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April 12, 2017 01:20 PM UTC

Andy Kerr First to Make Big Launch for CD-7

  • by: Colorado Pols
State Sen. Andy Kerr (D-Lakewood)

As Peter Marcus writes for the Colorado Springs Gazette, state Senator Andy Kerr (D-Lakewood) kicks off today what could be a long and complicated race to succeed Rep. Ed Perlmutter in CD-7:

In a launch video, Kerr said he plans to “take leadership to Washington, the Colorado way.”

“Colorado has taught me what it means to be a leader,” Kerr said in the more than three-minute video. “I’ve learned that good leaders are known for what they do, not for what they say. That’s leadership, the Colorado way.”

The video features images of scenic Colorado views, Kerr with his family, teaching a group of students in a classroom, holding a town hall in a brewery, snowboarding, and, of course, Kerr riding his bike, something that has become a staple of his image…

…Kerr will hold a formal campaign kickoff Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. at  Dunstan Middle School in Lakewood. He also on Wednesday launched his official campaign website.

Also announced in the Democratic race is state Rep. Brittany Pettersen, also from Lakewood. Pettersen, like Kerr, made her intentions known shortly after Perlmutter announced his run for governor.

Kerr is a middle school teacher in Jefferson County who has also served in the state legislature since 2006, both of which make him the early leader in this race. We are still waiting to hear more about which Republican candidates will take a look at this open seat in 2018, but it is expected to get crowded.


11 thoughts on “Andy Kerr First to Make Big Launch for CD-7

    1. Maybe his wife likes it. You don't believe facial hair to be politically appropriate? Or maybe you belong to the National Goatee Haters Assn?

      Goatee wearers everywhere are curious…wink

      1. There has been a lot of study to suggest facial hair makes one appear less trustworthy. In truth it's more complicated but goatees are still not ideal.

      1. 7th District will be interesting next year. Always a possibility that my party (Rs) may come up with a reasonable candidate; hopefully something better than the "sacrificial, Tea Party leaning, small minds" that ran against Ed the past few elections. Kerr was my senator at one time. Pettersen has a lot to offer. I like them both. 


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