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November 04, 2016 01:14 PM UTC

Elbert County Commissioner Leaves GOP and Sees Impending "Exodus"

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

robert-rowlandIn what could presage the upending of the Republican Party after next week’s election, Elbert County Commissioner Robert Rowland left the GOP this week with a blazing Facebook post alleging corruption, weakness, disorganization, and cluelessness.

Rowland wrote, in part:

Rowland: “I am leaving the once Grand Ole’ Party and am now going to where I feel I belong, unaffiliated (Independent).

The Party has become fractured, but worse, it has become corrupted, at every level, and it has lost its way. At the national level…we see the ‘leaders’ of the party only serve those who will protect and maintain the status quo, and who will preserve the self-serving favors that are now the motivator for most.

At the state level…we have seen this powerful inner establishment circumvent the will of the base time and time again. I still see a party that ignores accountability for the failed conservatives that it blindly supports and elects. We see the Cory Gardner’s, Mike Coffman’s protected and adored by the establishment, even though they prove time and time again that they are not the conservatives the claim to be during the campaign….

I believe our nation, this state, and our counties, cities and towns are in for a long hard fight to save our nation from the radical left and from a weak, corrupt, and disorganized conservative party controlled by the powerful who only care about their power and preserving the status quo.”

Asked why he didn’t wait until after the election to resign, Rowland said he didn’t want his departure from the GOP to be “about the election.” As Trump’s campaign manager for Elbert County, he didn’t want his action to appear as “sour grapes.”

But he thinks the anger he has toward the GOP, including the failure of party leaders to rally around Trump, is shared by many others.

“My gut tells me the party is going to go through a dramatic revolution after the election,” said Rowland, who identifies with the Tea Party wing of the GOP and emphasizes that he still sees himslef as a conservative.

“I think you’re going to see an exodus,” said Rowland. “I really do.”

Here are Rowland’s Facebook posts on the topic:

Rowland part 1

Rowland part 2

Rowland part 3



17 thoughts on “Elbert County Commissioner Leaves GOP and Sees Impending “Exodus”

    1. You're missing something, modster. He's leaving because he's a Trump supporter, just like you, and is angry at those in the party who are not and also (confusedly) with those who are not "conservative" enough, even though Trump isn't a conservative. 

      He sounds like exactly your kind of guy except that you make even less sense, being a rabid Trump supporter and supporting Rs like Coffman and Gardner who treat Trump like nuclear waste. Rowland may make as little sense as you do as a staunch conservative who loves the Trump no matter how far he deviates from conservatism but at least he's consistent in supporting Trump and being pissed off at Republicans who, like Coffman and Gardner, won't endorse Trump, even if they reluctantly say (or try not to say) they'll probably vote for him.

      Do you even know whose side you're on anymore? Granted it's become very confusing in Trumpland where NATO is bad, Putin is good and factions in the FBI are in sync with the KGB in attempting to pick the winner of our election, the one also favored by neo-Nazis, the KKK, racists and anti-Semites despite the fact that Trump has a Jewish daughter, Trump supporting Jewish son-in-law and grandchildren. You can't make sense of the players with a scorecard much less without one.

      How's anyone supposed to keep track of what it's supposed to mean to be a good Republican patriot anymore? For once, your cluelessness makes perfect sense. 

  1. Is Robert Rowland any relation to the infamous Janet "Bestiality Rant" Rowland?

    They sound a little alike. True conservative who are not interested in compromising with the enemy – or protecting RINOs.

    Moddy, it sounds like you're getting ready for the Big Purge that coming.

    1. Between the True Believer Trumpians, the NeverTrumpers and the Trump Useful Idiots like Moddy, there's gonna be a whole lotta circular firing squads whenever Republicans gather after the election devil

      1. That would make me feel better if we weren't finding out that supposedly rogue but also quite possibly dominant elements of the FBI rank and file who can't be controlled will be there either way. Either to do Trump's will, going after his many enemies if he becomes President or to fabricate things to indict Clinton with the second she's elected, before she even takes the oath.

        Either way…. it doesn't look good for the survival of the United States of America as we know it. It looks like a new mostly bloodless civil war we're all going to lose.  If Dems don't win the WH in a landslide, win a Senate majority, use the nuclear option to restore the Supreme Court and succeed in thoroughly purging the FBI of Breitbart traitors, the future looks desolate.

        Thanks for bringing us here, GOP.  May you fall apart and rot in hell.

          1. Pretty sure he's one of those profiles in courage will vote for but not overtly endorse guys which is why Trumpian Rowland, but oddly not Trumpian modster, disparages him along with Coffman. Neither seem aware that Trumpism isn't conservatism in the first place.

          2. I don't know — he keeps dodging, weaving and obfuscating — but I think Con Man Cory has been out of CO for about two months now. And if he has been here, he's been avoiding the failed Darryl Glenn as though Glenn has leprosy, bad breath, and severe body odor.

        1. Wacko right-wing malcontents nestled deeply in comfy government jobs isn't anything new (a good friend of mine has been surrounded by some of the wackiest for over 30 years).  What's new is that like the late '40's and early '50's McCarthy era, they are getting the encouragement to crawl out from under their rocks.

          No doubt Hillary will be under constant attack by the usual suspects.  Like you, I agree if Hillary wins, she'll need a Senate majority and the nuclear option just to fend off the worst of the Republican insurrection.  Followed by a thorough housecleaning of the Executive Branch down several levels of management.

  2. We'll see what happens on Tuesday. I do like the sound of Mitch McConnell, Senate MINORITY leader.

    Paul Ryan…..I can live with more often than not. But he may get purged as speaker.

    Blue Cat wrote: “Trumpism is not conservatism…….” No, Trumpism is a mix of Mussolini style fascism and Putinism.

  3. May this tribe of disaffected conservatives increase. May they organize and have candidates in the 2018 races. May they support the fevered dreams of Donald J. Trump, whatever he says when he returns from a post-election vacation.

  4. What even partially sane, minimally rational, semi-decent, modestly-cogent individual with even a shred of integrity or honor wouldn't flee this deranged insane-asylum of an alleged political party?

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