Joe Biden is Barack Obama’s pick for Vice President. What do you think?
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I know he’s very involved in foreign policy, but I never thought his judgment was all that hot. As President, I wouldn’t be happy with him, but as Vice President, I think that’s not a big deal.
But watching his speech today in Springfield, I was really impressed. The main job of a Vice President is to help the President, as an attack dog in the campaign and as an advocate of the administration to the public. Biden will do a great job of that.
So I’m surprised to say I think this is the best choice Obama could have made. (I was a Sebelius backer.)
I’m no fool.
And Obama’s intro hit all the advantages. Yes he’s been a Senator for decades but instead of being a part of the DC scene he has been returning home to Delaware EVERY NIGHT to raise his family, first as a single father, since ’77 as a devoted husband again too. His blue collar Scranton PA roots. Hard times he grew up in. His ability to help Obama make change happen BECAUSE of his DC experience working across the aisle. His AG son heading to Iraq. His under the radar diplomacy as opposed to Bush/McCain bluster for domestic political consumption.
Then Biden came on and returned the favor, making them the regular-guys-who-get-you-and get-things-done ticket, as opposed to the too-removed-to-get-you ticket and attacking McCain’s policy positions while showing great respect for McCain the person and his service, something Wesley Clark wasn’t able pull off.
A very encouraging start for the Dem ticket. Biden may be a little quirky now and then but damn, he’s a red blooded, warm likable, regular guy. Just what we didn’t have in Gore/Lieberman or Kerry/Edwards. Gobama/Biden!
So rare to see politicians actually using public transportation.
Those who really believe what they say about family values should be the first to appeciate Biden’s family devotion. Not that many young handsome US Senators (he’s been a senator since he was 29) avoid the A list party scene where they can mingle with the elite and enjoy the power groupies. Biden’s behavior has definitely not been typical of Washington as usual. That’s the point.
I’m being totally honest. I hate driving, and I think there are far too many cars on the roads. So I like to see prominent people using public transportation; helps encourage everyone else to.
Talk about a bridge to nowhere?
Wonder what that train costs taxpayers?
AS can say some pretty goofy things, but given how inefficiently Amtrak runs, it’s a somewhat valid point.
That said, Biden’s daily commute via train is pretty pricey…
AFAIK, Amtrak routes along the Eastern Seaboard (and most of the Upper Midwest) aren’t subsidized, only the long, lonesome stretches from Chicago to the West Coast, which have fewer riders per mile by whole orders of magnitude.
In fact the Northeast Corridor is the only portion that makes a profit, and helps subsidize the rest of the system.
in this country is subsidized. Any improvements that are made to transportation also will be subsidized.
The really stupid part is AS(S) apparently thinks this train runs for the personal use and at the behest of Sen. Joe Biden. It’s actually one of Amtraks well traveled routes that makes sense. It isn’t Senator Biden’s personal bridge to nowhere. Commuting on the eastern corridor instead of driving has been common as dirt forever.
I also find it exceptionally stupid that AS can’t admit there is anything admirable in the fact that Senator Biden determined from day one not to let being a senator keep him from being with his family every day, especially when he found himself a single dad with two toddlers at the age of 29.
That’s the very definition of family values, but of course the right steadfastly refuses to acknowledge ANYTHING moral in any Dem while completely excusing total scumbags like, say, Gingrich. There is also very little difference between McCain’s well known skirt chasing behavior and Bill Clinton’s, for that matter, besides the R or D next to their names.
In terms of both ignorance, pettiness and blatant hypocrisy, I stand by my assessment.
quite that dumb, to think the train only ran for Biden.
Regardless, I don’t really disagree with anything you said…just making a point.
Well said!
I don’t know anything about the train Biden runs. So I asked the question.
The point is that Biden is a strong and even ferocious Amtrak backer. And if his train were unprofitable and little used, I’m betting, given the way Washington works, that Biden would have made sure the train regardless of its profitability and the government subsidies involved.
It’s good to know the Biden train, which Sen. Spector (R-PA) also rides, is profitable. But as someone else noted on this thread, all transportation in this country is government subsidized.
Thus, I’m still wondering how much the Feds subsidize the senators’ train rides.
As for his going home most nights, if not all of them, that’s admirable and it’s a good choice for his family.
Of course, one reason Washington is so divided these days is that members of Congress go home instead of hanging around DC and getting to know members on the other side of the aisle. I think it’s interesting that while we probably have a less alcoholic Congress, we also have a much less collaborative and effective one because members don’t know each other very well.
Appreciate the typically “civil” replies. 🙂
of every other Senator is subsidized?
Oh right, because you don’t really care.
… here’s where Biden’s appeal may actually outstrip Obama’s. I think most voters can identify more with the Delaware senator than the Illinois senator.
Having an “old guy” around to help out the younger, charismatic presidential candidate is not all that reassuring to a lot of voters. It could cause some voters — particularly older ones — to wonder why Biden isn’t better suited for the top of the ticket.
Also, as I stated in a previous post:
Kennedy – Johnson
Bush – Quayle
Dole – Kemp
McCain – Anyone
the same as Young – Old
That’s a brilliant statement of the obvious.
There is a huge difference between the presidential candidate being significantly older than his running mate compared to the other way around. The latter will not instill much confidence with some voters (particularly older ones) who might wonder if the order should have been reversed.
Going back to the primary debates on TV, one has to wonder if Joe Biden got asked as many questions as Barack Obama did, would the Delaware senator have fared better?
It frustrated me to watch Obama, HRC, and John Edwards get asked the bulk of the questions on the Democratic side, while John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani got most of them on the GOP side. I really would prefer that the newscaster type folks not be the moderators in such forums… at least not during the primary season. They seemed to have their own agendas in steering the respective primary races.
Drew, nobody thought Obama had a chance until Iowa, he was polling well behind Hillary and Edwards. Biden wasn’t even on the radar after his poor showing there. The fact is, Obama got the most votes out of the Democratic candidates. Nobody looks at that ticket and thinks it should be the other way around.
You might be right, but you might be wrong. The combination of a younger presidential candidate and a significantly older running mate is rare in American politics.
But, as I have stated before… come November, no one votes for vice president.
Obama got his ass handed to him after the rev. Wright stuff came out. He was only able to win because of the lead he’d already established over Clinton.
Just sayin’..
The moderators took stock of reality — Biden, Dodd, Richardson (not to mention Kucinich and Gravel) weren’t polling, hadn’t raised money and didn’t have organizations anywhere near approaching Obama, Clinton and Edwards. It’s nice to hear what the others had to say, but ultimately didn’t matter that much, voters were already lined up behind the front runners. Same on the GOP side.
And the Old- Young formulation was a quip about the impossibility of McCain choosing anyone more calcified than himself. But you knew that.
Don’t you think that the Biden choice means Bill would be Obama’s pick for Secretary of State?
though Schweitzer is also a good candidate. Richardson could fill many roles in an Obama-Biden administration.
The guy’s an incompetent lying panderer.
… especially in the forums that decided up front to exclude certain candidates altogether, i.e. Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul.
Shunning, or excluding, certain major party candidates just to drive news ratings should not be what those forums are about in January or February.
Let’s face it… it was the media that kept the Obama-Clinto “race” dragging on into June.
And what is the benchmark for being at the debate? Signatures on a form, or is it just being on the ballot? You’re going to be excluding someone no matter what. I’d just as soon have more time to listen to the people who are actually going to be our new leaders.
specifically January 3 through March 4 of this year, I don’t think anyone should have been discounting any presidential candidate from the two major parties.
As has been heard from many quarters elsewhere, Iowa and New Hampshire are hardly representative of the nation’s electorate at large. Their early influence on the nominations is much greater than their actual importance to the general election.
I don’t think two months is too much to ask to vet all major party candidates considering one of them is going to be president for four years.
Apparently it was too much to ask for Guiliani, one of the candidates you say got all the attention, who dropped out at the end of January. Was the national media right to “discount” him after he quit the race after failing to win anywhere?
Biden and Dodd dropped out two days after the Iowa caucuses. (Debate moderators could have invited them and continued asking them questions, but really, what would have been the point?) Richardson dropped out a week later.
Romney, another Republican you say got the lion’s share of questions in debates, dropped out the first week of February. Why didn’t he continue shoveling his own money into the campaign so voters could have their say?
Edwards, another front-runner, didn’t last through January.
Huckabee, a candidate you feel was unfairly slighted early on, managed to last through your schedule, living off the land, hoping for a miracle.
was counting on the super-delegates–they just didn’t deliver. 😉
is not the same as the media deciding to intentionally “discount” them in debates.
By the way, wasn’t it Joe Biden who once stated — about 15 minutes into a Democratic forum — something along the lines of “I thought you had forgotten all about me.”? I remember Mike Huckabee practically begging the moderator to ask him more questions in a GOP forum. Those things should never happen during a primary. It’s not the media’s job to decide who is viable and who is not.
of EVERY election-year tradition? First you wanted to do away with conventions, and now you want to stop letting the media moderate the debates? Until the media stops reporting on politics and airing debates, this is going to happen.
The respective political conventions are nothing more than very expensive media shows that may very well have outlived their purpose. (I am very interested in seeing what the TV ratings are for both of them.)
I don’t have a problem with the media moderating the actual presidential debates because it is impossible then to ignore a candidate. After what we saw in 2008, the respective parties are better off choosing their own moderators during the primary candidate forums. If they choose a newscaster or “talking head,” so be it.
It’s not about “news ratings,” it’s about taking stock of the race, using news judgment. Fringe candidates never get the coverage front-runners do. That’s why they’re fringe. And if you look at the debates before Iowa and New Hampshire, you’ll see all the candidates getting attention on stage. In other coverage, you’re right, Chris Dodd didn’t generate as much news. Whose fault is that?
And it was Clinton who kept the race going until June. The media enjoyed it, but it was terribly close and she didn’t want to step aside.
If I had loaned my campaign millions of dollars, and I thought I still had a shot, I would have done the same thing.
she could continue raising money to pay off her debt if she stayed in, but couldn’t if she dropped out. I don’t think “the media” had much to do with that mulit-million dollar fact.
Either Pete Dominici, John Warner, Ted Stevens or Bob Dole would make John McCain look youthful and vibrant.
The sad thing is, Warner is probably more spry than McCain…and he’s nearly a decade older! 😛
Even Ted Stevens on a good day makes McCain look old…
As a 43 year old candidate, JFK would have been hard pressed to find a credible running mate younger than, or even about, his age.
Even though LBJ looked a lot older than JFK, the Texan was only nine years his senior. Joe Biden is twice that compared to Barack Obama.
Looks like a vibrant young man compared to John McCain.
I imagine what John McCain went through, for five and a half years as a POW, makes him now appear more than seven years older than Joe Biden. That is not a play for sympathy; that’s reality.
I guess that’s all you can say when both your candidates have no military service.
Fortunately, voters don’t discount that kind of service to our country. That’s probably why the Rocky-CBS4 poll yesterday showed Coloradoans favored McCain’s approach to Iraq 50 percent to 39 percent.
Democrats run a serious risk of ticking off voters, if this is a tactic they think they can use.
…that John McCain was a POW? It’s true!
Except in extreme cases, the appearance of aging is 90% genetics, in my opinion. Some people age faster (my mother’s side of the family) and some age slower (my father’s side. Guess which I mostly take after. Sigh.)
I have an aunt that was categorically beautiful in her 70’s. Some women, well, forty is a challenge.
John McCain looks older because of his genetics mostly and maybe a few percent POW.
Keep in mind average life expectantcy throughout most of history and even in the US 100 years ago was 44 years or so.
You’ve gotta do better than that.
“That’s an unfair criticism (whatever the criticism). He was a POW, you know.”
Even mainstream pundits and writers are starting to call them on it.
is a how 5 years older than Kennedy… and Biden is not 96 years old. Do you read your bullshit before posting it?
Kennedy was 43 when he was elected. LBJ was 52 then. 52-43=9
Obama is 47. Biden is 65. 65-47=18
18 is twice as much as 9.
Am I going too fast for you?
what’s your point?
That Obama is too young to be President? That McCain is too old to be President? That Joe Biden is somewhere in between?
Spell it out for us.
By the way, you aren’t going too fast, just too unclear.
As an editor once told me, “if I don’t get what you mean, your readers won’t either.”
It’s middle age. The guy has 35 years to go, if he’s lucky.
You could see him pulling Obama into his sphere of regular American guyness in his Springfield speech today, rather than serving as a contrast. He is pointing out that they both represent the American dream in their different ways. Together they really are the American melting pot everyman.
they compliment one another very well as political running mates. Besides for that, they like one another. If Mittens is McCains choice, there will only be more unstable infighting within the republican campaign.
He’s been a Senator for 35 years, which means he’s been in the ruling political class longer than not.
Where he came from no longer matters, imo.
McCain’s POW experience is also too long ago to matter? Isn’t it about time to stop using it as a get out of jail free card, excusing every mistake, every flip flop, every instance of unethical (Keating 5) immoral(dumped first wife who waited for him all those years because a tragic accident robbed her of her swimsuit model looks. Has helped his mother sue her twice since over family possessions) behavior? Oh wait. If you’re a Republican anything you do is OK.
He apparently doesn’t just take the Amtrak, he uses it to stay in touch with the “regular world”.
The fact that he serves in the Senate doesn’t alter his worldview any more than working in a beer factory, or at Ball Aerospace; what he does with his time outside the Senate is important, too. Biden still seems to know his constituency, and that’s important.
Who said that? Yeah. Twas Biden.
This guy has a perchance for saying really stupid stuff and it will be interesting to see what happens next.
That really speaks for itself, GOP.
comically using “perchance” instead of “penchant” to poke fun at misspeaking? Probably not.
“This guy has a perchance for saying really stupid stuff…”
Admit, McCain is screwed. His foreign policy “experience” doesn’t compare to that of Biden’s, especially since McCain has abused the POW card.
And if McCain picks Mittens, it would be like shooting two elitist fish in a barrell! And just about any other republican pick would be uninspiring (just like McCain) and will only bring with them dead weight.
Joe won’t take any shit. It’s going to be fun watching him give McCain some REAL Straight Talk on the issues!
economics voodoo and McCain might pick Romney who said lots of equally negative things about him. You won’t get very far with that,GOP. Nobody ever does because it’s common as dirt. Biden is going to be great, especially as an attack dog on policy, not the sleazy swift boat stuff.
They already tried an ad that featured Dems praising McCain and the Dems just answered with an ad with the same Dems saying the McCain they were praising has changed so much they don’t recognize him. The ad was quickly dropped. It will be the same when they use positive quotes on McCain or negatives about Obama from Biden. Dead end.
Although a lot of less verbally gifted critics mock Bush’s speaking skills, he’s very precise, saying what he wants to say and almost nothing more.
Obama, Biden and McCain are less self-controlled and precise than Bush.
correction. My gaffe. 🙂
OK, sort Silent Cal.
But he definitely has more incomplete passes than any president ever trying to convey something and failing.
Heck, there’s a whole industry of Bush gaffes. “Putting food on your family” time a thousand.
But moving on, we first have to recognize that you can’t build a VP to order like a car. “You don’t get the VP you want, you get the VP that we have.”
Overall, a very good choice. And lets not forget the most important reason: He’s good looking.
OK, how shallow is that? But we know how shallow the American voter is. Look what we got twice, recently. Together, they are a good looking team, people like appealing images.
Then there’s McCain….. OK, maybe Mittens will up the AQ.…
But when all is said and done, no one will be voting for vice president come this November.
The panick from monday has subdued and is only sinking further into your stomach isn’t? Get ready for some REAL Straight Talk!
Give ’em hell Joe!
PS Fournier worked for McCain earlier in the campaign. He’s a hack.
I love this pick.
and has an embarrassing history of fawning e-mails with Republican bigwigs, but he never worked for McCain, he’s been with the Associated Press for years.
just how many average voters do you think are aware of it? Probably next to none, if any at all. I honestly didn’t know it. Go Blue thought Fournier worked for the McCain camp earlier. The overwhelming majority of folks who read that article are going to take it at face value.
The overwhelming majority of folks aren’t going to read this article at all.
But for hundreds and hundreds of smaller papers, TV and radio news departments, including the growing number without Washington bureaus, the AP sets the tone and agenda for coverage. The important audience for Fournier’s columns are editors and columnists.
The guy’s an idiot but it’s OK because a) the average voter doesn’t know that, and b) you agree with him?
is incisive. Especially with Obama’s timing (and the unusually late schedule for the conventions this year), the exclusive Biden focus lasts two days, and then we’re off to the convention and Obama’s acceptance speech. Same with McCain’s choice next Friday, quickly shoved aside by the convention, and then we’re only a few weeks from the first debate.
But Fournier’s point is flaccid. If voters (or Democrats) had wanted the kind of change he’s contrasting with the Biden choice, they would have picked Gavel or Kusinich (or Ron Paul). A sharp change in direction doesn’t mean you have to ignore the fact a government and political infrastructure already exist. It just means it’s the other half’s turn at the wheel.
he’ll hurt the ticket.
Sorry but Biden is going to do a great job, just like Axelrod and Plouffe. Obama has shown excellent executive skills in choosing the right team members, balancing managing with delegating and providing the leadership to achieve team cohesion and success thus far.
Meanwhile McCain and HRC have shown zero executive leadership skills in their campaigns. Ready to lead? No way, no matter how long they’ve been around. McCain doesn’t even know what his campaign is up to half the time and HRC couldn’t make the big decisions or keep her troops in line.
The logical pick for the top executive position on the planet is obvious. GoBama, GoBiden!
We need to step back from the minutia and see that forest: Wow, great managament and decision making.
As the months rolled on, I was very disappointed in Hillary’s managment. Gave me serious qualms.
And McCain? Ha ha ha ha. A total amateur. He and his alleged team don’t even appear to talk to one another.
The Pubs should be very afraid of this Cat 5 hurricane.
Bluecat, he could have picked Attila the Hun and you’d be touting his ‘foreign policy experience’. Obama is your guy and can do no wrong in your eyes, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I’d feel the same way if the R’s had nominated Fred Thompson or Bobby Jindal. No biggie, and I’m absolutely not saying it as an insult to you.
I think Biden’s colorful, but he’s been in Washington since McCain was in a Hanoi prison cell. He’s not ‘change’. He’s as inside as it gets. Plus, he’s had a history of saying the kind of dumb (and innocuous) things that seem to grab voters attention in a negative way now that their attention span is limited to about 30 seconds.
Biden scares me less than HRC or a Colin Powell.
with my assessment of the contrast between the three campaigns? Please explain to me how I am mistaken in seeing high grade management and leadership skills in the Obama campaign and lousy skills in the Clinton and McCain campaigns. I await enlightenment, LB.
He doesn’t NEED management skills.
Being tortured is some kind of executive qualification? I guess when we empty Gitmo they can all become CEOs and heads of state.
Hard to do sarcasm well when even the silliest comment sounds like it came right from the McCain campaign.
…that John McCain is a POW? I know it is true because he himself has told me over and over and over and over and…
/sarcasm? Or truth?
Stop questioning his famous reluctance to discuss it. He spent 5 1/2 years not discussing anything with anyone, you know!
I guess I AM a little too quick to take silly statements in support of GOP candidates literally!
is pretty accurate, but the message is what I’m voting on.
McCain seems to have pulled his act together in the last 6 months or so, but you’re right about Obama being out in front on the staff. Of course, raising nearly 400 million doesn’t hurt with hiring folks.
Biden is touted as a foreign policy expert, but I don’t see that at all. He also doesn’t hold water as a ‘change’ candidate.
He’s fun to listen to, though. One of the more human guys in politics.
The debates will be good.
i couldn’t care less
Are you even going to vote?
I predict McCain will follow the lead set by Obama in picking a running mate who compensates in the areas where the top of the ticket is weakest. In McCain’s case, that’s the economy.
Some other site referred to this as Obama’s death wish. Another pro-choice Irish Catholic. Ted Kennedy without the rap sheet. John Kerry from a small meaningless state – why is Delaware a state, anyway? Pro-choice Catholics are losers. Aside from another Chicago machine pol, the worst choice BarryO could have made. Should have gone with Sebelius (sp?) to prove his mid-western roots, but … a machine pol is a machine pol above all else.
Because they were first in line when it counted in 1787. 🙂
Apparently, I need to start refreshing the page before I post.
I do not know, but it did set precedent for the other 49 by being the first.……
I’m glad these folks are in your party.…
They get press because the press loves a fight. But to see how small & weak they are, look at how low HRC’s fundraising has been the last 6 weeks – virtually nothing.
Hillary is putting in very strong support for Obama and the party will be together this upcoming week.
and these are mainly very affluent women, was 50K. Here them roar.
But I’ve been down this road before.
The national media will be falling all over itself trying to find these very small number of people. It really isn’t fair to Obama, but controversy sells.
Obama missed on being elected President of the US, when he passed on Clinton for VP. Now, all the Clinton supporters will flood the polls on November and elect McCain for President. Biden will hurt the ticket, simply because he has provided the McCain campaign with a notebook full of quotes from Biden negative comments about Obama weakness in maintaining a strong foreign policy. Obama will not be able to overcome the trend of swing states like OHIO from leaning toward McCain.
Obama was an historical moment that will end on November 4, 2008. McCain will be elected the next President of the US and Bob Schaffer will be the next great US Senator from Colorado. McCain will win Colorado.
1) Baring divine intervention there’s no way Bob Schaffer wins in November.
2) If Schaffer wins, baring additional ongoing divine intervention, there’s no way he will be a great Senator.
3) The vast majority of Clinton supporters are strongly behind Obama – read the polls.
Or were you referring to Clinton in the oval office?
You’re hyper-ventilating.
If Obama, a scholar, law professor, successful community organizer, author, state and US legislator and first African American to achieve a major party presidential nomination, is an empty suit, what the heck was Bush? An empty sock?
The VP position isn’t one of great power, unless you’ve got a President who really wants to be the empty suit in front of the camera.
Clinton supporters are smart enough to realize she’d have far greater influence as the Health and Human Services Secretary or in any of a number of other positions. Her interests and talents are not those best suited to the VP slot; Biden’s are (diplomacy is a key function of the VP most of the time…)
Personally I’d rather see her as Senate Majority Leader.
Reid has been an utter failure. Not entirely his fault to be sure, but he’s far better of a back-room dealer than a public face for the Senate majority.
The Cons are running scared and screaming high on this pick which signals Obama made the best possible choice. Im especially happy to see two elected officials (Senator Johnson and Senator Brophy) crowing on here, although disturbed by Brophy’s death wish list comment. Hey Greg, isn’t it McCain who jokes about killing poeple you sick nutter?
You’re so, well, ‘intense’.
What if one of the R’s that posted here had a philosophical change and agreed with you on some issues in the future? How would you reconcile having been so personally aggressive toward them?
I’m being serious, and not getting after you, I really am curious how you feel about that. You seem to wage such a slash-and-burn personal campaign on here.
You big dope. But I guess when all you’ve got’s a hammer…
I’m surprised you didn’t call him racist, too. That’s always the first place you folks go with any Obama criticism. I suppose that shows growth.
Sing it along with me now:
IF I HAD A HAMMER (The Hammer Song)
words and music by Lee Hays and Pete Seeger
If I had a hammer
I’d hammer in the morning
I’d hammer in the evening
All over this land
I’d hammer out danger
I’d hammer out a warning
I’d hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
If I had a bell
I’d ring it in the morning
I’d ring it in the evening
All over this land
I’d ring out danger
I’d ring out a warning
I’d ring out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
If I had a song
I’d sing it in the morning
I’d sing it in the evening
All over this land
I’d sing out danger
I’d sing out a warning
I’d sing out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
Well I’ve got a hammer
And I’ve got a bell
And I’ve got a song to sing
All over this land
It’s the hammer of justice
It’s the bell of freedom
It’s the song about love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
When we first moved to Delaware in the early ’80s it was a very RED state — Bill Roth of Roth IRA, Pete DuPont (kind of like Coors without the beer), the DuPont Company and family, etc. Joe Biden navagated that by having very strong ties to volunteer fire departments and everyday people. He is a very smart campaigner (gaffs aside) and Delaware probably owes its BLUE color today to his leadership. Attempts to paint him as an inside the belt way type probably will not stick and I think it was a very intellegent choice by Obama.