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December 02, 2015 12:45 PM UTC

Sen. Laura Woods Deletes Freaky Facebook Post

  • by: Colorado Pols
Sen. Laura Waters-Woods.
Sen. Laura Waters-Woods.

The ability to instantly reach a vast audience of people via social media is becoming a real “kiss/curse” for some of the more radical Republican elected officials in Colorado following last week’s terror attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. We’ve talked at length now about the angry screed from Rep. JoAnn Windholz of Adams County, in which she directly blamed Planned Parenthood for the attack on its own clinic. After that posting made national news yesterday, it was deleted–but the quite possibly fatal damage to Windholz’s political career had already been done.

After breaking the Windholz story, the Colorado Independent’s Marianne Goodland reported yesterday on another very questionable social media post from a Colorado lawmaker post-terror attack–this time from Sen. Laura Waters Woods of Arvada:

Sen. Laura Woods, R-Arvada, who played a prominent role in the Nov. 9 hearing, posted a Guy Fawkes picture on her Facebook page two days after the attack that stated: “THE MIND OF A SLAVE ASKS IS IT LEGAL? THE MIND OF A FREE MAN ASKS IS IT RIGHT? ”

Fawkes was the 17th century English terrorist who attempted to blow up the House of Lords. The image was originally created by Alan Moore in his anti-government comic book V for Vendetta, which was later turned into a Hollywood blockbuster with a pro-violent-revolution undertone…

Woods did not respond to a call for comment.

Here’s the Facebook post in question:


This post is somewhat cryptic in comparison to Windholz’s very direct accusations against Planned Parenthood, but the timing of the post invites obvious questions about what she meant. Woods is a stridently anti-abortion member of the Colorado Senate, and a regular participant in such activities as the Republican Study Committee of Colorado’s sham “hearing” on Planned Parenthood last month. Woods has a lengthy record of immoderate statements via social media since winning her swing SD-19 seat in 2014.

But perhaps most telling of all is that sometime after Goodland’s story yesterday, Sen. Woods deleted the post. And we’re pretty sure that wouldn’t have happened had it not been determined to be, you know, a liability.

Perhaps another reporter will be able to get Woods on the record, since she’s not returning Goodland’s calls.


29 thoughts on “Sen. Laura Woods Deletes Freaky Facebook Post

  1. Another shooting in California today.  Fourteen dead and fourteen wounded.  It was at a government agency that was helping Autistic people.  This is insane.

    1. In a bizarre twist of yet another tragic example of indiscriminate gun violence, it appears the gunmen were targeting the conference center where an awards banquet was being held for county employees.  Anti-government terrorist militia?

      1. Well multiple means it's not some lone crazy or a disgruntled employee.  What the hell could the motive possibly be?  This is what reality looks like now? Taking a brief break from the stand off  coverage because it's so frustratng that there is still no new info coming out except more casualties. 

        1. Probably all you have to know: Government = bad; terrorists = good. Domestic extremists have created a very sick environment in the good ole' US of A.

      2. The NY Times is reporting this:

        Investigators believe that one of the gunman had worked at the facility and recently had a dispute with fellow employees, according to law enforcement officials. A witness has told police that although the gunmen had their faces covered, one of them sounded and appeared very similar to an employee who had left the facility earlier in the day. “They had their appearances covered but a witness believed it had been someone who worked there,” the official said.

  2. Instead of "Thoughts and Prayers" for the victims, how about we setup a victims fund and assess a users fee for every gun sale of 2% to pay for funerals, medical and living expenses.  If we value freedom so much that we are willing to accept a given number of human sacrifices every year from mass murder rampages than gun owners should be willing to step up and clean up the carnage.  Call the Mass Murder Games and the unlucky winners/survivors get free medical for the rest of their lives to deal with their debilitating injuries.

        1. "With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own."

          ~John F. Kennedy (the final lines of his inaugural address, two years before he was murdered by a gun).



      1. Thoughts and prayers for victims’ families and nothing more than that for the heroes of 9/11 either except to use funding to meet our obligations to them as a bargaining chip. The GOP majority congress is, to use one of Dio's good friend modster's faves, a disgrace. Their leaders are, to use another of Dio's good friend modster's top ten, disgusting. Except that disgusting is way to mild a term to attach to these soulless scum. With apologies to scum.

    1. Two percent not nearly enough – needs to be far higher than the tax on marijuana. How about 50 percent. Not sure if that would be enough, Gunslingers need to pay for far more than funerals, medical and living expenses. How about mental trauma treatment for the lifetimes of each injured person and each witness.

        1. Whether it is 2% or 20%, it would be more than anyone is getting now.  We probably will also need professional counseling teams that go from shooting town to shooting town and they should be compensated from these gun user fees.  If you are going to keep guns free than you should pay for the aftermath.  That shouldn't be a difficult concept to get across.

  3. Guess who made it onto RCP.  Our very own Mike Littwin on PP shooting apologists.

    Also please note how differently Rs are treating crazy guy spouting off about baby parts and a disgruntled wacko and his girlfriend who may have mixed some Islamic extremism, as opposed to Christian right extremism, into their crazy. One is strictly no connection to anything like terrorism. Nothing to do with any inflammatory rhetoric. Stop politicizing this tragedy. Let's all just pray. The other isclearly all ISIS come to California and nothing but. Plus it’s Obama’s fault where no GOP pol bears the slightest responsibility for PP attacks, no matter what they say about baby killers and baby parts and how they MUST BE (won’t somebody rid me of this meddlesome priest?) STOPPED.

    And before Dio's good friend modster responds and tells me what I'm being so disgusting and a disgrace about this time, let me just say… shut up you waste of space.


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