(Stand up and be counted – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Here’s a handy guide to help reporters keep up with who’s bouncing on the Trumpoline in Colorado–and which way they’re flying. I’ll update it regularly.
Elected Officials Who Actively Like Trump
State Sen. Laura Woods has said Trump is one of her two favorite prez candidates (here at 25 min 50 sec), but she’s backing Cruz.
Elected Officials Who Will Back Trump, if He’s the Nominee.
Sen. Cory Gardner (even through called Trump a “buffoon.” )
Rep. Doug Lamborn.
State Sen. President Bill Cadman.
Former Elected Officials Who Will Back Trump, if He’s the Nominee
Former Colorado Senate President John Andrews.
Former Rep. Bob Beauprez.
Former Elected Officials Who Actively Like Trump
Former State Rep. Spencer Swalm is an “out-of-the-closet” endorser.
Former Elected Officials Who Will Not Vote for Trump
Former State Sen. Shawn Mitchell.
These GOP U.S. Senate candidates told the Statesman they’d back Trump as nominee: businessman Robert Blaha, activist Charlie Ehler, Ryan Frazier, El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn, former CSU athletics director Jack Graham, former Rep. Jon Keyser, El Paso County Commissioner Peg Littleton, and State Sen. Tim Neville.
Notable Republicans Who Think “We May Be Seeing the Final months of the Existence of the Republican Party”
Republicans Who Are Declining to Say If They’ll Back Trump
Rep. Ken Buck (though he called Trump a “fraud.”)
Rep. Mike Coffman. (But campaign spokeswoman Kristin Strohm told the Colorado Stateman Feb. 2, “Will Mike Coffman support the Republican nominee over Bernie or Hillary? The answer is obviously yes.”)
Rep. Scott Tipton.
Republican State House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso.
Please send me any additons to this list.
But for the time being, these are the people reporters can turn to for answers to the perplexing questions about GOP support or lackthereof for Trump.
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Woods should have kept her mouth shut.
The Republican Party purposefully destroyed the credibility of critical democratic institutions to maintain its ever-shrinking political base:
And then came Trump.
Hey Zap. I put the same article on Monday Open. Great minds, huh?
"SlumpingDrumpfing into the abyss …"Former Pueblo Commissioner candidate and Republican party chair Tom Ready is a Trumpeter. So is Becky Mizel, also a former Pueblo GOP chairperson. Most of the rest of the Pueblo GOP crowd is all in for Cruz.
Klingenschmitt went so far as to declare that "Trump is not the Messiah". Good to know.
Here's another reason to hate Tom Brady BTW. Yep. Brady loves him some Trump.
Ross Kaminsky previously said Never Trmp, but now appears to be wavering since he was fawning all over some Heritage guy last week.
Caplis should say Never, but he'll milk it through Cleveland.
Boyles loves The Donald.
Don Maes?
any of the R pack chasing the Senate nomination?
Well this is kind of interesting. And Corey is mentioned as an attendee…
There goes at least two VP names (Ryan, Cotton).If Trump chooses Cruz does Cruz have to resign from his current gig?
No, not unless elected vp.
I don't think Trump would choose any of the usual suspects.
Once upon a time, he said he'd like Oprah as VEEP. I'm guessing he's over that.