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July 12, 2016 09:59 AM UTC

Bernie Endorses Hillary

  • by: Colorado Pols
Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton.

NBC News reporting, ranks in the Democratic Party have now officially closed with a strong endorsment from Bernie Sanders for presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton:

Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, capping off a contentious presidential primary and solidifying the former secretary of state’s hold on the Democratic party.

“I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton,” Sanders said while standing next to Clinton at an event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

“This campaign is not really about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. This campaign is about the needs of the American people and addressing the very serious crises that we face,” Sander said. “And there is no doubt in my mind that as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that.”

So ends the most bitter Democratic campaign rivalry since Barack Obama beat Clinton for the 2008 presidential nomination. Republicans have sought refuge from the unfolding catastrophe at the top of their ticket by playing up disunity between Sanders’ grassroots supporters and the “mainstream” Democratic party personified by Clinton. Now that Sanders has delivered this unequivocal endorsement, all but the most ardent Bernie supporters–in many cases “low propensity” voters anyway–should come back into the fold after an appropriate period of grieving and coping.

And yes, that’s bad news for Republicans. It’s true they don’t need more bad news. Sorry about that.


38 thoughts on “Bernie Endorses Hillary

  1. This is a huge deal right before the Republican Convention.  Overblown SOS "scandals" neutered.  Bernie has her back now with an unequivocal endorsement.  Trump making no effort to develop a ground game or General Election persona.  They are going to be a dispirited and mean bunch when they gather in Cleveland next week.  Kudos to Sanders for standing with Democrats.  I hope he gets a good speaking spot now.  It is the right thing to do.

        1. Odd insult.  It is an amazing display of Democrats siding with Democrats and all you can come up with is some halfhearted Mafia reference.  Is the inference that he didn't do it willingly because it sure looks like he did.

          1. Thanks for the credit, but it's not even an insult.  It just reminded me of the scene from the Godfather, Bernie looked like sad Fredo to me, and this is the end of his presidential "life."  That's all.  I don't have any feelings about Bernie endorsing Hillary, except that I feel bad for his supporters who are wounded by it.  It's up to him to do what he thinks best, just like it's up to everyone else to do the same.

            That folks seem to think there's something nefarious or ill-intentioned behind my post has given me a good laugh, though.

            1. My error in not laughing.  The Monkey remark was the mystery to me.  Normally when people say "I'm not your monkey", it has racial overtones.  As my want, I was reacting to the retort and read devious motives into it like a Republican reviewing Mrs. Clinton's Benghazi testimony.

          2. I'm with you GG.  Whenever somebody feels they have to say "it was just a joke" or the equivalent, you know there's an implied dig, insult or passive aggressive thing going on. Otherwise everybody gets that it's "just a joke" in the first place. If somebody tells you you can't take a joke tell them what they can do with it.

  2. Ok, this was the right thing to do, although perhaps a little overdue. Thank you, Bernie, again!  

    And, the timing before the GOP con-vention next week is good, but, the eventual endorsement itself was also hardly unexpected.

    As to November, I've been wondering whether Theresa May as the new Tory Prime Minister post-Brexit, the potential pitfalls of Brexit on the world economy and global military alliances, and how week this all gets handled over the next 100 days, might be just as significant on impacting our elections as any endorsements now or in the future — (those pesky "unknown unknowns") ???

    1. Well, as to all those Brexit worries, Dio, the S&P 500 closed Monday at an all time high of 2137!  Business supposedly hates uncertainty.  But the markets are also renowned for rising on the rumor and falling on the event.  They seem to be saying "Anybody but Trump" and betting on Hillary.

  3. As Donald J. Orange's Orc army gathered for its final assault on the tired Elvish Archers of Hillary the Fair, the sound of a trumpet was heard.   Marching at a quickstep, the fierce pikemen of Sir Bernie of the Mountain Green deployed to protect the deadly archers from the marauding Orc Cavalry.   Arrayed in 6 ranks with their 18-foot sarissas (spears) the pikemen presented six lines of spearpoints to the Orcs — the classic Alexandrian phalanx.

    "What the bleep is a phalanx?" Donald the Orange asked.

    "How should I know?" the Baron of Bridgegate replied.

    Then, from the Orc rear, came another trumpet and an aged but virile knight rode forward at the head of the famous Companion cavalry.   Sir Bernie himself had ridden from the Green Mountains, picking up reinforcements along the way.   His force lay squarely across the only line of retreat for the Orcs.

    A smile flickered across the aged knight's face.

    "Welcome to Cannae," he chuckled.




    1. Translation from Punic:

      We showed that the American people support a bold, Progressive agenda that takes on the Billionaire class, that fights for racial, social, economic and environmental justice and that seeks to create a government that works for all of us and not just the big campaign donors.

      We mobilized over 13 million voters across the country. We won 23 Democratic primary and caucus contests. We had literally hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the country. And we showed — in a way that can change politics in America forever — that you can run a competitive national grassroots campaign without begging millionaires and billionaires for campaign contributions.

      Most importantly, we elevated the critical issues facing our country — issues the establishment has pushed under the rug for too long. We focused attention on the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality in this country and the importance of breaking up the large banks who brought our economy to the brink of collapse. We exposed our horrendous trade policies, our broken criminal justice system, and our people’s lack of access to affordable health care and higher education. We fought aggressively to address the crisis of climate change, the need for real comprehensive immigration reform, the importance of developing a foreign policy that values diplomacy over war, and so much more.


      And he didn't say "no trade, never"……he said "no horrendous trade policies" that pay companies to ship their factories to China and that result in companies having their workers train their cheaper foreign replacements (which, by his overblown rhetoric, I can only assume V thinks are ideal trade policies that we should continue).


      1. must stop trade.  must stop trade.   trade bad.  Trade horrendous.   Must look up horrendous, think it mean bad.   trade bad.  Trade maybe even horrendous.   Must look up horrendous…

          1. Zapatero is, screaming four-five times a day how we have to stop TPP, repeal NAFTA, vote out anybody who ever voted for a trade deal.   Must stop trade, must stop trade.   And, yes, every time Zappy bellows and rants,  rants, I will mock him for the diehard, brain dead, protectionist that he is.  Stopping TPP is only the starting point for the anti-trade crowd.   Their real target is NAFTA.   So add a Canadian wall to their Mexican one.  

            must stop trade   must stop trade.

            1. OK. But not everyone who thinks NAFTA was and TPP is less than ideal as written shares Zap's view nor your apparent view that it's a binary black and white choice. That would be the choice between HRC and Trump. Definitely binary but not so on international trade policy. Lots more moving  parts than just two… your way or Zap's. 

              Here is just one example of a few thoughts to consider in the context of a more nuanced international and domestic, economic and political landscape that both you and Zap might be able to at least look at without any heads exploding. 


              1. Actually, it is binary, BC.  The fast track process precludes amendments on tpp. You vote aya or nay.  And nafta is an international treaty.  If we violate the rules, other nations can and will retaliate under WTO rules.  "Responsible nationalism" is a little like "responsible cancer."    Obviously, everybody hates something.  I don't like the pharma rules in TPP.  But I also don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater.  And I fear the unraveling of organizations of international cooperation  may lead the world back to armed conflicts like the one I served in.  

                1. Never mind. I see you're in full curmudgeon mode. Please note I was talking about whether or not it naturally follows that you either fully support everything in NAFTA and TPP or you hate trade/must stop trade. Night, night.

  4. As important as Bernie's endorsement of Hillary is (and it really is), the key to getting Bernie's agenda escalated and hopefully passed in Congress will be to ensure the election of as many Federal, State and Local Dems as possible.

    Time to grab a big broom and sweep the deadwood out of our legislatures!

    1. Agreed.  I wish the Dem narrative would expand  to calling out the Do Nothing GOP-run Congress.  Now the GOP wants to charge Hillary with perjury.  Nothing less than the wholesale removal of the GOP House and Senate majorities is required before we can move forward.

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