POLS UPDATE: Yes, this is the same political hack Jennifer Kerns who absurdly claimed ballots were being mailed “from Chicago” for the 2013 recalls, and who later warned the nation of Colorado’s epidemic of “marijuana crack babies.” What can we say? People fail upward sometimes.
If all you knew about Jennifer Kerns is her job title of executive editor of the Colorado Statesman, you may have been surprised if you attended last Thursday’s meeting of the North Jeffco Tea Party, where she provided an evening lecture titled, “Brokered Brand: How the GOP continues to compromise its brand and lose elections… and what you can do about it.”
A couple days before her Jeffco speech, Kerns’ Tea-Party conservatism was blaring from KNUS 710-AM, where she subbed for arch conservative Dan Caplis:
Kerns: We can’t forget that we have a big senate race coming up here in 2016, the race against Sen. Michael Bennet, one of the more liberal members of the U.S. Senate, very similar to Mark Udall, except, in my view, there’s one big problem with Senator Bennet, and that is, whereas Mark Udall was concerned about one thing and one thing primarily, your uterus–That was his nickname at least on the campaign trail, given to him by The Denver Post.–Sen. Michael Bennet has many, many interests that he wants to control in your life. And to talk about that a little bit is the executive director of Advancing Colorado, Jonathan Lockwood. … I want to go through some of the attacks you’ve made on Sen. Michael Bennet and rightfully so, given his track record. Let’s start with his support of President Obama’s nuclear deal that gives Iran basically unfettered access to nuclear material… Great work you’re doing, Jonathan Lockwood….
This doesn’t sound like a journalist who, a couple weeks later, would be writing a front-page Statesman article about the Bennet race. But, yes, Kerns authored the April 13 piece, headlined “Bennet will have a fight, but how much of one is TBD.”
The headline was fair enough, but the article hit a low note by repeating an inaccurate conservative attack against Bennet:
“[Bennet’s] initial support of transferring prisoners from Guantanamo Bay detention camps was an unpopular sell to many Colorado voters,” Kerns reported.
Bennet never supported transferring GITMO prisoners here, and Kerns was immediately challenged on Twitter by “MissingPundit,” who pointed out that Politifact found it untrue that Bennet supported bringing Gitmo detainees to Colorado.
In response, Kerns called Politifact a “lefty site,” again repeating a conservative talking point that ignores the fact that Politifact won the Pulitzer Prize in 2009. Kerns tweeted that Politifact is “lefty” in the same way America Rising is “righty.” In reality, America Rising was established to expose the “truth about Democrats”, while the mission of Politifact is fact checking.
In any case, to the Statesman’s credit, the falsehood about Bennet was later removed from the digital version of the article, but, unfortunately, there was no indication that a correction was made.
Asked to discuss this error and her conservative activism, Kerns, who’s also a favorite of KNUS’ Peter Boyles, referred me to Statesman publisher Jared Wright.
First, Wright said, he’s obviously aware of Kerns’ conservative background, and he points to her bio, often printed in the newspaper and online, as proof that the newspaper is being transparent about her:
Jennifer Kerns is an executive editor at The Colorado Statesman. She is an accomplished conservative political writer and contributor to several national publications including The Blaze, The Washington Times, and The Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal. She also served as the communications director and spokeswoman for the 2013 Colorado recall elections to defend Coloradans’ Second Amendment rights. [and California’s Proposition 8, BigMedia addition]
Calling the recall elections an effort “to defend Coloradans’ Second Amendment rights” is biased itself, but Wright said, “All of her stuff [online and print] goes through another editor and the fact-checking process. And there have been a number of times when we said, ‘You need to go get comments from the other side. You need to make sure the other side has its say.”
Wright said it’s “no excuse,” but his small newspaper has been hit with an overlapping staff crisis and vacations recently. A written correction should have been made on Kerns’ Bennet article, in line with the newspaper’s policy, and he promised to look into it.
The short staffing, he said, was partly the reason Kerns was writing the Bennet article in the first place, said Wright. The executive editor job is “more of an executive officer or an assistant to the editorial department,” he said. But Kerns will “pinch hit” as a reporter, as she did when writing the “Hot Sheet” feature when Wright, who usually writes the informative daily political briefing, was away recently.
Wright believes that advocates can make good journalists at a political newspaper like the Statesman, due to their insider contacts and deep political knowledge.
But, I told Wright, Kerns looks like a conservative operative at work at the Statesman, which, two sources say, is under the majority control of conservative power-broker Larry Mizel.
Wright said expects Kerns’ outside political work to end soon, though she’ll still have her opinions, and some of it was on tap before she started.
“I’m fully aware that Jennifer has her bent, probably more than anyone else on our staff,” said Wright, who’s a former GOP state lawmaker, now a registered independent.
“I want to have people who are opinionated,” said Wright, emphasizing his newspaper will be as transparent as possible. “It’s important to have journalists but also to have people who have been very active in politics, and of course the only place you are going to find those people is on one side of the aisle or the other. So as long as we have a balance of those people on the team, I think we’ll be in good shape.”
Who’s the balance for Kerns, who started last month?
“You know, we’ve also got [Statesman Capitol Bureau Chief] John Tomasic,” Wright said. “John will tell you he’s very opinionated on the progressive side and has worked for progressive publications [like the Colorado Independent].”
Kerns has a track record as an operative; Tomasic is a journalist, I told Wright.
He agreed that the two staffers are not comparable “in the way they are currently operating.” He said he might add a writer with a progressive background to his staff.
With respect to Tomasic, he said, “There are times when we have to say, ‘John, you have to go talk to the other side. John, sometimes correctly, doesn’t trust the other side, and doesn’t have those contacts. It’s just all of us, working as a team, and keeping each other on track.”
The question is, given what we’ve seen so far, can the team control Kerns?
Clarification: An early version of this post implied that the Statesman is begging for progressive job applicants. This is not what I meant, and it’s not true. Also, the incorrect statement that Tomasic wrote for progressive causes was removed.
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Thanks Jason. I am really glad somebody exposed this shit.
DO NOT subscribe to the Statesman. It is right wing propaganda.
To post this on Colorado Pols is a case of pot meet kettle.
You are full of it, Modster….who on this site is portraying themselves as something they are not…?
…Carnegie comes to mind.
you got me there….![laugh laugh](https://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.8/full-all/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png)
Do you understand the difference between a casual blog and what is supposed to be a legitimate newspaper? Do you like that she publishes falsehoods ? Not opinions, such as the laughable one that Bennet is one of the more liberal Dem Senators. Facts that are simply not facts such as that Bennet supported something when he did not? Is that the news you want to get? Made up facts?
Rhetorical questions, of course. We know you don't know the difference and that lying is fine with you as long as it's a rightie is lying about a Dem.
Colorado Pols is a blog. We've never claimed to be anything else.
But a damn GOOD blog, I might add!
Colorado Pols is a partisan blog and openly discloses that reality. It does not pretend to be a newspaper or a non-partisan source of news. The Colorado Statesman, by contrast, does profess to be a non-partisan source of news and, yes, is an actual newspaper. In other words, Colorado Pols posts commentary and opinion from one ideological perspective, a mission it does not hide, while Colorado Statesman is understood by all to be a journalism operation. That's a big difference.
Thank you for that comment. One may say what one will about Alva, but Alva is honest. In this day and age of relativism, particularly as it comes to politics, CPOLS is typically and unusually truthful.
The Dead Guvs that comprise the various aspects of Alvas' personality have always been lavish in their praise of their commenters and diary contributors. I think I can speak for most of us in being humbled by that praise (No, David, not you
). While remaining a complete mystery to me, the people behind this effort have unfailingly been straight forward, intelligent, and honest in their approach.
So from an old timer to you, Alva. Just keep being a "damned liberal blog", doing what you have been doing. You know the old saying, " If it ain't broke, don't fix it"…well, umm…except for that editor thing..![laugh laugh](https://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.8/full-all/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png)
"from one ideological perspective…….." I'll disagree with that. As one example, Pete Kolbenschlag writes from a pro-environment perspective. We all want to breath clean air and drink clean water. While some Repubs may vote differently at times, environmental protection is actually a non-partisan activity.
Some? You're kidding, right? How do these concerns fair in any and every Republican majority legislative body?
RIP Colorado Statesman. I feel sorry for Jody Stroghoff who spent so many years toiling to make the Statesman one of the finest local politics only papers.
Yep, it's a loss. Jody kept the paper balanced, and professional. I stopped subscribing last year, after subscribing for many years, not only because the price skyrocketed but also because of the blatant loss of balance for both sides.
Face it. It takes more than a newspaper masthead to change a Tea Party Republican into a statesman.
I do hope Jody got all her money up front.
That said, this latest development is hardly a surprise. Publisher Jared Wright is a tea party nutjob himself and was too dumb for even Mesa County to keep in the legislature.
Jared Wright who left his gun in a gym bag on the floor of a hearing room and has no journalism experience and no management background. Looks like he's running a formerly respected newspaper into the ground. Kerns – she is an idiot and demonstrated that in the recall of Democrat Sen. John Morse. Sad, sad obit for the Colorado Statesman. But sounds like a hit reality show!
Thanks for the article. And yes, I too hope Jody was paid a handsome sum on the table – walked away and isn't looking back at the product she spent decades perfecting and now going down the drain.
CApartygirl strikes again. While promoting "Let me tell ya a few things about the Negro" Cliven Bundy, Kerns asked:
Kerns has such a terrible track record. Her fact-free spox role in the Colorado recalls was the CApartygirl's peak. It was all downhill from there. After leaving Colorado, Kerns attempted to repeat the "Recall the gun-control lawmakers" in CA with a group called "Free California". Kerns targeted Senators Norma Torres, and Ben Hueso, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, and Assembly member Sharon Quirk-Silva, and Assembly Speaker John Perez.
So out of those five she targeted, how many were recalled? Zeeee row. Zip, nada. Perez and Quirk-Silva lost elections years later, but were not recalled. Kerns' patron, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, and founder of the Minuteman movement in California , ran against popular CA governor Jerry Brown, and lost miserably – while Kerns was on his payroll as his publicist.
If Kerns sold herself to the Statesman as anything but a fact-free far-right demagogue, then the Statesman deserves what they got. I don't think that this move will help the Statesman's bottom line any; unless, of course, they are looking to be a subsidized rag of the Koch brothers.
Maybe the Colorado Statesman was scooped up by the billionaire Koch bros and not Larry Mizel. Could that be true? Wouldn't surprise me. Mizel is so smart, I just don't see him hiring Wright, much less Kerns. Don't see it.
And look at the timing, the Colorado Observer shut down, and suddenly one of its reporters was hired for the first time by the Colorado Statesman. I never knew, but suspected the Observer was a Koch Brothers operation. The original editor moved from the Observer to AFP, Koch Brothers. Fill in the dots.
Jorgenson, it's likely that the Kochs are involved. They could use the Statesman to lend gravitas and psuedo – bipartisanship (imagine a Zappatero sneer on bipartisanship) to their media empire. During the last few years of the Obama administration, the Koch Brothers have continued to build a fully integrated network of industry, philanthropy, and "influencers", i.e., lobbyists and media organizations. ,
The recall efforts in Colorado were aided and abetted by AFP Colorado – a Koch affiliate. Not that the Kochs really care about gun rights – gunheads are just easy to rile up, and recalling Morse and Giron (tried Hudak) made a convenient way to turn the Senate Republican. Kerns was deeply involved in the recall propaganda efforts.
She heaped praise on Jonathan Lockwood, who has been a Koch employee for years.
Republican legislators are easier to influence to vote for the Koch's pro-industry, anti-regulatory agenda.
We should watch what happens to the Statesman financially and politically – will they lose the paywall? Will the paper be acquired by out of state interests? Will they lay off their moderate and liberal writers to cement in a more pro-Koch editorial board, or keep a couple of them on for a show of "bipartisanship"?
The Statesman is not a newspaper; it is a Republican propaganda rag. This hire only cements that reality.
Wasn't always that way.
BlueCat, couldn't agree more with you. There was a balance of editorial judgment and perspective. Before articles were published, they were usually combed by the editor/publisher to curb any slant in order to be balanced.