( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
A CNN/Opinion Research poll shows that women see through the GOP’s bumbling attempt to woo women voters with the Sarah Palin nomination (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/09/09/poll-women-and-men-dont-see-eye-to-eye-on-palin/).
Now grassroots women’s websites are popping up to spread the word that even though Palin is a woman, her hard-right policies are anything but woman-friendly.
Oooops, so much for all those prospective Hillary cross-over votes! This from http://womenagainstpalin.com/
This site was created to shine light on the anti-woman policies of John McCain and Sarah Palin. McCain’s choice of Palin was insulting to women who care about policies that affect their lives. We, as women, will not vote for any candidate based solely on his or her gender. American women are smarter than John McCain thinks. We will take our voices and votes to the ballot box this November and vote for change that will empower the average woman. That change will not come about with John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Their Agenda Against Women
McCain voted against The Equal Pay Bill for Women. He said women ‘need education and training’ instead.Palin wants to outlaw abortion in every form, including for victims of rape or incest.
McCain voted against the family and medical leave act, making it harder for women and men to take time from work to care for loved ones.
Palin cut special needs funding in Alaska by 62% yet claims to be a special needs advocate.
Palin wants to teach creationism in the schools, making it harder for our teachers to compete with up-and-coming nations in science education.
McCain opposed spending to prevent unintended and teen pregnancies.
Palin does not believe that humans contribute to global warming and she wants to take the polar bear off of the endangered species list so she can drill for oil in Alaska.
McCain opposed legislation requiring that abstinence-only programs be medically accurate and scientifically based.
And another group calling themselves “Women Say No to Palin” declare that:
Ms. Palin’s political views are in every way a slap in the face to the accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and that we’ve so demonstrably benefited from.
You can send your own short, succinct message about why you, as a woman living in this country, do not support Palin as second-in-command for our nation to womensaynopalin@gmail.com. Feel free to mention her pro-creationism, pro-censorship and pro-theocracy views, as well as anti-choice, anti-sex education and anti-environmental protection positions.
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The news isn’t all so good: http://www.washingtonpost.com/…
I also saw a story yesterday somewhere that white women, Hillary’s base, are moving to Palin. I mean, McBush.
Perhaps your query should be expanded into why any female Polsters are voting for McBush.
Sorry if this male posted.
“Progressive Promoter” sounds like a description the new Russian apologist history books might give to Stalin.
Anyway, nice try, but posting from a website (that you probably made yourself) called “womenagainstpalin.com” doesn’t counterract the poll numbers that show droves of female voters crossing the aisle, or in larger numbers simply making up their minds from an independent state.
Ahhhh. The gripping on this board since McCain chose Palin has been the most enjoyable time I’ve spent here.
According to Nate Silver (the statistician guru responsible for Baseball Prospectus, a regular staple of my nerdy husband and 11-year old son) at http://www.fivethirtyeight.com:
Wish I had been quick enough to start one of those websites, but alas I can’t take credit. As a multi-tasking (white) working mother–hey, one of those targeted in the poll you refer to–I didn’t have time! 🙂
See video:
Well I am crossing over. PUMA rocks!
No self-respecting woman concerned about sexism votes for a man like McCain who publicly calls his wife a c*nt and consistently votes against reproductive rights (including birth control access) over a consistently pro-choice and pro-equal-pay-for-women candidate like Obama. It’s a no brainer, sister.
Here’s what I want to know: As a supposedly former Hillary supporter, how did you like it when your guy McCain laughed when one of your compatriots called her a bitch? There’s your sexism for you.
In other words, she’s a sham front put up by Republicans to manufacture controversy and media attention over a group of people who never would have voted for Hillary come Election Day in the first place.
Sarah Palin knows that most people don’t know what a small-town mayor does – and doesn’t do. So she has, so far, been allowed to show her best Rethug qualification – her ability to lie easily and completely without conscience – as she vomits forth her false and insulting claims of leadership credentials. (blue in NC’s diary :: :: )Other diarists on dKos are right: we need to shift our foucs back to Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the positive direction our country must turn toward if we as a people are to survive the next four years.
We need to shift our focus away from Sarah Palin’s daughter and her mooseburgers and her snowmobiles. But we can’t let her get away with whitewashing her governmental failures: failures so abject, so major, so complete, that the fact that she accomplished so much failure in a 12-year political career is amazing in and of itself.
If she’s going to use her stint as small-town mayor as a prop for her vice-presidential aspirations, then we need to remind the voters exactly what she did as mayor. Let’s use her own words against her. As she said in that verbal spew that passed for a “speech” last night, as mayor she was “like a community organizer” but with “actual responsibilities”.
The voters need to be reminded every day how badly she failed at exercising those responsibilities. Because we (YES, I said we)small-town mayors do have actual responsibilities. Chief among them is the responsibility to exercise fiscal responsibility with the citizens’ money. Sarah Palin has demonstrated complete failure at that basic responsibility. She took a town of ~7,000 people that was debt-free in 1996 and ran it over $18 million into debt by 2003.
And, while we theoretically do not have sole authority to do such things – only the town council has such authority – a bad and dishonest and self-serving mayor can, and frequently does, accomplish such glaring misfeasance by either intimidating of misleading her town council.
Sarah Palin has done both.
She implemented a 25% increase in the most regressive tax possible – the sales tax – to finance her hockey rink project. Yes, the Queen of the Common Man sure likes to stick it to the common man…every man, woman and child in Wasila is still paying for her self-promoting delusional expenditures. She was taking a $68,000 per year salary in 1996 for her job as mayor, and yet used additional taxpayer funds to hire an “administrator” to do her job for her while she enjoyed her “regal” salary for a sinecure job. Most mayors of towns less than 10,000, nationwide, are practically volunteers with salaries generally below $10,000 per year. In fact, the job of the Wasilla mayor, according to the city code, is as follows (this is typical for most small-town mayors). The Mayor shall preside at Council meeting, act as ceremonial head of the city and sign documents on the city’s behalf upon authorization by the council. Pretty easy work for $68,000/year, isn’t it? In 2002, Pailn used city employees (on the clock), city equipment, and city facilities to work on her campaign for Lt. Governor. I mean, come on…this is small-town government 101: Thou shalt not use municipal assets for personal campaign purposes. By 2003, the city of Wasilla owned $741,599 worth of office furniture and equipment (from the city’s own Comprehensive Annual Finance Report; I assume that is net of depreciation). Now that’s a whole lot o’ desks and staplers for a town of 7,000 folks. Well, the town only owned $342,449 worth of that stuff when Palin started in 1996. More than double! Word among locals has it that she had her office lavishly redecorated at least twice while mayor. So much for her stupid story about selling the governor’s jet on ebay.
After our almost-sacred fiduciary responsibilty, we mayors are responsible for ensuring the safety of the people who have entrusted us with the office. Palin placed the financial success of campaign-donor cronies above public safety. She opposed an ordinance changing the closing time of bars in Wasilla from 5:00 AM to 3:00 AM. The Wasilla police chief at the time, Irl Stambaugh, supported the change as a public-safety measure. Palin, who had accepted numerous campaign contributions from local bar owners and the liquor lobby, fired Stambaugh immediately upon taking office.
Palin opposed adopting basic building codes within the city. In 1997, she broke a tie in a city council vote to kill building codes. Even some area homebuilders supported the building codes.The bottom line is: yes, we small-town mayors do have responsibilities…and Palin demonstrated a complete lack of ability or inclination to handle these limited responsibilities.
Meanwhile, I’d be the first to say that I don’t consider my own experience as a small-town mayor to in any way qualify me to serve as vice president of the United States, much less serve in a situation where the president is a doddering old man bordering on dementia who may well cause invocation of the 25th amendment.We preside over council meetings…the VP theoretically presides over the Senate. There’s a world of difference.Our responsibilities are limited. Very limited.And, we’re not a mere heartbeat away from the US presidency. These United States of America do not need one in the office of the vice president.Palin is now, in true Rethug fashion, attempting to distort people’s concerns with her lack of experience, accusing us of “insulting small towns” and being “elitist”. Nothing could be further from the truth. We’re not criticizing small towns; I’ve lived in one and serve as mayor in one and love and respect small towns. What we are criticizing is, first: Palin’s lack of national experience and, secondher complete failures at exercising responsibility and integrity during what limited “executive” experience she has.
She is the worst of both worlds: she is corrupt and incompetent. The voters need to know that.