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December 03, 2015 03:23 PM UTC

Bennet Votes For CO's Public Health; Gardner Supports Polluters

  • by: ConservationColorado

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

It’s fairly common for people to feel disenchanted with politics these days. Unfortunately, they’re not unjustified; our elected officials don’t always behave in accordance with the values we expect of them.

However, sometimes we get to feel genuine pride for our politicians. For us, one of those came a week ago when Senator Michael Bennet voted against a reckless move in the U.S. Senate to dismantle the Clean Power Plan using a little-used parliamentary maneuver called a Congressional Review Act or CRA.

We were thrilled to hear about this decision; thwarting the Clean Power Plan would have set our nation back years in our effort to reduce carbon pollution.

That’s why Conservation Colorado today launched a $325,000 digital and television ad campaign praising Senator Bennet. His vote shows that he understands our need to protect Coloradans and their public health from carbon pollution.

[Watch the video(s) after the jump]



Our other Colorado senator, Cory Gardner, failed to show that concern; disappointingly, he voted in favor of the CRA. The majority in the House of Representatives also voted for it, making Bennet’s choice even more notable.

Further, Senator Bennet’s leadership comes at a time when big polluters and their congressional allies are trying to undermine progress to combat climate change. For example, some politicians have seized on the United Nations summit on climate change in Paris. Unfortunately, their fixation is on exploiting the summit to criticize President Obama and anyone else who prioritizes acting on climate rather than as an opportunity to come together for the sake of future generations.

Even more upsetting, the ongoing coverage of Exxon Corporation’s deceitful behavior throughout the past few decades is revealing a truly disturbing pattern of deliberately misrepresenting the facts.

At a time when so many individuals are proving unwilling to stand up for action on climate change for our future generations, it’s good to see a Colorado senator do just that.



We urge Coloradans to contact and thank Senator Bennet, at, for standing up for clean air and public health. Backup for the television ad is available here, and backup for the digital ad is available here.


8 thoughts on “Bennet Votes For CO’s Public Health; Gardner Supports Polluters

  1. We can't have the Clean Power Plan because it is part of the war on coal…….  But perhaps, could it be that natural gas is cheaper and cleaner, thus putting market pressure on dirty coal, and taking market share away from coal?

    I'm amused at some of my fellow Republicans who really want to ignore the free market at work as they try to find a scapegoat for coal's slow demise. 

    1. Surprised? Still? Again? Just "some", perhaps a few here and there, of your fellow Republicans? Have you recently awakened from a lengthy coma?wink

      Apparently Zap hasn't seen this yet. I'm sure he'll probably want to set ConservationColorado straight on assuming anything but bwahaha evil motives from Bennet.

  2. Uhm, no.  It won't.  Just another damn lie from the 'War on Rural Colorado' cabal…

    Sonnenberg: Carbon tax would have devastating effect on Colorado

    This, from a man whose district benefits almost entirely from the more than $6 billion in wind farms dotted across the eastern plains. Those installs were a direct result of mandates passed by Democratically-controlled House and Senate – all measure the Republican caucus vehemently opposed. 

    Remember their absurd 'War on Rural Colorado'? Go back 10 years and look at their shrill rhetoric over Amendment 37. Not a single word of their deceptive narrative was (or became) remotely true. 

    Jerry, coal is dead. We are a state drowning in green energy resources – resources that, when put to beneficial use, not only create thousands of new jobs – but an entirely new tax base (mostly) in your/my senate district. The reality is that even conservative strong-holds like Colorado Springs are giving up their coveted downtown coal plant. Clinging to dinosaur dung as a fuel source potentially bankrupted Lamar. 

    As for agriculture, why should producers be precluded from participating in such a market? Agriculture producers have countless ways to benefit from a carbon-constrained market place. Why would you fight against the creation of such a marketplace for your constituents? 

    The math really isn't that hard.

    1. Sonnenberg seems to be gearing up for something – a run for higher office? He made a "listening tour" of NE Colorado schools, during which teachers  and students gave him double earfuls about how underfunding hurts education.

      Sonnenberg's predictable response: get rid of Common Core and PARCC testing.

      1. I wouldn't be surprised. He's been a good soldier for the coal lobby-CREA-Tri-State-fake-WaronRuralColorado-cabal. He's hard not to like and a significant improvement to my previous senate representative.

        He'd be a much better fit for CD-4 than the current occupant (that Gardner coronation was unfortunate).  

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