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January 25, 2017 11:41 AM UTC

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (January 25)

  • by: Colorado Pols

Today’s “Get More Smarter” is being read by more people on earth than any other website ever. EVER! It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.


► Got concerns? Calling the office of Senator Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) will only get you to a voicemail box…if you are lucky enough for the voicemail to even pick up. Senator Gardner seems rather nonplussed by the fact that his constituents can’t reach his office. Jonathan Romeo of the Durango Herald has a detailed story on the rising anger of constituents who are flabbergasted that they can’t even reach Gardner’s office.

The Denver Post has a primer on how to go about trying to contact your Congressional representatives.


► President Donald Trump is proving to be the world’s sorest winner as he continues to make completely unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud in the 2016 election. As the Washington Post explains:

President Trump plans to ask “for a major investigation” into allegations of widespread voter fraud, as he continues to claim without providing evidence that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because millions of illegal votes were cast, according to tweets posted Wednesday.

The White House has yet to provide details, but Trump said in back-to-back tweets that the investigation would cover “those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal” and “those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time).” Trump used all capitals — VOTER FRAUD — for emphasis.

“Depending on results,” Trump tweeted, “we will strengthen up voting procedures!”

So, uh, you know how people call you President Trump now? That’s because you won. You can’t win the 2016 election again.

Election officials in Colorado, meanwhile, continue to reiterate that there is absolutely no reason to suspect large-scale voter fraud.


► President Trump was set to sign Executive Orders today that would theoretically lead to the beginning of construction of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico that Mexico totally isn’t going to pay for in any way whatsoever. Trump is rolling out a few other immigration-related measures today.


Get even more smarter after the jump…


► As the Denver Business Journal reports, two big infrastructure projects in Colorado appear on a list of priorities for work being proposed by the Trump administration. Naturally, one of the suggested projects on Trump’s to-do list is already finished:

Two Colorado highway projects appear on a priority list of about 50 proposed major infrastructure upgrades nationwide as the Trump administration prepares a push to improve the nation’s network of highways, bridges, rail lines and airports.

But at least one project on the list — the addition of a 13-mile shoulder express lane on Interstate 70 across the foothills — appears to be one that’s already been completed

…Both the I-70 and I-25 projects included on the priority list are described as each costing $1 billion and generating 1,000 jobs. It’s not clear where those figures came from.

President Donald Trump has made infrastructure upgrades a key component of his economic platform. As a candidate, he talked often of launching major improvements and additions to the nation’s system of highways, bridges, railways and other facilities as a way to stimulate the economy and create new jobs.

The Ft. Collins Coloradoan reports on President Trump’s new orders for the Environmental Protection Agency, and the news is not particularly good for Colorado. 

Multiple news outlets across Colorado are reporting on Trump’s EPA demands, including news that his administration has barred the agency from communicating on social media.


► Republican legislator Tim Leonard made his mark in local political history in December by becoming the first sitting legislator in at least 40 years to serve time in jail. The Evergreen lawmaker is now pushing his own bill that would eliminate some public school testing requirements — including some of the same tests that played a role in his jail sentence last year.


► Colorado Judge Neil Gorsuch appears to be one of the final two candidates to be named by Donald Trump to the Supreme Court.

► Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) has a long history of making contradictory statements on a variety of issues, but Coffman really outdid himself in responding to 5280 magazine about the Affordable Care Act. In consecutive sentences, Coffman literally says two completely different things:

No aspect of the ACA will be repealed without first having a replacement. We will soon vote on certain aspects of a repeal…

We will not repeal anything until we start repealing things!


► At least 24,000 low-income Coloradans will lose access to reproductive health care services if Trump and Republicans are able to cut funding for Planned Parenthood.


► Hey, look at that: We have a Greg Walcher sighting!


► Republican legislators in Colorado who balked at approving funding for suicide-prevention measures in state mental hospitals are being forced by public opinion to backtrack on their opposition.


► Brian Eason of the Denver Post reports on renewed efforts from Colorado Republicans to pass legislation that would allow people to discriminate against others based on “religious reasons.”


► Proposed legislation in Colorado would make it legal to take a “ballot selfie” the next time you vote. Whatever.



► The battle to become the new Chairman of the Colorado Republican Party is heating up and already getting messy.


 Ethics? We don’t need no stinking ethics in the White House!



► The Get More Smarter Show is back with its first episode of 2017. Watch it twice.


Don’t forget to check out The Get More Smarter Show. You can also Get More Smarter by liking Colorado Pols on Facebook!


10 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Wednesday (January 25)

  1. hey everyone, did you know that ColoradoPols is your "Republicans is stoopid" home? Find out all about that and who Mongo likes right here at this blog, on the 8s.  

    Also, too, Professional Democrats can't seem to buy a clue with all the money their Big Wall Street Donors give (or threaten not to give). If any of them has heard of this guy named Moulitsas, here's what he says:

    Over four million march all over the country, demanding resistance to the Trump regime, but god forbid Democrats in Congress follow suit! Instead, we literally get stupid arguments like “We gotta vote for Ben Carson because we need to win Trump voters.” Meanwhile, Trump voters are safely ensconced in a fake news bubble that no liberal argument will ever penetrate. So instead of voting for Carson to appeal to these people, why not fight for the people marching in the streets?

    Give them a reason to fight even harder! 

    …So how do you motivate this resistance to rally behind you? YOU FUCKING FIGHT FOR THEM! Goddam this is so patently obvious, why do we have a party that insists on ignoring the obvious? 

    That's a question for those who make their livings (supposedly) advocating for liberal solutions to the problems and issues we face.  Or, you could just point out how stoopid Republicans are all the time and get that rebound vote every 3rd election or so.

    more Markos:

    Man, this illegitimate Republican regime has come in with guns blazing, and we aren’t even bothering to break out the plastic spork.

    You see, the plastic wrap is a little hard to open, you gotta use your teeth … it’s complicated! 

    It’s a weird time—the energy in the streets is palpable, with a real movement underfoot. Remember, it wasn’t until August 2009 that the tea party got its footing, yet here we are, eight months earlier, already vastly exceeding the energy they generated at the apex of their movement. But none of this works without the inside game. Our team inside government needs to be fighting as hard as the people outside it. 

    There are tons of things elected Democrats could do to show some fight. Even, and especially, those from CO, where voters chose Democrats in the presidential 3 times in a row. Stern questioning of a cabinet nominee is one of the most trivial. And will not register one iota with voters. 

    I'm afraid those responsible for listening to their base and carrying out their mandate will once again ignore it. They'll go along to get along. 

    And they'll keep pointing out the stoopid Republicans who gerrymandered and lied and suppressed the vote and sucked up to evil unions and stole a Supreme Court seat and undermined the president for 8 years and then won the Electoral College and now run all 3 branches of our national government like the gangsters they are. 

    And we’ll be OK with it.


  2. More institutional Dem stoopidity highlighted by Charlie Pierce

    It is also my considered opinion that the Democratic Party should get its shit together in one quick hurry. Waiting until March, and dragging out a pointless internal slanging match for three months, is such typically Democratic bungling that it's almost classic.

    Get a chairman because, cats and kittens, they're coming already for what's left of you.

    Let us take, for a moment, Senator Professor Warren. She's undoubtedly Target A in 2018, if only to derail any possibility that she'll run for president. She would be a big prize in any case. They're already running attack ads against her on the radio up here…

    Republicans are going for the kill. Democrats are keeping their powder dry. 

  3. Trump really is making himself a complete laughing stock.  It is just too easy to turn his (and his sycophant staff's) PR efforts into complete mush:

    #ThankYouTrump ‘Twitter Rally’ Doesn’t Go As Planned

     for freezing all regulations. Who wants educated and concerned people looking out for our health, the environment and stuff.

    5:08 PM – 24 Jan 2017


     for not releasing your taxes. Because if you were: a) honest; or b) a billionaire we know you would


     for gathering together a bunch of old, white, GOP men to sign away women's rights in order to soothe your impotency issues. 😠


     For showing us that we don't need you to make America Great Again. The people marching can do that.  



  4. Who are you and what have you done with the Denver Post Editorial Board?

    Lying Donald Trump can't be trusted, and that needs to stop now

    Seriously, Kudos to the Denver Post for a brave editorial.

    We hoped that we saw some sincerity in his inaugural promise that he would strive to serve and empower all Americans. But his actions betray a terrible failing, a deep character flaw within the new president that cannot be excused as campaign bluster.

    Americans won’t be led by a man who works through manipulation and falsehood.

    1. We'll see if it has any effect.  Remember, virtually no reputable newspaper endorsed Trump, and yet here we are.

      Since Trump is incapable of changing (and yes, I do believe he is mentally ill), what are they proposing?  25th Amendment, straight jacket and sanitarium?

      As one of the comments to the editorial stated, the GOP is hoping to get as much of their far-right agenda in place as quickly as possible and just holding their nose for as long as it takes. 

      The well is poisoned — our body politic is deeply wounded and will take decades, if ever, to recover.

        1. Looks like the Denver Post isn't the only major city paper fed up with Trump:

          Philly Inquirer: Donald Trump’s Presidency Is Like A ‘Tin-Pot Dictatorship’


          “From spreading bald lies to suppressing basic facts and information, the early days of the Trump administration are suggestive of a tin-pot dictatorship,” the article said. “That’s not the look he wants, and neither do most Americans.”

          Labeling him a narcissist for obsessing over inauguration crowd sizes and accusing millions of illegal immigrants of costing him the popular vote, the editorial also attacked him numerous times for lying.

          Trump announced Wednesday that he planned to launch a major investigation into alleged voter fraud, the editorial continued. “Just last month, when Jill Stein was seeking recounts in several states, Trump’s lawyers said in a Michigan court filing: ‘All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake.’”

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