I just want to say I’ve read this blog for a long time but recently I got off my butt to sign up as a member and comment on a few items.
So I wanted to talk about why I don’t care. I’m a registered voter. I’m an independent. I generally vote for Republicans but after the absurdness of Bush’s policies and Bill Owens cramming his own view of what it mean to be conservative down everyones throat I had about enough. I did vote for Obama mostly because Palin was very similar to the politics of being stupid. Sorry, but she was. However, if McCain picked Hutchison or Romney I would have voted for them. Now it recently came to my attention that Obama has being pushing heavily that the country should invest into “cap and trade”. I think its an all right idea, however, not now. Our country is in the middle of a financial disaster and a recession that’s as bad as the one in ’82 with the potential to be much, much more painful. Skyrocketing unemployment and deflation are getting worse. We need to fix these problems before we can fix anything else. Later we can worry about healthcare, the environment, and poverty. For now we need to focus on ourselves. Helping the people of any other country other than our own is pretty far down the list of problems on the table. Also when’s the last time these people voted for a bill to protect you.
Last note to all the Andrew Romanoff supporters. It’s over. It was over before it ever started. I don’t think he even knows that all this is going on. I doubt he cares about the poor little people of these pointless countries either. He may talk big but if he really wanted to do something about it he’d do something and run on your let’s save the world agenda. But then again he’s probably like the rest of us focusing on himself and that what we all should do so we can fix the problems at home before we try to fix the problems of a bunch of pitiful little people that I couldn’t care less about.
So I don’t care about the poor people of a drowning country in the middle of no where. I also don’t care that a couple of nobodies tried to a local politician to run for Senate.
Hate me if you want to but I don’t care that’s what I think and that’s what a lot of other people think.
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Why should we care about why you don’t care? Maybe you should care about why you feel the need to inform everyone that you don’t care (since your earnest position of not caring is somewhat self-contradictory). Where is the poll about the pointlessness of this diary and its poll?
___ I liked this diary, but it was pointless.
___ I didn’t like this diary because I couldn’t understand it.
___ I liked this diary because I couldn’t understand it.
___ When is it going to be Tuesday ?
___ I liked this diary, but it was pointless.
___ I didn’t like this diary because I couldn’t understand it.
___ I liked this diary because I couldn’t understand it.
___ When is it going to be Tuesday ?
_X_ What the heck happened to the foot of snow ?
as for the foot of snow, in these troubled times, everyone has to conserve, even Mother Nature.
Sierra Fan:
it seems to me that, if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have taken the time to write a diary.
I think Jamba Girl and the Chile with the identity crisis feel the same way.
Just good-natured ribbing. Welcome to the site.
Yes she/he had 3 major topics in a single diary – I’ve seen some with much more. It was an intro “hi there” diary.
to that single-topic rule for diaries? It’s why we can’t solve the TABOR conundrum here on Pols — too many moving parts to undo one at a time.
show me the evidence (not talking point anecdotes) that environmental protections result in significant job loss.
Here’s an idea of how difficult your task will be. If you look at the Bureau of Labor statistics on “Mass Layoffs” there are categories for cause of the layoffs. Among the many categories is one call “Government Regulations.” Over the last 2 years (the period for which this new category has been recorded) Gov Regs have been responsible for less than 1/2 of 1% of all mass layoffs.
This is ALL Gov Regs, not just those with directed to environmental protection.
Cap’n Trade (or something similar) is long overdue. Even industry leaders are calling for it. It should have been set in place 20 years ago. So, you’re right in the sense that now is not the best time to enact it. Yesterday would have been better. Last year even better. But, between now and Jan. 1, 2100, today is the best day.
[BTW, I don’t now and never will hate you. It’s not worth the effort. You sure have an ego for someone who claims to “not care.”]