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January 27, 2017 02:31 PM UTC

Bennet Says "Hell No" To Attorney General Jeff Sessions

  • by: Colorado Pols
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).

A press release from Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet’s office earlier today, not unexpected but strongly worded in its announcement that he Colorado’s senior U.S. Senator will not support fellow Sen. Jeff Sessions’ nomination to serve as President Donald Trump’s Attorney General:

“The U.S. Attorney General must ensure equal justice under the law, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Jeff Sessions has repeatedly opposed efforts to protect the rights and liberties of all Americans. I cannot support his nomination. [Pols emphasis]

“On a variety of issues, Senator Sessions falls short. He has blocked bipartisan efforts to expand voting rights, protect women from harassment and violence, and reform our criminal justice system. In 2013, when a bipartisan group of senators crafted principled and compassionate comprehensive immigration reform legislation, Senator Sessions was its most outspoken opponent. During that debate, he used fear and falsehoods to derail our best chance in years to fix a broken system.

“This week’s executive orders on immigration make clear that Senator Sessions’ views will shape the Trump administration’s policies. We need a chief law enforcement officer who protects the civil rights of every American, not one who perpetuates fear and undermines our obligation to ensure equal justice under the law.”

As a member of the so-called Gang of Eight attempt at bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform in 2013, Bennet certainly should harbor some resentment toward anti-immigration Senators who gave the House cover to let the bill die after Senate passage–not to mention some particular ire for backsliders like Sen. Marco Rubio who were pressured out of supporting the effort.

But as you can see, Sen. Bennet’s criticism of Sessions goes much deeper than just immigration reform. Bennet’s inference that Sessions “perpetuates fear and undermines our obligation to ensure equal justice under the law” is one of the more scathing indictments as we’ve heard from anyone against Sessions–and considering what happened to Sessions last time he face Senate confirmation, that’s saying quite a bit.


15 thoughts on “Bennet Says “Hell No” To Attorney General Jeff Sessions

  1. Zappatero will think that Bennet didn't come out strong enough.

    As for Moderatus' comment, it actually does matter. If Sessions is confirmed strictly on a party line vote, then the vote is 51-48. That close of a margin doesn't necessarily inspire high confidence in the ability of Sessions to fulfill duties of the job. And if there are one or two Republican defectors; assuming all 48 Dems & Independents vote 'No,' then Sessions is in a rather embarrassing position of just squeaking by.

    1. It's sleight of hand. 

      Now watch as he votes for DeVos, a fellow scion of wealth who advocates for something he's in favor of yet who is far more incompetent and ignorant than Sessions, and who will do far more damage. 


      1. he's voted for nearly all of Trump's nominees. He's voting WITH all Republicans, all Haters, all Liars who will never vote for him. He's voting against all Democrats, all Progressives, all those with principle who he claims to be with. 

        The worse Trump gets, the worse Bennet gets.


    2. CHB

      Dem senators in the post Harry Reid fixes are wall flowers on confirming Trump executive nominations.  If they filibuster his Supreme Court pick, the Republicans will just change the rules like the Dems did.

      Being out of power sucks.  Get used to it.

      1. Hey Andrew. I'm a Republican and technically speaking, am in power. You need to get used to the fact that not every Republican drools when the orange-haired one speaks. And Harry Reid is history; maybe you have yet to figure that out.

  2. We are used to it, with this Congress of deplorables.  And we will continue to fight against them, and you AC (and Moddy).  Enjoy your day in the sun (or the darkness, more accurately).  Won't last forever.  


  3. Why did it take him this long?  Most Dems announced their opposition to Sessions a month ago.  He has yet to announce  how he will vote on any other nominees.  He is a weak link. 


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