Now, I know this is a little premature, but I thought I would put it out there. A blog that is respected called Libertarian Republican is reporting that McCain has picked Romney as his VP.
“Those are the words precisely as were relayed to LR Blog just minutes ago, from a very reliable insider source. He was unequivocal. Our source also indicated that Fox News has the story.”
This is not a bad pick if it is true for McCain. Also, if this is true, this would be the perfect way to reign in on Obama’s VP Pick. We will just have to wait and see.
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I really hope Mittens is McCain’s VP.
As one who doesn’t believe VP candidates affect presidential elections, I don’t think it matters much.
But say I’m wrong—again— and Romney helps McCain in CO, NV and NM as well as in MI, how would other prospects provide as much help?
How would Romney hurt McCain more than Biden will hurt BHO?
The way VP candidates help win or lose is by being effective campaigners for their presidential candidates. People don’t vote for vps, but they listen to their arguments and claims.
At this point, I’d say Biden will be more effective in brining home Hillary’s supporters than any GOP vp candidate will be in trying to bring moderates and conservatives home.
You can probably find a hundred “blogs that is respected” with supposed insider whispers for picks other than Romney — the line today was, McCain is still deciding between Romney and Powlenty, with a possible Petreus in the wings — but if it’s Mitt, that’s fantastic news.
Willard brings nothing to the ticket except his youthful good looks and an engaging, authentically charming wife. Between McCain and Romney, they’ve held every political position possible in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, except perhaps retrenched Communism, though none of those positions for long. It’s the Double Contortionist ticket. Bring ’em on.
Mittens could try to buy McCain another House.
four or five of his own, with plenty of spare bedrooms (or pull-out couches) for when the boys visit.
If so, I wouldn’t believe it unless it’s confirmed by the National Enquirer.
That said, I hope McCain does pick Romney.