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September 03, 2008 05:43 PM UTC


  • by: Nicky60293

The media has been making false discraseful comments about Sarah Pailin and it has to stop NOW. This a dicrase to American politics and to America the greatest country of the world. Instead of making false comments they should be looking for the true and only the true. The media isn’t a gossip magazine its only about the true.  


34 thoughts on “STOP!

    1. .

      That, my friend, is “high school level” writing today.  

      But you may not recognize the pattern:

      these errors of syntax and word selection are indicative of a non-native English speaker.  

      My guess, this was written by someone with an advanced degree, just not in English literature.


  1. Sarah Palin’s record as a government reformer is a sham.  She uses lobbyists, loves earmarks, is a Big Oil Big Buddy, and abuses her position in power just as well as the next Republican.  The only difference is, she’s willing to throw her party’s old boy network under the bus in order to get her way.

    Sarah Palin is, by every single account, an active member in one of the more radical Dominionist denominations in the country.  The criticism leveled at Barack Obama for attending Trinity UCC should be nothing compared to the views of Palin’s church.

    Sarah Palin’s right-wing church orientation is complemented by her long and friendly relationship with the secessionist AIP.  Whether she was a formal member or not, she has been closely associated to the party for a long time.

    None of these are lies.  They are backed up with repeated observation and substantial documentation.  John McCain never had her vetted until the day before he picked her – never took the time to find out who she really was; we’ve had enough executive decision-making by impulse over the past 7.5 years…

      1. I give him great credit for continuing to post here. He’s not the most logical poster ever – but he does respond to what’s written which puts him well above Libertad.

        If he works at it, maybe in a month or so he’ll be a decent contributor.

  2. When Hilary Clinton runs for President, she is praised for being a mother, a woman, a Senator, and a feminists. When Sarah Palin comes up, you liberals bash her, saying she needs to be at home taking care of her kids. Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Barack Obama. Sure he was a community organizer! But what does that entail? Nothing!

    You know, I would say this is new ground for you liberals, but you did the same thing with Clarence Thomas. You claimed he wasn’t black because he was conservative.

    You only accept minorities if they fit into that held back, victim mentality, that feels government owes them everything. This is where you get votes, and you disgrace those in the minorities who think outside the box, for themselves!

    Vote McCain/Palin 2008. After all, this ticket is the only REAL CHANGE.

    Biden has been inside the Beltway for over 35 years, if he was going to change anything, he would have done it by now!

      1. Actually, McCain didn’t get into the US Senate until 87. That’s 21 years. He spent many of his first years a Prisoner of War, do you know what that is? Obviously this has no merit, considering Obama/Biden is the first ticket in over 60 years without military experience. How could you liberals even consider putting a person in the top spot, Commander in Chief, when neither of them have ever seen combat? When MccAin did join the Senate, he went against the norm! He was a maverick! He stood for something, and fought those in the way. Had Democrats in Congress not been in his way, he could have got a lot of things done.

        The same can be said of Palin. She went against the good ole boys. She stopped the bridge to nowhere. She cut taxes. She held 2 executive levels positions, while Obama has only held one, of which he has spent most of the time running for President and putting down a bill that would prevent the murder of innocent born-alive babies.

        1. added to my list of people I’m not responding to on this site after that. But I’ll say one thing:

          You know which ticket in the last 60 years had no combat experience as well? FREAKING BUSH/CHENEY!!!! Unless you count flying planes around the homeland as combat.

          1. At least he was in the military and saw what chain of command, honor, etc. was! Obama bin Laden and Biden have spent exactly zero days in the military!!

            Another Question!

            Why is it that Liberal Media sources knew of John Edwards affair for months and didn’t report it. Hell, the National Enquirer beat them to it, and when they did finally talk about it, they were very brief.

            However, before confirming the story with Palin’s daughter, they plastered her pregnancy story all over the airwaves.

            Why would this “Fair” Media, as you all believe it is, report these two items in the way they did? Maybe it is because Palin is conservative? Edwards liberal?

            Unjust, Biased, and Unfair. CBS, NBC, and ABC.

            1. His records may have been partially wiped, but what’s there is pretty clear: Bush was a no-show on required training days, and his failure to report for a medical got him grounded from flying for the remainder of his time in the Guard.

              It was the Enquirer’s photo that really put the punch to the Edwards story.  I hadn’t heard a thing about it – from the Rightie media, the Leftie media, or the Traditional Media – until the Enquirer broke the story.

        2. Congress stopped it and she kept the money.


          Palin “bridge to nowhere” line angers many Alaskans

          In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called “Bridge to Nowhere,” political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska’s Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

          Are you counting being Mayor of a 6000 person town Executive Experience? The University of Colorado Tri-Execs have 30,000 “constituents” are they ready to serve in the number two position.

    1. they make up about 51% of the population.  

      More should be in positions of authority, in Congress, in the Senate, in the corporate boardrooms and in the White House.  I agree with all those things.  

      Women DO deserve equal pay for equal work however, and should be allowed to make their own reproductive decisions (which Bristol allegedly did).  

      Unfortunately the GOP nominees support neither of these when it comes to you and me.  They want to keep pay inequity, because it benefits their corporate masters; they want to decide what goes on in YOUR bedroom and doctor’s office.

      In spite of the GOP talking points, I am not sure which of us are saying Sarah should stay home and take care of the kids, are attacking her daughter, or doing these other things you claim.  My beef is her whacked-out right-wing nutty policies, I do not think she is qualified to be President, which–of course–is the number one requirement for VP.  

      1. Women DO deserve equal pay for equal work however, and should be allowed to make their own reproductive decisions (which Bristol allegedly did).  

        Did you not hear Obama? Leave Palin’s family out of it PLEASE. No need to get snarky about whether or not Palin’s daughter chose to keep her baby. Considering the family’s value system, I would say that she almost certainly made the decision on her own–or at most with input from her now-fiance.

        1. My point is that she made a choice, has a choice. I support her choice, I do not think we should attack her choice.  

          I think it is deeply disturbing that the governor doesn’t think women should have that choice, even in the case of rape or incest.  

          I am not attacking Bristol, I am not, have not, will not.  

          1. on everything you just said about a woman’s right to choose. I think that our (men’s as well as women’s) bodies are off limits to the government, and I strongly agree that Palin’s stance on abortion is horrifying.

            The reason I made my comment was because when you toss in that “allegedly” it just sounds so conspiratorial. There’s no need to even bring it up in the first place.

            1. poor use of the word ‘allegedly.’

              I meant it in ‘this is what I have heard’ not ‘this is dubious’ but it was not very appropriate.  

              I find attacks on Bristol over the top, not appropriate, and tawdry.  Thanks for pointing it out and keeping me on my toes.  I’ll be more careful and precise in the future.

  3. “On Friday, Alaska decided the bridge really was going nowhere, officially abandoning the project in Ketchikan that became a national symbol of federal pork-barrel spending.”

    Don’t believe some reuters article fresh off the press. Look at the real story from the real time!

    No, I call being a mayor and governor of a State of the United States of America being a executive position. I call balancing a 13,000,000,000.00 budget being in a executive position.

    Obama has been a senator for 3 years, most of which has been on the campaign trail. What do you say about his vote to put down a bill that would keep born-alive aborted babies alive? You know if a person came into the hospital and shot that same baby we would charge them with murder, however, if we just allow them to expire, it’s Obama’s policy. I shouldn’t say that, after all, “It’s above his pay-grade!”  

    1. “Much of the public’s attitude toward Alaska bridges is based on inaccurate portrayals of the projects here,” Palin said. “But we need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened.”

      Does not sound like she was the one to end it – it was congress that said no.

      I think a woman can go anywhere and do anything.  Joe Biden tells the story how he decided not to be sworn in the senate and walked away from his victory when his wife and daughter were killed.  

      “Delaware can get another Senator, my boys can not get another Dad.”

      Putting family first.

      Palin has an enfant with issues and a pregnant underage daughter. Not my place to make a decision for her, However, if you going to run for office on family values, I would think that running for an historic office, with a tremendous amount of stress is not the best timing for that family?

      My guess is many women are asking themselves that question – each will have a different answer.

      But that is the wonderful thing America, we have choices and I celebrate that Sarah can make her choice for her family.  Something that she would not allow me and my family to make, the CHOICE of how to raise or when to raise a family.

  4. You never answered my question…

    Why do liberals say that women like Hilary Clinton are wonderful role-models, feminists, and heroes for being a mother and a senator. But when Sara Palin is a Governor and VP nominee and a mother, she should be in the kitchen? That she needs to take care of her family?

    You know you can say that she is a hypocrite all you want, but the truth is this. As conservatives, we try to set an example for our children. We tell them what’s right and what’s wrong. Ultimately though, we aren’t our children, and we don’t make their decisions for them?

    However, maybe we should all be more like the Kennedy’s and send our to get lobotomies!  

  5. Thank you for saying what you feel.

    I believe I have summed up what the author is trying to state in my entry:

    Don’t Let the Media Fabricate the Liberal Voice

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