The Denver Nuggets ended up with the exact results expected in last night’s NBA Draft Lottery, which gives Denver the #7 pick in the June Draft. It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).
► It’s hard not to read the panic between the lines of Rep. Mike Coffman’s latest statement regarding potential delays at the Aurora VA Hospital project. As 9News reports, Coffman has found yet another person to blame for the fiasco:
With precious few days left to avert another work stoppage at Colorado’s VA hospital construction project, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colorado) is making an unusual move: publicly calling into question the leadership of House Speaker John Boehner on the issue.
“I’m disappointed in the VA for their mismanagement. I’m disappointed in the speaker, for in my view, not showing appropriate leadership so far,” Coffman told 9NEWS in an interview Tuesday. “I hope I can convince [Boehner] to understand that our veterans should not be the casualty.”
We’re just going to keep repeating this because it’s so important: Mike Coffman is the CHAIR OF THE OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Guess who should have “oversaw” this coming?
► The editorial board of the Denver Post blasts the Jefferson County School District for its nonsense claims that they couldn’t host Gov. John Hickenlooper for a bill signing ceremony because of last-minute security concerns:
It is difficult to believe a school where Super Bowl halftime entertainer Katy Perry performed would have had that much of a problem hosting the governor.
Jeffco swears Hick is welcome to come any other time. But for now, this rejection looks bad.
Hickenlooper ended up signing the bill yesterday at Lakewood Heritage Center, which somehow managed to to provide a secure building at the last minute.
Get even more smarter after the jump…
► New polling results from Gallup indicate an incredibly hefty swing on the issue of gay marriage, which is well past the stage of widespread acceptance among Americans.
► Congress is finally getting around to discussing legislation proposed by Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Denver) that is intended to help speed up medical research.
► Republican Rep. Scott Tipton is mad as heck about any proposal to protect the greater sage grouse in Colorado. Tipton went a little bananas yesterday in a House Natural Resources Committee hearing.
► State Treasurer Walker Stapleton is not having a very good week.
► In a column appearing in the Greeley Tribune, National political pundit Stu Rothenberg writes of the rapidly-decreasing chances for Republicans to defeat Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet in 2016.
► Former Attorney General John Suthers cruised to an easy victory in yesterday’s run-off election for Mayor of Colorado Springs. Suthers defeated Mary Lou Makepeace by a 67-33 margin.
► Rich Coolidge, the former spokesman for the Secretary of State who eventually became a full-on Scott Gessler toadie, is taking a job with EIS Solutions.
► We now know what titles were included in Osama bin Laden’s personal library — or what he wanted his friends to think he was reading.
► The number of Americans signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act has surpassed 12 million.
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Coffman could've also checked with his pal Doug Lamborn………I don't remember these kinds of problems at the new CS VA clinic.
Jeffco Schools superintendent and communication director both mentioned busy schedule of "graduation and exams." I understand graduations are early now, BUT those exams? Bill was signed TODAY May 20th at another location, but the last day of school for Jeffco is June 5th….2.5 weeks from now. Geez,,,since when have finals been given so early?
Depends on the district. In mine, last day for students is today. But I would think that a member of the Jeffco Board of Ed would know when final exams are in that district.
Pinto's and Mini-me's excuses were all weak sauce, anyway, to cover up that they didn't want to have a Democratic governor publicly smacking down on the over-testing issue.
I'm rooting for former Nugget Timofey Mozgov. Poor guy, traded to the Cavs to play with Lebron James deep into the play offs at least. Go Timo!