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March 03, 2016 11:43 AM UTC

Ex-Rep. Spencer Swalm Loves Him Some Donald Trump

  • by: Colorado Pols
Former Rep. Spencer Swalm (R).
Former Rep. Spencer Swalm (R).

Rep. Spencer Swalm represented an affluent suburban Arapahoe County district in the Colorado General Assembly for the full eight years our state’s term limits allow ending in 2014. Swalm was one of the principal wonkish voices of the insurance industry in the legislature, but was also capable of full-throated conservative rhetorical broadsides when called for.

Anyway, Spencer Swalm wants you to know he is all in for GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump! Here’s former Rep. Swalm’s guest opinion piece as published by the Denver Post last night:

On a whole range of issues, I, along with millions of others all across this country, see a lot to like in the Donald.

Let’s begin with political correctness. He is willing to take the heat for speaking out on issues that millions agree with but are so cowed that they are afraid to say what they are thinking. Trump speaks for us, and the more he is attacked for doing so, the more the average guy likes him. My advice to the PC crowd? Keep it up.

And then there’s immigration. It’s stunning to me that Trump was attacked by his Republican presidential opponents for daring to suggest that there be a complete pause in Muslim immigration while things were “sorted out” after the horrific Paris attacks. Did we “pause” German and Japanese immigration during World War II? I think so. And although I would certainly like to see us get out of endless and futile Middle East conflicts, the grim reality is that we are pretty much at war with the Muslim world. Why not a pause until peace breaks out again?

A wall on the Mexican border? Absolutely. Especially one that is paid for by Mexico…

Swalm goes on about how Donald Trump will kick the illegals out, raise wages for blue-collar America, save the middle class, and deal with whatever other objection you might have to closing this deal right now. He’ll even throw in the floor mats, because that is what Ronald Reagan would have done.

We scoff while we can, since there’s a good chance other Republicans will be cribbing from Swalm very soon.


20 thoughts on “Ex-Rep. Spencer Swalm Loves Him Some Donald Trump

  1. So any R pol who objects to getting cozy with the KKK or hate-mongering racist white supremacists in general is just being politically correct according to Swalm. Trump reflects what they, he and most R base voters really think. Is that supposed to be some kind of revelation?surprise

    He coud have skipped the op-ed if that’s all he had to tell us.

    1. Not sure exactly when being a blunt straight talker (ala Harry Truman) became conflated with being a lying, bloviating, unbound dumbass (ala Herr Drümpfenführer), but I think it was around the time that Moderatus first reared his head ?? . . . 

  2. What the hell? The 2012 GOP presidential nominee just came out again Trump, and Colorado Pols is obsessed with a former state representative??? Try to conceal your bias at least a little.

    1. Obssessed? He wrote a political op-ed. This is a political site. WTF do you think gets discussed here? And good luck with that former presidential candidate.  You can fit the righties who give a crap what he thinks in a phone booth

      1. Come on. If Colorado Pols was interested in telling an biased story there would be a post about Romney. Romney counts for a lot more than Spencer Swalm.

        And you're damn right Democrats are biased for Trump! You don't have the Republican Party or America's best interests at heart.

          1. Wow!  Did you see what ol' shit for brains just did?  He conflated what's best for the GOP with America's best interests.  You know, the new Gilded Age of billionaires is what's best for us little folks, we just don't realize how wonderful it is to be "in service" to the upper crust.

            I wonder how many pairs of knee pads Moddy wears out each year.

        1. And then there is the Donald reply……

          Complete this sentence, "I could have said, 'Mitt, drop down on your knees……'"

          And try to keep your responses no worse than rated PG.

    2. Lets look at the site we are on "COLORADO POLS". Maybe they are correctly focused on the idiots in Colorado who are saying dumb things.  We can let other National sites or his home state site talk about Romney.

  3. What's up with all the double posts today? Is the "You already said that" not working right either? It got me once this morning, too. Allllvaaa!

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