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January 09, 2017 06:54 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“We usually get what we anticipate.”

–Claude M. Bristol


26 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Stand with Elizabeth Warren  -Slow down Trump's "Shock and Awe" cabinet crush. McConnell has said that he will push ahead with confirmation hearings on Tuesday and Wednesday, although most of the nominees have not completed their disclosures on conflicts of interest.  This is a break with longstanding cabinet hearing tradition, and directly contradicts what McConnell asked Obama's picks to do.

    Call your Senators: Cory Gardner DC office: Phone: (202) 224-5941 Denver: (303) 391-5777 Michael Bennet DC office Phone: 202-224-5852 Denver office Phone: 303-455-7600
    Update: all of these voice mail boxes are full. Good job! But call again Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'll be re-posting some version of this until the confirmation process is completed, or rescheduled.

    Republicans are trying to overwhelm constituents and the press by rushing through Trumps cabinet picks (5 hearings in 3 days without any vetting or ethics screenings): Racist anti-cannabist Jeff Sessions, Exxon CEO and Putin Pal Rex Tillerson, and anti- public education Betsy Devos. They all have conflicts of interest.

    Photo attribution: Getty Images, accessed in The Hill 1/7/17


    1. The new GOP mantra is "If anyone quotes anything I've said, they are a liar".

      And we are likely re-entering the era of "Deficits Don't Matter, we don't need to pay for it today, we'll blame the Democrats next time they are in power"

    2. Stand with Fauxcahontus on making sure everyone is ethical?

      Couldn't you have come up with a less ironic messenger than the "pow-wow chow" contributor of Manhattan restaurant recipes pawned off as allegedly native American?

      Aren't you guys better than that?

      1. I think you jumped a thread with your reply, but while you're here, what do you think about Sen. McConnell having one rule for our president and another for his?

        1. I think it is pretty much DC SOP.  It reminds me of the Dems, the world will come to an end if we end the filibuster when the Republicans had control and then the Dems take control and voila, time to change the filibuster rules.

          Some things, like the sun rising in the east, don't change.

          1. So basically you are just admitting that all your (and your fellow Republicans) faux outrage the past 8 years is just SOP, and that you believe you have a mandate from a minority of the popular vote to stretch and bend morality, ethics and the law far beyond anything a Democrat might try.


            1. D

              What I admit is politicians of both parties see reality through a partisan lens and the changing of power dynamics sometimes show their obvious inconsistency.

              1. Nuh, uh.  You're not going to get away with "normalizing" the revolting behavior currently on display by the Republicans in power.

                I keep thinking the GOP will one day finally hit rock bottom in their behavior.  Now we know there is no bottom.

      2. You really do go out of your way to offend people with racial stereotypes. I understand that provoking emotion is a troll's job, but "Fauxcahontas"?

        Perhaps you can find a way to comment or critique what is going on without referring to ethnicity and slinging racial insults around.

        1. Well, since AC's posts already are free of morals or ethics (much less truth or wisdom), if you take out the race-baiting, what would he have left to offer?

  2. With Republicans in charge of the entire federal government comes a whole new calibration of the rules and definitions…….maybe our fellow voters will notice this time.

    Twenty-year senator, federal nominee Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III called "outsider" by NY Times.

    Tell me how a twenty-year senator can be considered an "outsider". How much time do you have to spend inside the Beltway before you're an insider? Or is it that the New York Times is trying so hard to normalize Trump's "drain the swamp" narrative–facts be damned–that they'll literally make up anything they can?

  3. This is so ridiculous, you'd think Moddy came up with this one:

    Kellyanne Conway Says Donald Trump Shouldn’t Be Held Accountable For The Things He Says

    She thinks journalists should focus on “what’s in his heart.”


    She is paid to think Trump deserves a pass on racist, ignorant, hateful things he says because he has such a big heart.  Just ask the thousands of people Trump has filed punitive, frivolous lawsuits against and small contractors he's stiffed and bankrupted.  

  4. Rorschach test time — Trump sees a potato, what do you see?

    Hanksy urged his fans to “dump Trump” by participating in a street art campaign, in which voters could download free images and banners protesting Trump as well as the normalization of the bigotry and intimidation for which his campaign stood. Trump himself even got a whiff of the protest, although he strangely mistook his poopy portrait for a picture of a potato. 



  5. Ever wonder what happened to the right-wing "investigative" reporter Art Kane?

    Wonder no more:

    And Arthur Kane, formerly of, left Colorado for a job on the newly formed investigative team at The Las Vegas Review Journal, which is in the process of hiring five people for the team under an editor who came from The Chicago Tribune.


    The LV Review Journal is the fishwrap owned by Sheldon Adelson.

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