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November 07, 2016 06:45 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Almost, people.


25 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. However Team Trump got my phone number I do appreciate the calls from the poor saps in Texas, California, and Colorado who hate Hillary so much that it clouds their judgement. It’s also probably fair to say we assume that most billionaires are smarter about spending their money, eh Donald?

    1. You err slightly in assuming that Trump is a billionaire, said status based generally only on his say-so. He hasn't released his tax returns. For all us average citizens know, he may be leveraged to the hilt. 

      And then there are Trump's legal troubles, that may have an impact on his net worth, chronicled in a recent detailed study done by USA Today. There are 60 lawsuits pending, as well as hundreds of liens, judgements, and government filings involving people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them (quote from Dana Milbank's column in the Saturday Denver Post editorials). The study found 24 violations of labor laws for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage. Trump is disputing a $767,000 bill from his pollster and has yet to pay a former communications advisor. There are the well known bankruptcy filings and the upcoming Trump University fraud trial. And there is so much more as one digs deeper into Trump’s business dealings.

      Hillary has some short-comings. But Trump is the real criminal here, a point always overlooked by Andrew and Moderatus in their pro-Trump postings.

  2. From the Votemaster this morning:

    More than a few people have written articles excoriating Donald Trump, but few of them have known The Donald for 30 years, and are as skilled a writer as Graydon Carter. In this month's issue of Vanity Fair, Carter shares a number of Trump anecdotes for his readers' amusement.

    For example, Carter has firsthand experience with Trump's approach to women. As a gag (that Trump was not in on), Carter invited The Donald to join Vanity Fair's table at the White House Correspondents dinner. The billionaire was seated next to model Vendela Kirsebom, who came to Carter in tears after just 45 minutes, complaining that Trump spent the entire time evaluating women's body parts, and describing him as "the most vulgar man I have ever met."

    Less serious, but equally unsurprising, is the story of the time that Carter was working for Spy magazine and conducted a little experiment. He sent checks for $1.11 to 58 well known, wealthy people. Those who cashed the checks got a second check for 64 cents, and those who cashed those got a check for 13 cents. Only two people received and cashed the final checks: arms trader Adnan Khashoggi and Donald Trump.

  3. Vote, Democrats. Dammit — vote as though your very lives and fortunes, and those of your nation and your country(wo)men and the world itself, depend on it. If you don't, this nightmarish scenario could become a dangerously disturbing reality:

  4. AC, I need your expertise to explain something for me.  How is it that Trump's strategy of insulting and condemning entire ethnic groups hasn't resulted in their swooning to support him?

    Not only are Latino voters set for record turnout this election, but a new poll Sunday shows Latino support for Donald Trump may be lower than for any Republican presidential candidate in more than 30 years.

    Hillary Clinton has support from 76% of the Latino electorate, according to the Noticias Telemundo/Latino Decisions /NALEO Educational Fund poll.

    That's a higher level of support than President Obama won in both of his elections. Latino Decisions' survey showed 75% of Latinos backed Obama in 2012. Exit polling put his support at 71%.

    Just 14% of Latino voters backed Trump, the survey found, That's about half of Mitt Romney's 27% showing with Latinos and fewer than the GOP's low-point when Bob Dole won 21% of the Latino vote in 1996.

    Dang, and I was just coming around to think President Trump would get to prove to the world that he alone will solve all our problems without the need for Congress, the courts, much less the Pentagon!

    Those dang minorities are going to cause us to miss out on the Trump Brand Snake Oil Miracle Cure devil

  5. Donald Trump is starting to really become unhinged:

    Did Donald Trump Just Make Up An Award He Won?

    He says he was named “Man of the Year” in Michigan five years ago. But there’s no evidence of this.


    I suppose if he won the Presidency, he'd award himself the Medal of Honor, since you know, he said despite not serving in the military, he made equally difficult and brave sacrifices.

    1. He did create a lot of jobs by borrowing money from other people and not paying it all back (the bankruptcies), and hired folks to do things for him but didn't always pay them what they were owed (stiffing creditors) which is, after all, like serving in the military….in his twisted mind.

    1. This has been coming for a while. A few weeks ago (before the first Comey epistle), he confessed that he was actually thinking of voting for HRC but he didn't think he'd be able to go quite that far. The fact that he was even thinking about it said a great deal.

      I don't know where he ends up after this…..nor do I really care.

      1. Me neither. It's just another WTF juggling of he usual rightie suspects in the age of Trump.

        On a brighter note, just talked to my son who is, I guess, on the oldest end of millennial, born in 1983. He and his mostly late twenties to mid thirties friends were very strong Bernie supporters and, as of a couple of months ago many of them (not mine, a sensible kid) were still swearing they couldn't vote for HRC no matter how much they hated Trump. Never. They'd go third party or write in before they'd give her their vote. 

        Well, since then the reality of what that could mean has sunk in and he says almost everyone he knows is voting for HRC after all. Being prone to procrastination they mostly left it until the last minute and only just dropped off their ballots. 

        Of course his circle doesn't represent all younger voters but I'm guessing there are a lot more just like them out there. They are mainly unaffiliated and their late votes will be joining the Dem votes that surged early.

        Colorado Trumpians gloating over Rs finishing early voting a tiny bit stronger than Dems (and who says all those R votes, especially the women's, went to Trump?) may find their gloating time coming to a very abrupt end. Doesn't everybody, including Rs, know that Dem voters have tended to be the procrastinators while older whiter Rs have tended to dominate early voting?

        I'm starting to feel a little better. 

          1. Millennials scared by Trump! Not a particularly high standard when they are scared by words written with chalk on the steps of the university… traumatized they need safe spaces and counseling. Poor little snowflakes.

              1. Yes Frank…..l'm still here but not with you by any means. I prefer to enjoy my life and the blessings I've been granted. Sorry it is not the same for you.

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