U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



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August 24, 2016 07:24 AM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose.”

–Charles Bukowski


23 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

    1. If you want Johnson and Stein to register at all, you need to inflate Trump and Glenn a little? Also to balance the inflated 50/50s in congressional races?

          1. Like most things in life you learn to live with it.  My main problem is not that or the kidney transplant, but tailbone pain.  Funny how a little thing is the worst.

            You had a partial colectomy, I take it?  

  1. Stick to your guns, Dave!!!  I have it on good authority (unnamed and unnamable sources) that Pols is going to update the line any day now due to the massive protests you have led.

     Well done!!!!  Your have our gratitude and permission to stand down … 'till after the elections at least.


      1. I'm surprised Kansas still has law enforcement officers in its employ. How are they getting paid given the state's finances? Are they volunteers in a posse?

        1. It's Reefer Madness gone bad on the east side of our state line.  A virtual neo-con, drug-warrior paradise.  Let them die in jail over a plant.  That'll show 'em…

          Sewell carried medication for several medical problems, including hepatitis C, thyroid problems and fibromyalgia, said her brother, Rick Ray, of Kansas City.

          Her siblings told the AP that Sewell had bought a motor home from some friends who live in Colorado who had driven it to Kansas City. Sewell and Biggs were driving those friends back home to Colorado. While in Colorado, which has legalized marijuana, Sewell bought the weed to ease her chronic pain and nausea. She had 31 grams of it in a sealed jar when she was stopped by the Kansas Highway Patrol for speeding, Biggs said. The officer claimed he smelled marijuana.

          “It was a profile thing after he found out we were coming from Colorado because there was nothing visible,” Biggs said. “There was nothing going on. There wasn’t a smell in the car, I can guarantee you.”



    1. Kansas is teaching fewer days and can't hire teachers, has already cut its budget into the bone.

      Colorado is planning to replace aging schools and keep up on maintenance, thanks to marijuana money going into the B E S T fund…. at least, my district is applying for matching funds  via a bond, and a mill levy override. If the voters OK it, I may one day have operable windows again.

      So, Brownback can kiss Colorado's cannabis-loving a**.


  2. This harassment of Coloradans is Kansas' plan to augment their anaemic state coffers. Bust enough people driving cars with those suspicious green licence plates and the people will pay huge fines just to escape from that god-forgotten place.

      1. Will do.  The big reason Westinghouse AC beat Edison's DC in the beginning was that AC was much easier to transmit over distance, so am interested in this development.

  3. Fascinating., Michael.  Wouldn't it be something if that old crook Edison was right, albeited belatedly, after all.   Wyoming wind to California could do two things — integrate better with California solar and also back up California wind which might be blowing when California is calm and vise versa.

  4. Are you ashamed to admit you support Trump?  Embarrassed when your friends and family ask you who you support for President?  Do you mumble your reply, or worse have to pretend you plan to vote for Hillary?

    If so, congratulations, you must be one of the untold millions of SECRET TRUMP SUPPORTERS!



    (or maybe a certain pollster/campaign manager is selling BS to keep the boss happy and the paychecks coming devil

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