“I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.”
–Edward Gibbon
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BY: Schrodingers Dog
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: DOGE D’oh! Judge Orders Fired Federal Employees to be Immediately Rehired
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IN: Jeff Hurd Gives Very Bad Answers To Tele Town Hall Audience
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: DOGE D’oh! Judge Orders Fired Federal Employees to be Immediately Rehired
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IN: Jeff Hurd Gives Very Bad Answers To Tele Town Hall Audience
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Time to update the Big Line.
Johnson is surging.
Who 0%
Surging Johnson 0%
(Updated August 16)
Note: DO NOT Google "Surging Johnson"
Johnson is surging?? I just checked three respected prediction blogs: 538, Political Wire, Center for Politics. No sign of a surge on any of those. 538 has Johnson at 8.3% of the popular vote, which is about where he has been for some time.
I’m thinking that the “surge” is wishful thinking on Dave’s part.
Gary johnson is doing well in Utah – 16%. that's the only "surge" I found. He's raising money quickly, too.
Or sarcasm?
If you do goggle "surging Johnson" be sure to have the porn filter on!
Here's why CoPols doesn't really need to add to Johnson or Stein:
Tuesday, August 16
Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Washington Post
Clinton 46, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 3
Clinton +7
Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton Washington Post
Clinton 51, Trump 43
Clinton +8
Note the big difference in the Clinton margin adding Johnson and Stein into the mix makes? Pretty much the same story in other state and national polls whether for a Trump lead or a Clinton lead or adding both Johnson and Stein or just Johnson.
Bernie Busters and those who won’t vote trump but hate Hils might just as well stay home. These two just aren’t making a difference.
I was not expecting this.
Not surprised. There has been little evidence of superior performance by charter schools all along, this despite the fact that charter schools should be enhanced by both their ability to be selective and the fact that parents who seek charter school admission contribute to a higher proportion of students with involved parents and supportive environments at home. There are individual high performing charter school exceptions but, over all, the movement doesn't have much to show for itself.
There's a version of the full paper available free.
Charter Schools and Labor Market Outcomes
Income, labor market and poverty issues aside, it's also interesting to note locally that in already high performing suburban districts there just doesn't seem to be much evidence for superior performance of charter schools.
The key thing to keep in mind,BC, is that to many parents,charter schools are the last stop before they give up on the public system entirely. Both my grand kids have been in DPS charter schools, though my 15 year-old granddaughter is switching to East High this fall, where her mom went and which has a better athletic program (she's a good runner and hopes for a college scholarship as an athlete.)
Like you, I've seen little evidence that charters are better, as a class than other public schools. But my daughter and son-in-law felt the ones they picked had better disciplinary policies and more room for growth.
In today's world, if you just let the teacher's union put a bayonet at parents' throats and force them into a one-size fits all mediocre system, they will just pull the kids and either send them to private schools or rent a house in Cherry Creek.
Charter schools are public schools and parents who want their children to have school choice deserve to be listened to. Denver's openness toward reform, including charter schools, is why I am willing to support it with my taxes and my vote.
Actually, I'd have to go search but it's my understanding that more of the DPS charters are getting difference making results than the ones in suburban districts, especially in suburban districts that are pretty high performing to start with.
We were lucky to have moved into the Littleton school district before our son started. It's been consistently as high performing or more so than Cherry Creek. Together we were at the top in all categories throughout our son's primary and secondary education.
If they ever get tired of Denver you can't go wrong moving to Littleton proper. We have excellent schools, parks, rec centers and other amenities ( library/ museum, Art Depot, etc.) a real historic downtown, great shops and ethnically diverse restaurants. We also have charter schools but the plain old public schools are high quality.
We also have a very good Community College, ACC, a great place for your kid who isn't sure about ultimate career goals to go and get those basic requirements out of the way without spending an arm and a leg before transferring to a more expensive U or to pursue a career that requires an associate degree or some other kind of training.
Also very important, our school Board hasn't undergone the kind of nasty partisan drama common to DougCo and JeffCo.
Agreed. Littleton is a fine community and has good schools. And the rail stop opens it up to other communities without battling I-25.
Lot's of students come from Englewood and Denver on Light Rail to attend ACC. We also have lot of free summer concerts.
I still go to the WWW parade even though my kid is long past playing in the Heritage High Marching Band. It's a real old time extravaganza and all the pols will have floats and booths where you can sign up to support campaigns. Lots of marching bands from all over, vets, fire trucks, equestrian groups, antique cars, fair food and arts and crafts. Starts with a flyover. You'll think you're in Mayberry along historic Main Street. There is definitely a there here.
It has a great walkable downtown, with Jose's great mmex food and even a neat little gun shop.
I prefer Savory Spice and In-Tea, but, yes, there's that. And Merle's, a stand alone locally owned neighborhood restaurant with roof top dining and great burgers and real fries, fish and chips, Reubens, etc., a decent pho joint, good sushi restaurant, wine bar, brew pub, bars with music on weekends, coffee houses, chocolate shop, La Vaca Beef, a great rec center with state of the art fitness equipment, easy access to our network of trails and Light Rail. And more.
For the reading pleasure of our newly arrived trolls. Enjoy.
Continue reading the main story
Oops. Meant to include this paragraph too. It's kind of the kicker.
To add to the pleasure of newly-arrived trolls, who ever they may be, how come Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is lying about his connections to Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs? Trump and Manafort are in denial mode with attacks on the New York Times, which broke the story. Yet the Wall Street Journal's sources basically support the conclusions of the Times' writers.
(a) The Russia connections are really troubling. I image we'd have a better idea of the Drumpf's involvement if he released his tax returns.
(b) Despite all the yammering about the NYT, the Drumpf's speechwriters still depend on the paper of record. I checked out his convention speech. I would guess that more than half the footnotes come from either the NYT or WaPo.
I got another comment awaiting moderation for no apparent reason. I don't even call anyone a schmuck. It's just polls.
I found this Michael Moore piece interesting. Obviously, there are always concerns around someone with a social agenda and unnamed sources, but…
Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted the Job in the First Place
I'm generally not a fan of Michael Moore; he's too far left for my taste. But I did see an interesting piece by him several weeks ago where he strongly encouraged the Dems not to get complacent regarding Hillary's chances. I agree, as a bona-fide RAT (Republican Against Trump). The time for complacency is the days after election day.
I'm a former fan who doesn't find him too liberal but has been disappointed too often by his sometimes distant relationship to accuracy. I felt the same about liberal talk radio's Randi Rhodes back in the day. I'd tell someone something I heard from her, assuming she fact checked,and then find out it was based on little more than a grain of truth and I was passing along bad info.
Thank goodness liberals can rely on Rachel Maddow to be meticulous with her research and on the rare occasions when she gets something wrong she corrects very publicly and apologetically at the earliest opportunity.
Newsporn site Gawker has been sold to Univision for $135 million. Let's hope Univision brings these predatory papparazzi back to responsible journalism. The old gawker will not be missed.
Isn't that the site that lost a big lawsuit filed by Terry Bollea (a.k.a. Hulk Hogan)? Just googled it and I'm correct. Gawker sold for less than it owes Mr. Bollea.
Yes. The verdict may be scaled down, bit it forced Gawker into bankruptcy. Good riddance. Without going into detail, this is a victory for privacy. This suit was invasion of privacy, not libel. Gawker wanted the right to run private sex tapes, without consent of subjects and without ccompensation purely to make a profit. If they had won, no Americans private acts would have been safe from greedy websites.