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James Dobson endorses McCain/ Palin
Dobson: Well, you know I did a radio program about a month ago with Dr. Albert Mohler, and we talked about what was at stake in this election and our concerns about the policies that Barack Obama would implement. The more I hear the more I learn, the more concerned I am, and so on that program Dr. Mohler and I talked about the fact that John McCain is not the perfect candidate. He’s certainly would not be my choice and, for over a year, I did not feel that I could vote for him. But I said in that radio program that “I can’t say it now”-which was then, because I didn’t know who his vice presidential choice would be, and he if would come up with Lieberman or Tom Ridge or somebody like that, we’d be back in a hole again. But I said for the first time “I might, I might.” And some people call that a flip-flop. If they do, so be it. Campaigns are long. You get information. You find out what the choices are. So I’ve been moving in John McCain’s direction. I don’t know if anybody cares, but for me…
Prager: Plenty, plenty of people care and that’s why I am having you on. I care, many people care and you have a lot of followers. You have earned the right to that respect. So are you prepared to say, “Folks, look, given this pick and all I have learned about what would happen with a Democratic victory we have no choice, but to enthusiastically work for the McCain-Palin ticket?”
Dobson: You know, I have only endorsed one presidential candidate in my life and that was George Bush in the second term after I had watched him for four years. I did not do that in his first term. So I’m very reluctant to do that. You marry a politician you can be a widow pretty quickly.
Prager: That’s right.
Dobson: But I can tell you that if I had to go into ..the voting booth today, I would pull that lever.
This is exactly what the Republican party and John McCain have needed, a fiscal and social conservative with a track record of integrity and of walking the walk.
Sarah Palin makes me proud to be a Republican.
I have held off on sending John McCain a check, but I will write one tonight.
This election no longer looks close to me.
John McCain will be elected President in November, and with Sarah Palin, will help restore America’s confidence in Republicans as reformers and in ethical Conservatism.
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Make it clear that John McCain will be a tool of the right-wing. Because people are so thrilled with how well Bush has done with that approach…
Thank you for solidifying the fact that McCain has completely sold out to the right wing religious faction of the republican party for political gain.
Shocked, I tell you!
Conservative John McCain picks an even more conservative Sarah Palin to boost his credentials in the RRW community and they finally decide he’s “good enough” for them, beating out such folks as Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin and Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr, either of whom would probably be better fits for a community solely working for a more “Christian” nation.
Boy, I’m glad the diarist is so relieved about this pick? Me? Hmm, not so much. Now I’m just having nightmares of this candidate actually having her finger on the button but not knowing where the fuck Iran is on a map.
talking about the Afghanistan/Iraq border or the country of Czechoslovakia…
You were shaky on McSCain before, but now you’re convinced.
Then why have you been writing these pro-McCain press releases every day?
Earlier this week you were trying to get Democrats to vote for McSame.
Always happy to have a new shill around, but at least have some shill consistency. Diaries stay around more than a week, you know.
Questions about motives, consistency, authenticity, shilling, etc., generally work themselves out.
I worked for Mitt Romney, and was very disappointed when he dropped out. I was always going to vote for McCain over Obama, but I have not to this point given McCain money. I gave the Romney campaign a good amount for me, more than I ever gave to Bush. But McCain, zero.
What I am saying here is that this pick energises the conservative base that still is not 100% FOR every position McCain has ever taken.
As to my posting the video of the Clinton supporter switching to McCain, that was just a hoot. It also marks a very real problem deep in the halls of Obamopolis. You have many over 50 females who would have supported Hillary, now supporting McCain. It is just a fact whether you want to face it or not. Now are you going to get more of the black vote than your party usually gets? How is that possible. A few maybe. But more than make up for the moderates who bail on Barry? Not bloody likely.
You are so happy that McCain won’t be selecting Romney, who you supported, that you will be giving McCain your money now?
So, you would have been a passionate supporter of anyone in the range from Romney to Palin, but somehow you think McCain himself was a weak choice.
What Republican could McCain have chosen that would have not been acceptable to you?
You donated money to Romney.
Money. To Mitt Romney.
Bill Gates needs some donations too.
I hear Starbucks is running out of coffee, you might want to help them out while you’re at it.
Not only did McBush not select Mittens but he went out of his way to use him as a decoy (presumably unwittingly).
and anyone who believes this dope is hopeless. The “drill now” cheer is a profit slogan from the oil companies so they can export more oil.
Why do Republicans want to ship our resources overseas when americans are hurting at the pump here at home?
Dobson is a doctor by virtue of a degree in psychology….I don’t know if it is child or general. However, his whole foundation gives out advice to parents on how to raise children.
I thought it was god awful that the Edwards took their two young children out on the campaign trail when they knew that Elizabeth was dying and that the needs of the children to be in a stable, structured, loving environment should have been paramount. John Edwards is a selfish SOB.
Now, comes this “gal” who is leaving small children, including a disabled infant, for a full time campaign jaunt….just as school starts for the little ones and the Down’s Syndrome baby begins to enter the developmental stages in which he is going to need a lot of intervention in
order to begin to maximize his limited potential, as well as the bonding with his mother. What the hell is she thinking?
I don’t believe that children should be iconic representations of one’s beliefs…I don’t think babies should be some kind of damm accessory…..I also think that a country which makes combat fatigues in maternity sizes and sends nursing mothers off to war is doomed…
However, what does the good doctor think? Abandoning young children for personal ambition is just fine?
Todd Palin is a stay at home Dad, has been since she was elected Governor.
You would think liberals who are supposed to be big supporters of feminists and womens causes would think of that.
Guess they think she should stay home and “bake cookies” and not be involved in politics.
It is now the conservatives on this blog that are defending women’s rights and families rights. I Love it.
I do believe that it is both parents’ responsibility to take care of children. I think that very young children need both mother and dad. I think that the logistics of this campaign may be very disruptive to young children. And, I thought what the Edwards did was wrong. I would like to hear Dobson’s opinion. Dobson is basically your advocate of mothers’ stay-at-home and big daddy go to work…
If you will read my posting, you will see that I headed it “What does the child psychologist have to say about the impact on the kids?” It is a real question.
As is annoying true of most conservatives on this blog, you didn’t address the question, you begged it.
I don’t read Dobson, but I do know that some conservatives believe that absent or working mothers in the very first years can contribute to the development of homosexuality. If anyone knows what Dobson has written, I would be interested.
He was an employee when she ran for governor, then promised to quit (presumably because of the conflict of interest), did so for about a year, and then went back to getting paid by the company (presumably for going to work) because they couldn’t get by on her $120,000 per year salary?
to go along with this one:
“Sky Is Blue” Scientists Claim
Dog Enjoys Dog Food
Sun To Rise Tomorrow
Do they even have levrs on voting machines in El Paso County?
Remember the El Paso County GOP radio ad telling George Soros to stay out of the Senate race?
That’s right, the good folks pull their levers on “election night.” Strange.