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December 16, 2015 12:16 PM UTC

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (Dec. 16)

  • by: Colorado Pols

MoreSmarterLogo-Hat1Weather forecasters in Colorado have either a very hard or very easy job, depending on if you care about accuracy. It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols! If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).


► Republican presidential candidates came together for the final shitshow debate of 2015 in Las Vegas last night, severely overworking fact-checkers nationwide:

The vast complexities of a dangerous world were cast in too-simple terms in the latest Republican presidential debate.

In addition, Chris Christie pledged to make common cause with a Jordanian king who’s actually dead and debaters twisted aspects of immigration policy beyond recognition…

Yesterday’s debate was a mangled mass of false claims and fearmongering inuendo, such as Rand Paul’s absurd statement that “every terrorist attack we’ve had since 9/11 has been legal immigration.” For the 2,485,485th time, the San Bernardino shooter was a natural-born U.S. citizen.

And yes, Chris Christie, King Hussein of Jordan died 15 years ago.

► In other news, Colorado Reps. Doug Lamborn and Scott Tipton remained focused on the most pressing issue facing Americans today, which is of course the War on Christmas™:

Lamborn promoted the resolution in a statement issued Tuesday.

“Regrettably, there has been a troubling effort by some in America to ban any and all Christmas celebrations and traditions from the public arena. These attacks on Christmas clearly violate the rights of religious expression our Founding Fathers deliberately provided for us in the Constitution.”

If readers see any evidence of “attacks on Christmas,” please tell us in comments–right after reporting the incident to Rep. Lamborn! This is one war the terrorists aren’t going to win.

Get even more smarter after the jump…


► Gov. John Hickenlooper was in northern Colorado yesterday selling the state’s brand-new Water Plan–and hopes legislators will get on board to make it reality.

► ICYMI, that “bipartisan” redistricting plan is going over like a lead balloon as the Colorado Statesman’s John Tomasic reports:

“I can’t drive Initiative 55! That’s my phrase for this,” [Rep. Joe Salazar] said, referencing the hard-charging 1980s Sammy Hagar hit “I Can’t Drive 55.”

“They should have talked to people. I’m vice chair of the House State Affairs Committee. We consider election bills, and I’ve seen enough of them to have an opinion, but we were kept totally in the dark until four weeks ago, when the language of the initiative was already submitted. When James (Mejia) called me to tell me about (the initiative), I felt like I was just a box he had to check off.”


George Leing, who unsuccessfully challenged Rep. Jared Polis in 2014, has been selected to represent Colorado at the Republican National Committee.

► Embattled far-right Elbert County commish Robert Rowland, infamous for wasting tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars unsuccessfully fighting off a thousand dollar fine, has announced he won’t run for re-election.

► Too much of a good thing? Denver City Council puts a 120-day moratorium on new pot businesses.


► State Rep. Angela Williams is looking to Arizona for guidance on police hiring standards, for which Arizona is actually a model instead of a nightmare.

► Idaho Springs residents on I-70 construction: please make it stop.


► Latino activists fight back against “cynical” Republican “outreach efforts.”

Get More Smarter by liking Colorado Pols on Facebook!


8 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Wednesday (Dec. 16)

  1. "War on Christmas??"  I don't think so. For some interesting info on that non-existent "war," check out the web site of Americans United for Separation of Church and State (   

  2. Though R's constantly complain about bloated government, continually attempt to defund effective programs, refuse to normalize tax rates or insist our most profitable corporations pay reasonable taxes on overseas profits, they are always game for another war and increases in defense spending:

    We will have to embed additional American special operators alongside them to help them with training, to help them conduct special missions, and to help improve the air strikes. The air strikes are important, but we need to have an air force capable of it.  And because of the budget cuts we are facing in this country, we are going to be left with the oldest and the smallest Air Force we have ever had. We have to reverse those cuts, in addition to the cuts to our Navy and in addition to the cuts to our Army, as well.

    I would love to know how the fight against ISIS requires more money for the navy. Yes, I know that planes are often launched from aircraft carriers but this particular fight is not a naval battle. Using the "war on terror" to justify trillions in new spending on the navy.

    Of course the hawks want this — they always do.

    No paygos. No offsets. No need to identify funding. Defense gets a free pass on justifying almost everything

    A sweeping new two-year budget deal unveiled by the White House and congressional leaders late Monday would give Pentagon planners the fiscal stability they have been begging for, but falls about $5 billion short of what they hoped to receive in fiscal 2016.

    If finalized, the agreement would stave off the threat of a government shutdown for the rest of President Obama's term and raise the national debt ceiling until spring 2017. It also would be the second partial fix to the mandatory federal budget caps that were passed by Congress in 2011 and have been lamented ever since.

    Under details of the "bipartisan budget act" provided by House Republican leaders, the caps on defense spending would be raised by about $25 billion for each of the next two fiscal years, to $548 billion in fiscal 2016 and $551 billion in fiscal 2017.

    That, combined with nearly $59 billion in overseas contingency operations (OCO) funding for each of the next two years, would nearly match Pentagon budget plans for the near future.

    It's not enough for Republicans. And Democrats who thought they outsmarted R's on sequester cuts didn't.

        1. First they came for Frosty, and I did not speak out—
          Because I was not a snowman.

          Then they came for Rudolph, and I did not speak out—
          Because I was not a reindeer.

          Then they came for the Santa, and I did not speak out—
          Because I was not a fictional holiday character.

          Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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