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February 05, 2017 08:38 AM UTC

Teachers Keep Up The Pressure On Cory Gardner

  • by: Colorado Pols

As CBS4 reports–the stretch of Skyline Park next to Sen. Cory Gardner’s downtown Denver offices in the Chase Bank building is turning into a semi-permanent protest zone, with another large protest yesterday of teachers and parents calling for the rejection of Donald Trump’s nominee for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos:

Hundreds of parents, teachers and other community members rallied outside the office of Sen. Cory Gardner.

Protesters were urging Gardner to vote against confirmation of Betsy DeVos, nominee for the U.S. education secretary…

“She felt very out of touch with what my day-to-day reality with students actually is,” said Heather C., a public school teacher in the Denver metro area.

She said that DeVos lacked the experience needed to run the country’s education and higher learning finance systems. For that reason, she was asking Gardner to help rescind DeVos’ nomination.

“And for him to realize that we are not paid protesters,” Heather C. continued. “And that simply because someone disagrees with his point of view does not mean they’re being bribed or that they have some other kind of agenda.” [Pols emphasis]

Gardner’s dismissal of the protesters showing up regularly at his offices as “paid operatives” very clearly appears to have backfired, both in terms of attracting negative press and growing the crowds of demonstrators in Skyline Park. The national attention Gardner received for his arrogance toward these protesters is a major misstep for a normally very disciplined politician, much better known for slickly talking his way around controversy than stepping in it.

And it helps explain why Gardner is becoming the local face for everything bad happening in Washington.


8 thoughts on “Teachers Keep Up The Pressure On Cory Gardner

  1. Gardner has drunk the Kool-Ade and now believes that the only legitimate voters in Colorado are Republicans.  And to think we have four more years of this liar representing us.

    1. We also have to look at our State legislators and how much they've drunk the Kool-ade as well.  Senator Neville is following in the footsteps of Senator Gardner, I think.


  2. Mr. Gardner should take a cue from one of his predecessors, a very conservative one, who I'm sure he respects – U.S. Senator Bill Armstrong (R-Colorado). Senator Armstrong did not hide from his constituents. Years ago, in Limon one night, Senator Armstrong was scheduled to speak at a gathering in that town east of Denver. Out on the plains, the citizens were angry about a policy Mr. Armstrong was supporting. When he arrived they were waiting for him outside the building where he was going to speak. Rather than ducking in a side door or out the back door, he quieted the crowd and said he would meet them at another public building as soon as he finished speaking. After his speech, he immediately drove to the other building where, again, his constituents were waiting for him.

    At the beginning of the meeting, his constituents were loud and angry and they were angry with him. Senator Armstrong stood on a chair and answered all of their questions, every last one of them, and explained his position for two hours. By the time the meeting wrapped-up, it was late in the evening and his constituents were cheering him for three reasons. First, he was honest with them. Second, he had the courage to meet with them. And third, he knew and they knew it was his duty to pay attention to their concerns and represent them in Washington.

    Senator Gardner has some explaining to do. He can't simply avoid representing his constituents by making unfounded assertions that we are all paid protestors or from out-of-state. His position is facially silly.

    What's wrong Senator Gardner with meeting with your constituents, standing on a chair for a couple of hours if need be, and answering questions about healthcare and education?  After all, you have repeatedly said you will vote to repeal and replace Obamacare with a program that will end the mandate, the corresponding taxes that support Obamacare, and offer more coverage at lower monthly premiums. Many of your constituents health and perhaps lives depend on the bills you will be voting for. Do you care to tell us how you expect to accomplish these goals.

    The same goes for your position on the nomination of Mrs. DeVos to lead the U.S. Department of Education. Why are you supporting her or have you changed your mind? 

    It is time you showed some courage and meet with the citizens of Colorado that you represent, instead of hiding behind silly excuses that are not only baseless but undermine your credibility with us.

    Your excuses thus far are the equivalent of ducking out the back door to avoid us.

    1. Well, the Senator is busy … going to Florida to golf with the donors and their representatives. Apparently, he doesn't object to many of them being paid for their presentation of positions.

    1. You are right. There is no purer expression of political arrogance and corruption than our junior senator. Cory is for sale…if you have enough money.

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