(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Republican Sen. Cory Gardner spent a good chunk of his election campaign telling us that the Life at Conception Act was really nothing more than a symbolic statement, when, in fact, it is federal personhood legislation that would ban all abortion, even for rape.
Gardner infamously described the Life at Conception Act, which he co-sponsored, this way, despite widespread objections by reporters:
Gardner: “The federal act that you are referring to is simply a statement that I believe in life.”
So you’d expect him to co-sponsor the U.S. Senate version of the bill, as he did in the House.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has just given him the chance, having introduced the Life at Conception Act just this week, as announced in a news release that described the legislation this way:
Paul: “The Life at Conception Act legislatively declares what most Americans believe and what science has long known – that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore, is entitled to legal protection from that point forward. Only when America chooses, remembers, and restores her respect for life will we rediscover our moral bearings and truly find our way.”
But Gardner isn’t a co-sponsor yet.
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"There is no federal personhood bill."
"I stand by my statement…"
This could be good news for Ted Cruz, birth certificates be damned …
… maybe there's a motel-receipt record of where he was conceived ??
Gawd. Please give this one up. Udall used this argument and lost. He lost because he was tone deaf and because no one who matters in an election in this state understood the minute, ridiculous, stupid point he was trying to make. Too cute by half. Who gives a shit. All of us on the inside knew where Cory stood. No one else cared. Get to issues that actually might win the Democrats some elections.
I think you're wrong on this. Colorado has had the distinct and unique opportunity to vote on Eggmendments three times now, and each time they've voted it down resoundingly. Gardner was able to weasel out of his absolutist history against Udall and Udall's otherwise lackluster campaign (with the help of the Post), but a renewed record for an Eggmendment style act at the Federal level would re-establish Garner's credentials.
The problem really is that Pols is pushing this before it's an actual story. The story here today is either that Sen. Paul is actually doing something in the Senate while Cruz and Rubio are out and about, or that he might actually force a vote Rubio at least would prefer not to be on the record with or against, at a time when it might make a difference.
+1 🙂
Well Corey isn't running for anything so….
He is entertaining this delusional idea that he will be Rubio's running mate.
He and Rubio are both self described pro-life (meaning anti-choice) Republicans. If either or both support it that won't surprise anybody. If either or both declines as a result of a political calculation that won't surprise anybody. I'm just failing to find myself getting excited over will he or won't he. I'm also finding the "infamously" pretty over-stated since something has to be famous to be infamous and I hate to think how many Colorado voters I'd have to ask before running across one for whom this statement springs to mind at the mention of Cory Gardner. Infamous here at this site? Sure. But we really have to remember how unlike the general voting public political junkies are.
It's always comforting to point out by what large margins personhood amendments are killed in the state of Colorado and to project from that sure defeat for anyone supporting state or federal personhood/life at conception legislation but it doesn't seem to work that way. If it did we wouldn't have any Republicans winning statewide.