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January 15, 2009 05:10 AM UTC

The Gay Inquisition?

  • by: eddys

I want someone to seriously defend this site (  Is there any doubt that if this were a conservative creating a similar site outing gays and providing their home addresses, names, etc this would not lead to mass protests and a concerted effort to shut it down – rightfully I might add?  Anyone who justifies this action on the basis that GL “rights were violated” are hypocritical and fascists. As a libertarian I support the gay and lesbian community in their cause, but you DO NOT justify an unconscionable action by endorsing another unconscionable action.  The more those of you active in the pro-gay movement justify, condone and/or encourage this behavior the more support you lose among those of us who support your rights.

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16 thoughts on “The Gay Inquisition?

  1. ..this site simply builds on public data that is mandatorily made public.  Unless you oppose campaign finance laws, and maybe you do, I don’t get your beef.  And if you do, your beef has nothing to do with this site specifically.

    And, this site is nothing like “outing gays.”  Not at all.  This site simply “outs” people who have already publicly acknowledged that they contributed to the Prop 8 campaign.  And don’t believe anyone buys your bullshit about how you support the “GL community and their cause.”  Save it for the mirror.  IN FACT, because you have now actively promoted this site (which otherwise would be unknown to many), I think you created this site!  Sneaky gays!!!!!

  2. about making public information public. The exact same info has been easily available for years in list form, putting pins on a map doesn’t change it.

      1. for “visual” learners, the new Prop 8 map is easier to grasp than FEC or state elections lists, it’s true. But, as an “audio” and “tactile” learner myself, I’m waiting for the podcast version, or maybe an interpretive sculpture.

  3. Jambalaya;

       You freely use a tactic that has become popular amongst  libs…discount the argument by attacking the person. You have no idea if I truly support the GL’s efforts for equal rights. So, instead you do obscure the main point by suggesting I’m insincere.  My argument has nothing to do with campaign finance laws and you know it. I’m in full agreement with open disclosure laws but this is a simple prostitution of that law.  You wouldn’t be making the same argument if liberals supporting anti-conservative legislation were made public in this manner.  My point remains, this is completely inappropriate.   Making public a person’s name and contribution amount is completely appropriate, however this exceeds the intent of the law and exposes these donors to potential harassment and retaliation. It’s inconceivable how you can defend putting their addresses on this site – it’s reprehensible?  Again, hypocrisy reigns supreme with liberals!


      Now if only there was some source to find addresses.  Maybe a big book that gets delivered to your house several times a year by several different companies.  OMG!  It could separate business and residential, it could even have a special, different colored, counterpart that businesses could advertise in.  I think I’m on to something here.  I’ll be rich!

    2. Eddys, I think you’re a hypocrite for complaining that you were “attacked” and then attacking yourself. You lose complaining privileges when you go on the attack yourself.

      But I do have to agree that this site is inappropriate. However I’m sure it’s perfectly legal and don’t see a reasonable way to outlaw what they did.

      BTW eddys, please click on the “reply” link under the comment to which you wish to reply rather than posting a new comment downthread. It makes for a better flow when reading these diaries.

  4. In fact, I think more organizations who run ballot campaigns and the like should engage in this sort of modeling.

    For example, I’m much more likely to support businesses that are pro-gay (it’s why I shop at Borders, for example, or Sears if I have to go to a department store). This was the case both before and after I came out, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

    The thing is, many people would be more likely to support or oppose businesses and individuals who own/run those businesses on many other issues. Some who oppose/support abortion, for example, or PETA members who saw people donating against Prop 4 (the chicken coop measure in CA this year).

    If you are ashamed of the way you donate money, don’t donate. Just like if you’re a person who’s ashamed of your sexual orientation, don’t solicit sex in Minneapolis bathroom stalls.  

  5. Public information put in an easy to use format and made….well, public.

    I take it from the tone of your post that you prefer your public information presented in a format that makes it difficult to use.  

    Gay rights is not the issue here…campaign finace laws are.

  6. This is a portion of the letter sent to businesses by the pro-8, anti-gay, groups.

    We respectfully request that [Company Name] withdraw its support of Equality California. . . . Were you to elect not to donate [to Yes on 8] comparably, it would be a clear indication that you are in opposition to traditional marriage. . . . The names of any companies that choose not to donate in like manner to but have given to Equality California will be published.  It is only fair for Proposition 8 supporters to know which companies and organizations oppose traditional marriage.

    I will supply the link later.  However, this will be one of the exhibits showing how the pro-8 group works.

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