Denver7’s Oscar Contreras reporting, Trump-era hooliganism strikes again:
Police are looking for a vandal who targeted the Fort Collins Islamic Center early Sunday…
Sunday afternoon, Rabbi Hillel Katzir of Temple Or Hadash, said in a news release the center was “seriously vandalized.”
Rabbi Hillel said someone threw a Bible through the glass doors. The doors were broken with large stones or bricks, Hillel added.
“I went there this morning to view the damage, and was appalled by what I saw,” he said.
Rep. Jared Polis tweeted about the crime, calling it “unacceptable.”
It’s our understanding that throwing a Bible at anything, even an Islamic center, is no way for Christians to treat their holy book. The Fort Collins Coloradoan adds:
[President of the Islamic Center Tawfik] AboEllail said he reviewed the center’s security footage and identified a man whom he estimated to be in his mid-20s. The man tried to break into the center using a screwdriver and then increasingly large rocks, AboEllail said. The man threw several rocks through the glass with such force that they left scuff marks on the wood paneling on the other side of the prayer room…
AboEllail said he was disappointed with what he described as a “lukewarm” response by Fort Collins Police Services to the incident. The call for the vandalism came in about 5:40 a.m., but AboEllail said FCPS responded after 7 a.m.
A short while ago this evening, though, the good people of Fort Collins did what they could to make it right.
This, we hope, will be the story–as much as the broken glass. This is what Coloradans do when our neighbors are attacked.
And you can take some pride in it.
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Yes, I am proud of our Fort Collins (and other area) neighbors who stood out in the rain to make known that this kind of bigotry and criminal behavior will not be tolerated. The Islamic Center's gofundme page has $13,000 of the $15,000 needed for a security upgrade!
When they catch the young man who did the vandalism, I predict that everyone will be shocked to find that he is "just an average guy". Nice quiet type – who would have thought that he would be a raging bigot? He just sits around and watches Fox News and plays on his computer. Good Christian boy – just happened to have an extra Bible laying around, wanted to share, and it was too big to fit through the mail slot, so….
Even on the Coloradoan’s article comments, there are a few hateful, inaccurate comments about how Muslims are “promoting sharia law” or somehow undermining the Christian faith. When we hear this crap, we need to call BS on it.
Look in the bible. Maybe the doofus didn't notice a name inside.
Sharia law? What’s the difference between that and Christian/Taliban law? Those who think there is no such thing as Christian Taliban or biblical law need to spend some time on the Right Wing Watch web site.
And IIRC, the Reverend Ted Haggard – meth-head with man whore who was George W.'s religious advisor – was connected to something called Jesus Camp which sounded like a Christian Madrass.
I wonder if Mike Jones ever got his very Republican red, white and blue jockstrap back from Reverend Ted…..
It's almost as if we as a country have learned nothing from 200+ years of separation of church and state. Religion and politics can't mandate nor create values. Values come first. Values create religion, public policy, and home life.