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January 15, 2009 01:43 AM UTC

New US Attorney Update, names released

  • by: Roger D

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

A press release from Udall and Salazar names three candidates for US Attorney.  Names also submitted for US Marshall.  Al LaCabe is listed for Marshal.  See the release below the jump

So who is your pick?

Three names will be submitted to the White House tomorrow as potential US Attorneys for the district of Colorado.

I know of four names that are on the ‘short’ list.  The three will be among these four.

Which is your pick, not your favorite or preference but the one that will eventually be named?

The press release names Villafuerte, Walsh and Thiebaut.  Also Denver’s Manager of Safety is a candidate for US Marshal

Press Release:


Thursday, January 15, 2009

CONTACTS: Matt Lee-Ashley (Salazar) – 202-228-5905

Tara Trujillo (Udall)- 720-333-3425

Sen. Salazar, Sen. Udall Submit Recommendations for U.S. Attorney, U.S. Marshal

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, United States Senators Ken Salazar and Mark Udall submitted to President-Elect Barack Obama the names of highly qualified individuals for consideration to serve as United States Attorney, District of Colorado, and United States Marshal, District of Colorado.

In joint letters to President-Elect Obama, Senator Salazar and Senator Udall recommended for U.S. Attorney, District of Colorado: Stephanie Villafuerte, John Walsh, and William “Bill” Thiebaut, Jr.   For U.S. Marshal, District of Colorado, Senator Salazar and Senator Udall recommended: John Kammerzell and Alvin “Al” LaCabe Jr.

For links to the letters, click here and here.  Additional biographical information is below.

Senator Salazar:  “The individuals Senator Udall and I have submitted to President-elect Barack Obama represent the best in Colorado’s law community.  They would bring a range of backgrounds and experiences to these positions, are highly qualified, and would serve the people of Colorado well.”

Senator Udall:  “I know that Senator Salazar wanted to get this important work done before he left the Senate and I have appreciated working with him to identify well-qualified, experienced and dedicated Coloradans for these positions.”

Senator Salazar:  “I have worked very hard over the last four years to get positions filled for the United States District Court for Colorado.  Having those positions filled is essential to the functioning of the federal judiciary.  In that work over the last four years, including through the work of the bipartisan judicial advisory commission I formed last year, I have identified numerous individuals of the highest qualification to serve on the United States District Court.  I will be sharing those names with Senator Udall and Michael Bennet for their consideration.”

Recommendations for U.S. Attorney, District of Colorado:

Stephanie Villafuerte – Deputy Chief of Staff for Colorado Governor Bill Ritter; former Chief Deputy District Attorney for and Deputy District Attorney, Colorado’s 2nd Judicial District (Denver); former Assistant U.S. Attorney, Colorado

John Walsh III – Partner at Hill & Robbins, P.C. in Denver; former partner in the Denver Office of Holland & Hart, LLP; former Assistant United States Attorney, Central District of California, Los Angeles.

William “Bill” Thiebaut, Jr. – District Attorney, Colorado’s Tenth Judicial District (Pueblo); former State Senator and Representative (Pueblo).

Recommendations for U.S. Marshal, District of Colorado:

John Kammerzell – Mr. Kamerzell is currently Director of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (P.O.S.T.), Colorado Department of Law.  He has also served as Undersheriff, Larimer County, Colorado; Executive Director, County Sheriffs of Colorado, Inc.; Patrol Division Commander, Larimer County Sheriff’s Office; Sheriff, Rio Grande County, Colorado; Patrolman, Colorado State Patrol.  Mr. Kammerzell is a United States Air Force veteran who served as a munitions and weapons expert in Europe, North Africa, and Asia.

Alvin “Al” LaCabe Jr. – Manager of Safety, Department of Safety, City and County of Denver; former Assistant United States Attorney, Colorado; former Of Counsel, Denver Law firm of Davis, Graham & Stubbs, LLP; former Chief Deputy District Attorney, Deputy District Attorney, and criminal investigator, Colorado’s 2nd Judicial District (Denver); former Agent, Colorado Bureau of Investigation; former patrol officer and detective, New Orleans, LA Police Department; United States Marine Corps veteran (duty stations in the U.S. and Asia).

# # #

Does the hispanic have the inside track because of recent uproar?

Does the one non-Denver metro candidate have the inside track to appease the outstate because of the Denver-centric nature of most appointments (Buescher being the exception)?

Does John Walsh have a chance?

Who will be the US Attorney

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27 thoughts on “New US Attorney Update, names released

  1. Wait, there have been three high-profile appointments lately, for secretary of state, the U.S. Senate and Denver Public Schools superintendent. So not including Buescher, and if we agree that a DPS super is likely to be Denver-centric, in one way or another, your comment is just a way to slam Bennet while making it sound like it’s part of a larger, insidious trend?

    That aside, thanks for putting up the list, that’s a good scoop.

    1. I just noted that there has been a lot of grumbling about the fact that the recent appointments have been Denver-centric (with the exception of Buescher) and that the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate are from Denver, the Governor is from Denver, the Treasurer is from Denver, the Lt. Governor is from Denver and after Ritter’s election you may remember there was quite an uproar about his cabinet appointments being from the metro area.  (there was a great map that Club 20 put out remarking on the lack of out-state representation on the cabinet (Russ George became the one exception).

      I am not weighing in on this one way or another, just noting that there has been grumbling and will some of that be taken into account when an appointment is made.

      The same as I am noting that there has been a lot of grumbling about the lack of consideration of an Hispanic.  Will that make a difference with Villafuerte.

      What is really most interesting about this is each of these individuals have something going for them politically with regard to the constituency that support them.  They also have downsides politically as well.

      Villafuerte should have the support of Salazar, but as noted elsewhere here, there is huge animosity between Salazar and Ritter, could that impact?

      John Walsh and Michael Carrigan are both white males from the metro area, that could count against them, but both have been prosecutors.

      Bill Thiebaut would be a sop to the out state, but both Ritter and Salazar probably think he is too liberal, despite the fact that he is a sitting DA.

  2. So Stephanie, who is exceedingly competent and well proven is a good choice. I know she is incredibly loyal to Ritter, so not sure if she would leave.

  3. and why would the list be submitted to the White House tomorrow?  For Bush to appoint?  Shouldn’t the submission wait until Obama takes office?  Is the submission to the Office of the President-Elect?  I don’t get it.

    Anyway, as to these 4 folks, I say, based on my vast knowledge and unparalleled record of being right always, that it’s between Villafuerte and Thiebaut.  My Thiebaut guess is contrary to my earlier thoughts, but so what?! I can change my effin’mind.  I wonder if Villafuerte’s chances are harmed by her close association with Ritter.  Ken S. and Ritter are not on the best of terms lately, it seems, according to internet rumors (which are right always, like me).

  4. Except for the past two years, she has been a career prosecutor and held positions with the Denver District Attorneys office and the U.S. Attorneys office. She would be able to hit the ground running with a superb background and knowledge of criminal law and prosecutions.  Her last two years as Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor will also serve her well as she administers the U.S. Attorneys office. For once, we have a candidate for this job who actually has relevant experience for the position.

  5. You didn’t mention WHO would be submitting these names for the US Attorney position.  Ken S.?  plus Udall?  plus Bennet?

    Also, is it typical to submit 3 names for 1 position?  Why wouldn’t Salazar, or whoever, just pick 1 name and pass it along to Obama?  (ala the federal judicial appointments, 1 name per opening).

    1. I just know that is the number being submitted.

      The fact that there are two Senators from the Presidents party means that both will sign the letter.  I have been told that Bennet is deferring to the two ‘sitting’ Senators, as is appropriate.

      As this process continues, he may become involved, once he is actually seated.

      Not sure what the Obama process will be, but there will clearly be vetting, the Justice department will become involved and then the final selection will be made by the President.  This could take a while.  Then the nominee will have to be confirmed by the Senate.

      1. …one might defer to/wait for Bennet, who will have the job shortly and who will actually have the job of voting on the nominee.  Not Salazar.  Now, I might seem snarky about Salazar, but not at all.  I seriously love it!  I’m glad he’s not deferring to Ritter’s oddball choice.  

        1. is the level of animosity among high-level Democrats right now re: Ritter.

          The Salazar brothers are major PO’d.  Frances Koncilja and Steve Farber are fit to be tied, and everyone else is just shaking their heads and concerned about 2010.  Bennet is going to get caught in the crossfire.

          I saw John Suthers this afternoon.  I asked him how he was doing and he just flashed a big smile.  He looked like the cat that ate the canary.

          1. Yes, I pinged him also for 2 white males. But his appointments are not a biggie. He selected competent people with no hint of anything untowed. People’s egos are bruised but that’s the extent of the damage.

            The big question is what is Ritter going to do over the next year to improve our state. We face a lot of challanges, and not just an economy in the toilet. That is what matters and that is what will determine who wins in state races in ’10.

            And to those PO’ed because of what Ritter did/didn’t do in these selections – we have larger problems facing us. Suck it up and get to work.

          2. who would be a slam dunk against Ritter, even if things get worse for the Guv. At this early stage, I think the Republicans thinking that they can unseat him just because he’s been average should think twice before getting too confident.

            The Senate race is another matter, but I think Bennet is slowly starting to sway people.

            2010 is going to be a lot harder than 2008 was, but the Republicans are nowhere near ready. The Dems at least have incumbency on their side.

            1. There’s nothing wrong with the GOP getting over confident.  Let them laugh in the voters’ faces and take a dump on the stage, please.  It’ll really help us out.

              Or just offer the old standards as candidates.  Same difference.

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