This week I got to interview Erin Egan from Democrats Work.
Erin provides a good background on what Democrats Work’s history, what they have accomplished in the past, and more importantly, what opportunities are coming up. One such opportunity is the Delegate Day of Service on Wednesday, Aug. 27th. This is being headed up jointly by future first lady, Michelle Obama, and first lady of Colorado, Jeanne Ritter.
Read on for more…
Democrats Work has just celebrated their 2nd anniversary of existence, yet they are growing quickly from a few states to many. Democrats Work has buy in from some heavy hitters, and their National advisory board includes:
President Jimmy Carter,Senator Gary Hart,Senator Max Cleland,
U.S. Rep. David Price (D-NC), co-founder of the National Service Congressional Caucus,General Wesley K. Clark, and frmr. Mayor Wellington Webb (Denver).
Democrats Work got started back in the 1990’s by some friends of hers, Thomas Bates and Jason Carter, political science students of Duke Professor David Price who is now Congressman David Price (NC-4) Congressman David Price (NC-4) .
Democrats Work has also gotten the support of Senator Obama and with Democrats Work joining forces with the newly formed Obama Works and will be working together on a National Day of Service on September 6th, 2008. Senator Obama has made Service opportunities a key part of his vision for people in their communities.
If you want to get involved or start up a chapter in your state, visit their site and join, and go to the D-I-Y, Do It Yourself action.
And if you are already in the Denver Metro region, come to
August 16th blood drive for Children’s hospital.
See you at the convention.
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