(Tim Neville aims to dominate Thanksgiving table talk – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
“My name is Tim Neville, and I’m THE pro-Life candidate running for the nomination to take on and defeat Democrat Michael Bennet in November 2016.”
That’s how Neville, who’s considered the frontrunner in the GOP Senate primary, describes himself in a recent fundraising email.
And judging from the email (excerpt below), it’s hard to imagine there’s a more anti-choice candidate anywhere on the planet.
Neville even confirms that the Live at Conception Act is a personhood bill, something Sen. Cory Gardner was willfully confused about.
In contrast to Gardner, who was obviously worried women would revolt against his history of Neville-like positions on abortion, Neville brags that “politicians in both parties” opposed his bill that would have “forced abortion providers to offer women the opportunity to see an ultrasound, saving thousands of babies in the process.” (Translation: women would be required to have an ultrasound prior to having an abortion.)
We know Republicans in Colorado like to modify their positions once they face a general-election audience. See, for example, Gardner, Rep. Mike Coffman, Bob Beauprez, Rep. Ken “Buckpedal” Buck.
But unlike those guys, you get the feeling that Neville really believes he can win over both primary and general election voters by being himself, regardless of the issue. That will set him apart from recent state-wide Republican candidates. That would make things interesting.
Excerpt from Neville Nov. 16 fundraising email:
…And if the good folks in Colorado send me to Washington, I WILL BE the abortion lobby’s #1 enemy — and I’ll wear that label with a badge of honor.
If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will END ALL taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood and abortion providers.
I’m not afraid of the powerful abortion lobby.
During my time in the State Senate, I’ve led the fight to protect innocent unborn children.
I sponsored “The Women’s RIGHT Act” (SB 15-285), which would require abortion clinics to offer women the opportunity to see an ultrasound before murdering an innocent baby.
Studies show that 90% of women who see an ultrasound change their mind about having an abortion and instead choose life.
The baby butchers at Planned Parenthood often mislead women and tell them that their babies are already dead in the womb and that they need an immediate abortion — refusing to show them an ultrasound.
My bill would have forced abortion providers to offer women the opportunity to see an ultrasound, saving thousands of babies in the process. Unfortunately, politicians in both parties teamed up to kill my bill.
I also sponsored “The Women’s Health Protection Act” (HB 15-1128), which would require abortion clinics to adhere to the same medical standards as all other “medical” facilities in Colorado do.
Currently in Colorado, there’s not a single medical standard that abortion clinics must adhere to.
In fact, some of the most disgusting videos of Planned Parenthood murdering, cutting to pieces and selling unborn baby parts were filmed right here in Denver, Colorado, in one of Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics!
My bill would have exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal selling of murdered baby body parts.
Because of my dedication to fighting to protect unborn children, I received the Colorado Campaign for Life’s Guardian Legislator of the Year Award.
Of course, my ultimate goal is to ENDING the practice of abortion in America once and for all.
But I will vote and fight for any bill or legislation that limits and slows down the murder of unborn children.
If you want a pro-Life champion in the U.S. Senate, can I count on you to sign your “Pro-Life” petition right away and let the abortion lobby know we mean business about ending abortion in America?
If elected to the U.S. Senate, I pledge to you — with every ounce of energy I’ve got — I’ll lead the fight to protect the unborn by:
>>> ENDING all taxpayer funding for not just Planned Parenthood, but for ALL abortion providers nationwide. I’ll fight to make sure not a single dime of taxpayer money is used to murder innocent children;
>>> Introducing a Life at Conception Act, which would federally recognize life as beginning at the moment of conception;
>>> Supporting and confirming ONLY U.S. Supreme Court nominees who you and I can count on to overturn Roe v. Wade;
>>> Working to ban the sale and distribution of chemical abortifacients like RU 486.
As you can see, I’m committed to protecting the Sanctity of Life from the moment of conception to natural passing.
I’m confident and strong in this belief — and I will NEVER waver from my position.
You have my word on that.
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It will be interesting to see how many votes Neville is able to "scare" up.
Don't be surprised. He could easily win the Republican Primary. That is my dream and probably why I will go to the Republican caucus to vote for him. These positions are what every "Republican" office-holder believes. It's just that the others know they will lose big time with these positions. Cue the Republican money men who will try to find someone else. Maybe they could re-cycle Bob Beauprez again. Or how about Bob Schaffer? Maybe Jane Norton. Nah, it will probably be Blaha, he is at least a one-percenter like them. And remember how well that worked out for Bruce Benson.
The most memorable thing about Bruce Benson's run for governor in '94 was the unsealing of the sealed records in his divorce case from the first Mrs. Benson.
Still regurgitating that old canard about 90% of women changing their minds about an abortion after seeing an ultrasound.
Love the Orwellian names for Neville's bills:
"The Women's RIGHT Act", the "Women’s Health Protection Act".
So he's trying to cobble together a coalition of fetus-protectors, gun-rights fanatics, and racist paranoids. Problem is, those are pretty much the same people. He can get up to 35% of Republican voters in a primary, but has no chance in the general el3ction, in my opinion.
Per Craven's point,I think that the GOP will try to recruit a woman. They've already stretched the identity politics to the breaking point, with Darryl Glenn, Ryan Frazier, Greg Lopez, etc. None of them are catching on. Look for Jill Repella, Beauprez's running mate, currently DougCo commissioner, former redistricter with Clear the Bench, and general conservative workhorse. She's got a lot of IOUs to call in. If not Repella, another similar female.
He can get up to 35% of Republican voters in a primary, but has no chance in the general election
Which is why we like him so much…..
What Neville isn't saying openly: "long live theocracy!" And the hell with the US Constitution if it gets in the way of fundamentalist Christian ideological jihad.
And he is also against contraception; if one reads him correctly, anything that might be an abortifacient (wonder how he feels about condom machines at truck stops on the interstates).
He will introduce a Life at Conception Act. Two points here. Colorado voters have rejected personhood initiatives three times by more than landslide margins. Those were margins even bigger than Julie Williams' and Ken Witt's victory margins in 2013. Two, how will he determine if a woman has conceived after sex? Will there be mandatory medical exams of some kind?
This guy is a lunatic, loser, and much more. As a libertarian conservative on the divisive social issues, he won't have my vote in my Republican caucus. And if it fits my schedule, it's real easy in my precinct to become a delegate to the county convention. Bring it on! Conservative Head Banger (AC/DC Rules!)
Weren't personhood ballot initiatives also rejected by larger margins than Julie Williams and Ken Witt lost in 2015?
He doesn’t have a silent majority behind him on this issue. He has a loud, obnoxious and shrill minority with him.
What I can't figure out is, what else does he want to go to Congress for? I've heard of single-issue voters but not often do we see single-issue candidates. Even Musgrave (remember her?) was "god, guns and gays".