U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Phil Weiser

(D) Joe Neguse

(D) Jena Griswold




Att. General See Full Big Line

(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Brian Mason




Sec. of State See Full Big Line
(D) A. Gonzalez

(D) George Stern

(R) Sheri Davis




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(D) Brianna Titone

(R) Kevin Grantham

(D) Jerry DiTullio




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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



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(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Manny Rutinel

(D) Yadira Caraveo




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August 05, 2005 08:00 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Lots of news today. Stay tuned.


42 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Marilyn just recently got her very first ever bill signed into law…and now Paul Harver, here is the rest of the story:


    In 1864, a contingent of Colorado militia murdered at least 163 Indians, mostly women and children, at a camp along Sand Creek in eastern Colorado.

    Last year, then-U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, a Colorado Republican and the only American Indian in the Senate, got the Senate to pass a bill designating the massacre site as a national historic monument. But the effort faltered in the House when U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, a Republican who represents the district that includes Sand Creek, didn’t push for its passage. Fortunately, the effort didn’t end with Campbell’s retirement, as U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard, another Colorado Republican, took up the cause and again pushed the bill through the Senate. This time, a more attentive Musgrave got the measure through the House. On Tuesday, President Bush signed the bill, allowing the National Park Service to manage the 2,400-acre site on behalf of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes whose ancestors died at Sand Creek.

  2. I’d like to pose a slightly inside baseball, nonpartisan question…
    The Denver Business Journal has an article on the falling circulation numbers of the Rocky and Post. This drop correlates to more people going online for their news and more fragmented channels for politicians to deliver their messages. Clearly, political hacks have found online boards like this one, but have politicians/parties embraced online communications strategically? Dean sure made news last year, but what about local and Congressional races?

  3. Congratulations to the Colorado delegation for getting the Sand Creek bill passed!  That is good news.

    whoa – running Haggard might be one of the few ways to get a Democrat into Hefley’s seat.  And I’d personally beg Hefley to re-up for another term if that was the alternative.  At least Hefley’s proven himself to be a mostly rational human being with ethical standards.

  4. Heard a rumor this morning that Marc Holtzman is holding a press conference today to announce that he is dropping out of the governor’s race.

  5. Yeah, he’s getting out, it’s over.

    He is going to announce that he is suspending campaigning to work full time against C & D.  Looks like a clever way to beg off while he looks for a better answer to why is dropping out of the Gov’s race.

    Reality is this: his staff is overwhelmed and the infighting is incredible, the wedding is off (I’m soooo suprised), his pollster just quit (more staff to follow soon), his grassroots support has dried up and is blowing away (e.g. the failed RV tour).

    This is par for the course for Marc.  He just gets bored easy.  He usually lasts a year or two at a job, and this just isn’t fun for him anymore.  Plus his personal life is in a shambles and so he is just unable to focus on the hard road ahead.

    This is over as of today.

  6. Laura Teal told me today that he will be announcing that he is dropping out of the race. He feels that he would better serve Colorado by campaigning for Ref C&D because BB is probably going to win anyway. Everything should be announced at the press conference today.

  7. ok, the last time that a guv. candidate held an impromptu press conference, he ended up announcing going to Iraq. Maybe MH decided to go work in Iraq as a contractor?

  8. I have to say that I am very sad to see Marc drop out.  I felt he would have made a a real contribution as the governor of Colorado.  Well, guess it’s time to make sure BB gets elected!

  9. Holtzman’s early exit is not news.  It has been the subject of the rumor mill for the last week.  You all should brush up on your “contacts.”  Must say though, he has found a graceful way to depart with the whole C&D thing.

  10. Alex,

    Thank you! For the last week I’ve been thinking about how this truly used to be an insider’s look into Colorado Politics but lately it has been a red v. blue bitching session. Thank you for voicing my thoughts.

  11. The way I hear it, he’s not dropping out at all. He’s merely suspending campaign operations because he thinks that it will help him in the long run to work full time against C&D.

  12. There will be no press conference.  MH isn’t dropping out of anything! 

    Does everybody remember the “telephone” game??  BB is going to suffer a huge loss if his staff doesn’t get off of their damn computers and WORK!!!

  13. Charging electioneering by II is a dangerous route for the Yes on CD campaign.  How many nonprofits are campaigning for the referenda?  How many state employees are speaking at events during the weekdays in favor of the referenda? This is a dangerous move.

  14. Champa – BIG difference between Caldera’s group and non-profits involved in C&D…

    Bighorn, This Matters, Vote Yes on C&D, and other C&D groups are not tax-exempt; they are specifically issue advocacy groups who spend significant amounts of money on lobbying and initiatives.  They must disclose their donor base in regular reports.

    The Independence Institute is a tax-exempt group, which means they do exactly what?  If they can’t spend your money on lobbying, advocating for candidates, or otherwise influencing legislation, what exactly are they doing?  Their exemption status is suspicious…

    Is there a rule against State employees spending their own time and money on campaign issues?  (serious question here – I don’t know enough about the regulations on state employees…)

  15. Competitive advantages of Progressive and Conservative Bloggers

    born out of an excellent article that is now currently running in the National Journal there is a post that attempts to go inside the conservative and liberal blogosphere’s, overall I think the analysis is intriguing…

    follow the link, the actual article has links on it…

    Competitive Adavantages of the Progressive and Conservative Blogosphere


  16. Someone explain where all these religious fruitcases, including President Bush, have this “knowledge” that it is okay to go to war for GOD?  Throughout history, we have had this claim, that we can go to war in the name of our religion.  Well, I doubt GOD would want us to use his name for any war, indeed, what kind of GOD would want us to KILL for him???  I reject a GOD of that kind … absolutely and completely, a GOD of that kind is not my God …

    GOD said to MOSES, “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” … “THOU SHALT NOT STEAL” … do you need the rest of them???

  17. Phoenix,

    Any non profit should be cautious of electioneering, which is a defined term.  If they say “vote yes” rather than “learn more”, that’s officially electioneering and all non-profits, even issue advocacy groups, need to be careful what they say.  I realize that it varies based upon their filing status, but the Yes on CD campaign just opened a can of worms.  What about Bell? (see link below). They say “vote yes.” and they are tax exempt.  This is dangerous turf. 

    As for state employees, they can campaign on their own free time. But if they say “Vote yes” during work hours, without filing a vaction request in advance, they are breaking the law.

  18. Bell has a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization as well as the 501(c)(3) “think-tank” division.  501(c)(4) organizations are designated for “social welfare”, and they are allowed to campaign for legislation.

  19. Someone explain to me “how” a President of the United States makes no mention or any statement about the 60 year anniversary of our dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but see’s fit to talk to the press about how happy he is on his ranch in crawford, tx, with his cattle? 

    When do the Impeachment proceedings begin?

  20. If the Democratic Party wants to make a lot of money for their upcoming campaign(s), then just simply have a rally against the war in Iraq, providing a place for people to MARCH from the Jefferson County Fairgrounds to the Denver Capitol Building.  THAT will bring buckets of dollars …

  21. Someone explain to me “how” a President of the United States makes no mention or any statement about the 60 year anniversary of our dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki..

    Yeah, missing the big six – oh, that’s a high crime or misdemeanor right there. I’m pretty sure he also missed the 690th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath.

    What do you want him to say? “We sure showed you!”?

  22. He could say, “On the 60th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the lessons learned “on behalf of the innocent,” provide us with the knowledge and solstice that weapons of mass destruction are an unacceptable view … and today, we continue to embark on the removal of these weapons in negotiation with our friends, neighbors and worldwide leaders.”  The world has changed greatly since 1945 and WE are building a consenus toward a more peaceful planet and world … for our own security and that of others.”

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