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June 26, 2015 04:16 PM UTC

BREAKING: House Gets Vote of Support After Doing Nothing Wrong in the First Place

  • by: Colorado Pols
The bell tolls for thee, Cynthia Coffman.
The bell tolls for thee, Cynthia Coffman.

The State Republican Party Executive Committee just concluded a 6-hour meeting — six hours! — to discuss whether or not Steve House should remain Chair of the State GOP…despite the fact that he didn’t do anything in the first place!

After a day of testimony for a kangaroo court in Greenwood Village, Republicans decided to give House A VOTE OF SUPPORT as Republican Party Chairman. The vote was 22-1 in support of House (Becky Mizel was the sole ‘NO’ vote, as she decides to go down with Cynthia Coffman on the corruption cruise ship).

Attorney General Cynthia Coffman was among those who testified in opposition to House today, which was absurd anyway — the GOP Executive Committee could NOT have gotten rid of House today no matter what happened.

Now that House has appears to have kept the wolves at bay, the focus of this story shifts fully back to Coffman. Not only is Coffman facing serious potential blackmail charges for her role in this whole kerfuffle (see links below for background), but apparently there is only one person on the GOP Executive Committee who sided with the AG.



Need a Coffmangate Refresher? Catch up with these links:

The Strange Story of the Coup Attempt Within the Colorado Republican Party

Cynthia Coffman’s Political Career is Over. Done. Kaput.

Cynthia’s House of Cards: Dial ‘B’ for Blackmail

Mystery Character #4 Revealed in Coffmangate Scandal

EXCLUSIVE: Coffman-gate Scandal is About to go Nuclear

Right-Wing Blog Unwittingly Confirms Steve House Blackmail (Now, With Audio!)

Coffmangate Update: Nothing Changed, Coffman Still in Serious Trouble



8 thoughts on “BREAKING: House Gets Vote of Support After Doing Nothing Wrong in the First Place

  1. So House retains his seat by a razor thin 21 vote margin?  

    Someone needs to contact Marilyn Marks ASAP, sounds like some obvious voter fraud here . . . 

  2. Oh, Moddy dear . . . .

    "That's not true. Steve House is a bad seed. He misled a lot of people, and he has no appetite for the job. There are a lot of good Republicans who would do a better job, and they will get their chance soon.

    The Executive Committee will put a stop to all of this on Friday. You'll see."

    – See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/72843/call-for-criminal-investigation-of-attorney-general-cynthia-coffman#sthash.PtlU93XK.dpuf


    and . . . 


    "I completely disagree. If the Executive Committee finds wrongdoing on the part of House that warrants his firing, as I believe it will, it will vindicate Cynthia Coffman. No one will prosecute her if it comes out that she was saving the GOP from a serial liar."

    – See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/72843/call-for-criminal-investigation-of-attorney-general-cynthia-coffman#sthash.PtlU93XK.dpuf

    . . . I guess about all that's left to say here is,


  3. Becky Mizel was the only "No" vote?  The cheese stands alone…….

    The thread says that Cynthia testified against House. Was this really a hearing?  With witnesses sworn under oath?  Subject to cross examination?

    1. This was not a "hearing" in a legal sense, though everything that was said today would be discoverable in an investigation. Nobody had authority to do anything other than give a vote of confidence.

  4. Cross posting 2 paragraphs (Pols, I won't do this often)

    Nice. House will undoubtedly promote Republican candidates and policies I will have to vigorously oppose in the next election, and he'll be much more effective at it than any replacement Chair, so as a loyal Democrat, I should have hoped for his resignation. And he put up with all this grief as a fricking volunteer. House is independently wealthy –  He takes no salary from the CRP. You can check this at the FEC site – it's public info.  Just type in Colorado Republican Committee, then pull up Other Federal Operating Expenditures. Compare House's to Call's payrolls, and you'll see that House got nada but expenses. I'd post screen shots, but that would violate their privacy.

    But as a Colorado voter, I have to give Steve House props for protecting my rights. He backed down Marilyn Marks,who plans to make voting more difficult for all Colorado voters, by endless frivolous lawsuits against long-suffering County Clerks, and other election officials.  And then her convoluted, long-standing plot to take him down – it truly is Game of Thrones-worthy.

    And there's still something rotting in the OutHouse.

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