George Allen doesn’t look like he will have an opponent. Owens can’t afford another candidate or referendum to go down in flames.
I just got off the phone with my siblings. We lost my sister this morning. She was a writer, a poet, a mother, and one who worked as an Executive Director to save fragile historical monuments. The world is less of a place, however minisule, for her passing.
Let’s stop the vitriole and the nastiness. Are we not human? What does that mean, to be human? Does it mean continuous improvement? What? Would the readers of this blog have us, as a race, destroy the environment which sustains us? Does it mean being peacemakers or warmongers? Is it finger pointing or taking personal responsibility? Are we takers or givers? If the whole world were takers, what would we have? If, even in our own households, our own communities, our counties, we were givers….what world would we create as opposed ot the alternative?
Yes, I am a dreamer. I dream of a better world. A world getting more crowded, with more demands on it’s resources, needs creative, cooperative, collaborative and people with heart.
Good luck all. We’re goig to need it when I read some of the narrow minded, bigoted, self serving posts on this blog.
I can’t say it any better than Mark Twain. The US would be far better off to wean itself from Middle Eastern oil and tighten it’s belt than to lose another man or woman in the armed forces in this misguided adventure. The present administration proved it’s weakness on national security when the first plane hit the first WTC tower. Let the 25,000 private security contractors working over there stay and clean up the mess. The present administration supported by Beauprez have made a mess that WE can not straighten out, they are incompetent, arrogant and blind to the reality they have created.
A man can be a Christian or a patriot, but he can’t legally be a Christian and a patriot–except in the usual way: one of the two with the mouth, the other with the heart. The spirit of Christianity proclaims the brotherhood of the race and the meaning of that strong word has not been left to guesswork, but made tremendously definite- the Christian must forgive his brother man all crimes he can imagine and commit, and all insults he can conceive and utter- forgive these injuries how many times?–seventy times seven–another way of saying there shall be no limit to this forgiveness. That is the spirit and the law of Christianity. Well–Patriotism has its laws. And it also is a perfectly definite one, there are not vaguenesses about it. It commands that the brother over the border shall be sharply watched and brought to book every time he does us a hurt or offends us with an insult. Word it as softly as you please, the spirit of patriotism is the spirit of the dog and wolf. The moment there is a misunderstanding about a boundary line or a hamper of fish or some other squalid matter, see patriotism rise, and hear him split the universe with is war-whoop. The spirit of patriotism being in its nature jealous and selfish, is just in man’s line, it comes natural to him- he can live up to all its requirements to the letter; but the spirit of Christianity is not in its entirety possible to him.
The prayers concealed in what I have been saying is, not that patriotism should cease and not that the talk about universal brotherhood should cease, but that the incongruous firm be dissolved and each limb of it be required to transact business by itself, for the future.
– Mark Twain’s Notebook
Wadhams and Owens parted ways years ago. Real insiders know that.
Watcher –
Who do you think reccomended Leggit to MH’s campaign? It was Wadhams…. What does that tell you…
It still doesn’t matter. BB will report over 600k raised this quarter.
Dear Mike Collins,
Thanks buddy…
I didn’t realise Bob Beauprez was one of those faggy politico boys too afraid of getting a scratch in their lilly white asses as young men, but more than willing to fly the flag and wear a military uniform when it came time to get a vote.
All the more reason to vote for Holtzman… I haven’t seen him in a military uniform yet.
Oh yeah Barry, we know you’re a faggy, trust fund baby, too afraid to wear a miltary uniform also their tough guy. But hey, I’m sure we can expect to see you in a flight suit, with that pretty blonde wife of yours, after you turn 35 as well huh?
Good for him, while BB is packing his own campaign chest, MH is doing exactly what he said he would, he’s fighting and fundraising against C&D.
How much has the Congressman raised to fight the referendum’s he supposedly hates so much?
While BB is focusing on leading the future, MH is leading the present.
Still, nicely done though.
By the way… Note to the Holtzman Staff:
I was just kidding about Beauprez hooking up with the gay cowboys at the coffe shop. You didn’t has to go and label him as “Both Ways”. Although I hear he loved “Bokeback Mountain”… Reminded him of his youth or something.
Get it right – Defero. That 600k is for his gubenetorial campaign. His debt has also been cleared. That’s nearly 740k raised, total.
Defero – you’re funny. Two months ago, you said money didn’t matter. Now you say it’s all about the dough. I for one think you’re just another mindless party drone. Say Hi to Bruce, for me, dude.
Yeah, yeah, Bob Beauprez is “packing”… Funny gay jokes guys.
But seriously, so he is earning a bunch of money for himself, but what is he doing about C&D other than just talking?
so when C & D pass, all these GOPs who are falling over themselves are going to be on the record as on the wrong side of the Colorado electorate.
You go guys!
Will the fake Defero please stop using my handle? Thanks…
This whole thread is such a joke. Colorado Pols hasn’t posted a thing in months and suddenly this gigantic post appears on the homepage just b/c Holtzman sends out a press release… It reminds me of those Guinness beer commercials with the two characters running around yelling “Brilliant!” Not much in the way of original thought, just Dems pulling for Holtzman b/c that’s the only shot they’ve got at winning the governor’s seat.
I’m sorry you were responding to the wrong Defero, Oppo, and money isn’t the end-all-be-all of campaigns. You may have cash, but if you don’t have a candidate (i.e., Holtzman – not good on the stump), you might as well be raising money for Bill Ritter. Way to think it through, Bo Cottrell.
I am impressed by your intelligent arguments. By calling President Bush a “dummy” you have really convinced me that you are attacking the argument instead of the individual.
Let us say that your hypothesis is correct and Bush is a dummy. Did you graduate from an Ivy League University? Bush did (with a higher GPA than Kerry). How well do you think you would do in a debate with Bush? I have a good feeling that he would wipe the floor with you.
So if Bush is a dummy and you are very unlikely to be more intelligent than he is, what does that say about you Mike?
By the way, I think it is grammatically correct to put quotes in quotation marks so people who are reading the text can disseminate between the quote and the rest of the text, but no worries.
WOW, RMN reports Caldera lies again re Red Robin. Caldera’s penchant for perjury is hardly a news story anymore.
Barry, impressed or not, might I suggest a different shade of glass. Here’s an example, once again I apologize if I seem to be making fun of a medical/mental/verbally challenged condition, I can definitely relate to all three, but then again, I am not the CIC or a Harvard MBA.
“Bush, more obsessed with tax cuts than any president in modern times, has also declared a tax-free Gulf Opportunity Zone. A tax holiday might help the few surviving restaurateurs in the French Quarter, but not 400,000 New Orleans residents who have lost their jobs and have no income from which to deduct tax.
Asked about this odd policy move at a luncheon for GOP supporters last week, Bush responded: “Somebody said the other day, well, that’s a tax break. That region is going to have zero income anyway. There’s nothing there, in many parts of it. It makes sense to prove economic incentives for jobs to exist.” Read that passage six times and it still doesn’t make sense.” From an article in common dreams, it makes perfect sense to me, tax breaks for the no bid contracts.
I am definitely not impressed. I honestly can care less if you make fun of Bush. I say go for it if that is how you feel, but don’t expect people to respect you if the best argument you have is that Bush is a dummy.
As for the economic side, please tell me that you understand that if taxes are lower in a certain geographical area, then businesses will look to expand there, which will in turn provide jobs for those who are out of work. I hate it when people who have no grasp of economics pretend to be experts.
Barry, that would be true if taxes were the only factor in a businesses decision to expand. Access to a quality labor force, relative ease of commute, costs of office space, etc. all play a role.
You are right, they do play a role and if you read my post I didn’t say otherwise. Mike was making a specific point about Bush creating a Gulf Opportunity Zone and I was responding to him on that one point.
Barry – OK
Iron Mike – Marc claims his parents are Democrats in past interviews in the Post. If that were the case, why would his dad Seymour give $ 100K to no on C&D?
Sherlock Shamus,
You really need to ask?
Shamus – The same reason I have frozen pizzas and coupon books that I never use… My kids do fund raising for school smart guy and I’m the first donor on their list.
Read the Statesman… Stengel was very clear that he offered both Holtzman and Beauprez a shot to do commercials. Holtzman said yes and got his Dad to kick in, BB said no, so we don’t see a big fat check from Claudia (which has happened before with Bob’s, I mean Claudia’s bank).
Instead of getting involved in the C&D debate, BB is playing it safe and just working on the GOV campaign.
At least Marc is willing to go out on a limb to defeat C&D.
still dosen’t answer my question…
shamus – Sorry about that smart guy… I used too many big words huh?
Give me while to dumb it down… I’ll have something for you this evening. OK?
Yeah, Iron Mike, some pretty big words in there. It is the subtle wit of Beauprez hooking up with gay cowboys at the coffee shop that goes over most of our heads. We just don’t get it. Idiot.
To the point.
“Marc claims his parents are Democrats in past interviews” – Shamus
I could be wrong but I think you misplaced a few words.
I think Marc’s parents WERE Democrats in the past.
After they worked hard and rose from a blue collar, government dependent neighborhood they probably got sick of seeing their tax payments thrown down a rat hole.
They are what you call the new heart and soul of the Republican Party.
Hey, last one to leave the Dems please turn the lights out.
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After hearing that damned “Both Ways Bob” commercial about a hundred times, I’ll never for for Holtzman for anything. Seems to a LOT of money backing him.