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April 10, 2009 03:29 PM UTC

Open Line Friday!

  • by: Colorado Pols

Turn on the radio, nah fuck it, turn it off

Fear is your only god on the radio

–Rage Against the Machine


44 thoughts on “Open Line Friday!

      1. Boyles  “fights” and so far has only torn tendons, but damm it…no one has hit him in the jaw nor has he tripped on his tongue……can you imagine boyles with his jaw wired shut…be still my beating heart…

    1. He answered everyone’s questions directly, and he brought a lot of insight from his trip.

      One thing I was impressed by was the quality of the questions people were asking. Rep. Polis has some smart constituents!

        1. get elected a Congressman?

          I thought Obama was the great exception to the rule that “thoughtful nuanced answers” don’t win American elections.

  1. You can create a link on Soapblox (all Pols sites and square state run on it) by simply using brackets? Put your link in the bracket, followed by a space and then the text you want it to appear as.

    [htmllink space text]

    same thing as a href=”website”>text/a

  2. We have our business accounts at Wells Fargo because they handle international wire transfers quickly (important for us). And when this crisis hit, they were listed as one of the most solid banks so we kept everything there.

    So get this. One of our employees who has a login to our account via the web changed her address for an account she is on for her motorcycle club. And they asked if they should change her info for here at work too.

    The thing is, her access to our account is read only. She supposedly cannot change anything, only view info (mainly balances). But because she has another business account she is on, that lets her in to change info.

    This is flunking security 101. Changing the address is no big deal, but it leaves you wondering what other holes exist in their system.

  3. Pat Steadman has been a dynamic and successful leader on numerous progressive issues.  Pat knows how to get things done without compromising core Democratic party principles. Pat will be a leader in the State Senate from the day he is sworn in.

    Other well known Democrats have been mentioned.  They are all good people but lack the record of real leadership Pat Steadman has.  

        1. Pat may be the messiah, for all I know, but your credibility tanked in proportion to your transparency rising. If Pat gave you the okay to shill for him, then I have to assume that he didn’t realize how bad you would be at it. If he didn’t, you should have asked first. And if, by some chance, you are Pat, whew! you really need to improve your game.

          If you want to be disingenuous and effective (not that I’m recommending disingenuity), you have to come across as a thoughtful and somewhat unbiased observer who just has to come down on Pat’s side, despite recognizing his flaws and other’s strengths, and that others have some attributes that are superior to Pat’s, but, on balance, all things considered, you came to the thoughtful conclusion that he is the best candidate. You know, sort of like someone not-too-invested sincerely assessing a candidate’s qualities might do.

          This “siss-boom-ba!” stuff belongs in the mouths of shallow teen-age girls shaking pom-poms to overly perky pop hits, not in the posts of people seriously trying to sway political opinions.

          You’ve done Pat a disservice by making him seem shallow by association, which, I’m going to assume, wasn’t your intention.

            1. I just said that, having heard him speak in small venues a couple of times, I didn’t agree with the heavy criticism directed toward him. I was addressing a partisan strategic issue, not an issue of personal support, arguing that, if the guy currently in office is acceptible, it might not be a good idea to try to divide the Democratic field before the 2010 election. I suspect that if I knew Romanoff personally, I might have been more persuaded by the intense personal loyalty so many feel toward him which is a big part of this equation.

              Refuting criticisms that seemed inflated by saying “I’ve heard him speak a couple of times, and found him to be sharper, wittier, and more apparently capable than the conventional wisdom seems to be giving him credit for” is not, IMHO, “shilling.” And, in fact, I’m disappointed by this “conservadem” crap, and may well change my position on this entirely, and end up supporting Romanoff in 2010.

            2. I’m not at all opposed to supporting a particular candidate or office-holder, nor even of doing so with great zeal. But if someone does so in a 2-dimensional way, without any reference to substance or any descriptive explanation of the reason for the support, I find it both unconvincing and counterproductive. I even offered advice on how to do it better!

        2. if you actually said something substantial about the man. Give us some detailed descriptive information that would lead us to share your admiration, supported by some factual and anecdotal evidence. What has he done, said, thought, or emanated that makes him so great? What interactions with others leave you with such strong positive impressions? You know, a little substance.

  4. The Department of Education made it official Friday afternoon: Colorado Senate President Peter Groff has accepted a federal education post.

    Arne Duncan, the U.S. secretary of education, announced Groff’s appointment as the office’s Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Center.

    The Denver Post reported Thursday that Groff, a Denver Democrat and second-generation lawmaker, had accepted the position.

    Groff has long been a champion of education reform, sometimes to the chagrin of teachers’ unions.

    “Give ’em hell, Peter,” said Alex Cranberg, a Republican well known in Colorado’s school-choice movement


    1. Peter Groff is a genuinely nice man. Congratulations on a well deserved appointment

      Betty Boyd, Abel Tapia and Brandon Shaffer will have a bare knuckles fight to be the next leader of the Senate.  

      1. I remember wanting to support him until I read some of his positions. His position statements just seemed really empty, and insofar as he ever took a real position, it generally disagreed with my own radical post-Communist leftosyndicalist views.

        I noticed in the comments that you strongly endorsed him, but oddly you never gave a single reason why.

        1. He ran for City Council a couple of times and in the last election he was first runner up (most votes, didn’t win). He wouldn’t kiss the Sierra Club’s ass and their recomendation decides who wins.

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