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November 18, 2015 06:33 AM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Paranoia is just another word for ignorance.”

–Hunter S. Thompson


15 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. Quinnipiac has a new poll out today in CO. Dr Carson is the front-runner in the GOP race w/ 25% followed by Moddy's favorite, Marco Rubio at 19%, the Donald at 17% and the Cruz at 14%. In seventh place with 2% is JEB! 

    Bad news for Dems and Clintonistas in particular:  Dr Carson beats HRC, 52% to 38%.

      1. gotta love Loser Republican voters………they picked Santorum last time, no? Which is pry the only reason he's in the race again this year. 

        If only that great wisdom could be transferred down ballot. 😉

        Informal survey validation comes in the form of the number of Carson bumper stickers down here…….easily the most of any candidate on their side.

  2. Those Wonderful, Humanitarian, Freedom-Loving, Live-and-let-Live Koch Brothers have released (by law, for now) their political spending report:

    Over the past year, petrochemical billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch have gone to greatpains to change their public image and sell themselves as social moderates who “don’t want the federal government in your pocketbook” or “in your bedroom.”

    But IRS filings released on Tuesday by Freedom Partners, the Kochs’ secretive tax-exempt organization that serves as the ATM for their anti-government activism, show they also continued to help distribute millions of dollars to anti-choice and anti-gay organizations in 2014.

    Last December, ABC’s Barbara Walters interviewed David Koch and noted that he was “not well-liked, primarily because of [his] very conservative politics.” She asked him why a supporter of LGBT equality and abortion rights supports social conservatives. Koch, not disputing her characterization of his own public standing, responded, “Well that’s their problem. I do have those views… I want these candidates to support a balanced budget. I’m very worried that if the budget is not balanced, inflation could occur and the economy of our country could suffer terribly.”

    Earlier this year, Politico Magazine suggested Charles Koch night now be labeled a “liberal crusader,” based on his work on criminal justice reform, including a partnership with the Center for American Progress (ThinkProgress is an editorially independent news site associated within CAP). After he and his wife hosted MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough at a closed-to-the-public GOP candidate forum, the former Republican Congressman raved that the Kochs were mainstream social moderates with little patience for those who want “huge bloody battles on social issues.”

    On its own websiteFreedom Partners reprints a USA Today article that identifies the 501(c)(6) organization (curiously registered under the section of the tax code for chambers of commerce and similar groups) as “the center of the Koch’s expansive operation.” Politico called it the Koch Brothers’ “secret bank,” though as the group does not disclose its donors, it is unclear how much of its hundreds of millions came from the Kochs themselves.

    (They said they were going to spend a Cool Billion this year. I don't think they'd lie about that.-ed.)

    Where did the money go? In addition to going to an array of other Koch network groups like Americans for Prosperity ($16 million), Generation Opportunity (more than $14 million), and the Libre Initiative ($6.5 million), a good chunk of it went to the very anti-LGBT and anti-abortion groups from which the duo has sought to disassociate themselves.

    "Chamber of Commerce" — gotta love it.

    1. Koch Brothers have a "competitive intelligence" unit within their many tentacled operation. It's Free Market Fascism that even the most daft Tea Partier will support:

      They have a "secretive operation that conducts surveillance and intelligence-gathering on its liberal opponents, viewing it as a key strategic tool in its efforts to reshape American public life." No, it's not April Fool's Day. They're really doing this.

      The operation, which is little-known even within the Koch network, gathers what Koch insiders refer to as "competitive intelligence" that is used to try to thwart liberal groups and activists, and to identify potential threats to the expansive network.

      The competitive intelligence team has a staff of 25, including one former CIA analyst, and operates from one of the non-descript Koch network offices clustered near the Courthouse metro stop in suburban Arlington, Va. It has provided network officials with documents detailing confidential voter-mobilization plans by major Democrat-aligned groups. It also sends regular "intelligence briefing" emails tracking the canvassing, phone-banking and voter-registration efforts of labor unions, environmental groups and their allies, according to documents reviewed by POLITICO and interviews with a half-dozen sources with knowledge of the group.

    2. Speaking of #QuidProKoch, you'd think that our junior senator, whose first tv commercial touted his leadership in establishing the new energy economy in Colorado, could have at least given us a symbolic vote in the Senate to support the Clean Power Plan.  

      McConnell's caucus lost three votes on the CRA since an earlier vote on the issue: the Republican senators from ME, NH and IL, two of them women. So the rollback attempt is going nowhere, as the Fossilonians don't have sufficient votes to override a Presidential veto. But still – you'd think the Senator could stand with the tens-of-thousands of Coloradans who go to work each and every day making their contribution to this new economy. 

      Thanks to the leadership of state Dems, we're on track to meet 75% of our required reductions without a single change in public policy . We are a literal blue print for the nation.  



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