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May 10, 2017 10:10 AM UTC

BREAKING: FBI Director Comey Fired by Trump

  • by: Colorado Pols

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Washington Post:

The startling development comes as Comey was leading a counterintelligence investigation to determine whether associates of Trump may have coordinated with Russia to interfere with the U.S. presidential election last year. It wasn’t immediately clear how Comey’s ouster will affect the Russia probe, but Democrats said they were concerned that his ouster could derail the investigation.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Comey’s deputy, Andrew McCabe, would be the acting director of the FBI. As a presidential candidate, Trump explicitly criticized Comey and McCabe for their roles in the Clinton probe while at other points praising Comey for his “guts.”

And as Denver7’s Blair Miller reports, crickets from Colorado Republicans:

Colorado’s Republican members of Congress sat silent Tuesday after President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, who had been in charge of the investigation into whether Russia colluded with administration and campaign members to influence the U.S. election.

The state’s Democrats all called for an independent investigator or commission to be appointed to continue the investigation, which Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from, then was part of the decision-making team that worked to fire Comey…

Sen. Michael Bennet (D) said that the timing of Comey’s firing “raises many questions.”

“The next FBI director must be independent and relentless in seeking the truth,” Bennet added. “This underscores the need for an independent special prosecutor to investigate Russian involvement in the 2016 election and connections to the Trump campaign and Administration.”


UPDATE: Politico:

President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey—a move that comes as the FBI is probing contacts between Trump’s campaign aides and Russian officials ahead of last year’s presidential election.

“The president has accepted the recommendation of the attorney general and the deputy attorney general regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Tuesday afternoon…

Comey, who was appointed FBI director by former President Barack Obama in 2013 to a 10-year term, has come under fire for his handling of both the Trump campaign probe and the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.


A huge developing story out of Washington this afternoon–FBI Director James Comey has been fired by President Donald Trump:

Stand by for updates.


64 thoughts on “BREAKING: FBI Director Comey Fired by Trump

  1. Carnholio, report for duty.

    We need you to spin this.   

    It's Hillary's fault!

    Fail, and you will be called to the Libianka.


    1. You telling me the Dems wanted him to stay on?

      Yesterday he had Mrs Weiner sending over 100K of emails to Anthony that they had to walk back this morning.

        1. That is actually what Trump said as a justification for Comey's firing. "improper handling of HRC's email investigation". I shit thee not.

  2. Now there's a job opening for Chris Christie!

    But Trump will have to make the offer while his son in law is schlepping around the People’s Republic of Jina.

  3. Trump calling out that the FBI's "not investigating me" pretty much raises the red flag that Comey might have misled Trump (to protect the integrity of the Russian connection investigation), or, if true, then we really do need an independent special prosecutor.

    The other oddity is that whoever briefed Comey for his testimony either was incredibly incompetent, or totally sandbagged Comey.  Either way, Comey definitely was not capable of leading the FBI any more, having lost the trust of, well, just about everyone.

    Bottomline: I think Trump has got to be worried, and probably for several hundred million reasons…

      1. Aw come on!  It'll be fun.  Get Trump under oath and the game will be to guess how few words he utters before he perjures himself!

        I’m guessing less than a dozen. Can you beat that? I’ll even spot you: My name is Donald J. Trump. I reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 🙂

  4. How long can he keep this up?

    3 people who were investigating Trump campaign:

    Preet Bharara

    Sally Yates

    James Comey

    3 people who were fired by Donald Trump:

    Preet Bharara

    Sally Yates

    James Comey


    1. He also fired many other Obama appointees just like Obama fired many Bush appointees.  That's sort of how it works with appointees.

      Does anyone on Pols actually think Comey had been doing a fine job and should have been retained?

      I kind of remember Hillary blamed him for her losing the election (I am sorry but she has blamed so many other things besides herself I lose track).

      Didn't all the Polsters want his head 6 months ago?

      1. And of course that's why the Trump crime family – err, "administration" fired Comey.  The fact that criminal connections between Trump and Putin are more obvious every day had nothing to do with it.  No, Comey impugned the honor of Lady Hillary and Trump Lochinvar fired him for that, and THAT ALONE!  That's Cornholio's story and he's sticking to it like shit to his bathroom slippers.

      2. Actually I think Trump firing Comey is another Rubicon that Republicans are willing to cross.  Now that Trump as done it, the next president won't have any qualms to fire the piece of shit toady that Trump nominates to be his mole in the FBI.  It also keeps the heat on Trump about his Russian connections and distracts Republicans from trying to screw the poor some more.  They will be too busy trying to find the leaker to worry about their precious tax cuts to the rich.  Donald certainly likes to blow up shit doesn't he?  Even his own administration goals.

      3. Nothing to see here huh Cornholio.  Could have done it anytime after 1/20. But doesn't do it until Comey is investigating him.  And does it by announcing it on television.  Hey Comey found out the same way the rest of us did.

      4. There are several good reasons why the FBI Director is appointed for a 10-year term, the most relevant being that it shouldn't be a partisan job.

        Comey had legit criticism from Democrats about how he handled the Clinton emails. But he also still had their respect from his time as Deputy AG when he stood between a medically incapable AG Ashcroft and White House Counsel Gonzales when the latter came looking for re-authorization on their illegal domestic surveillance programs. He also had some respect because he refused to deny that Trump's campaign was caught up in the election investigation.

        The important question is "why now?" Nothing substantial has changed between the beginning of Trump's term and now, at least on the Clinton email matter which is supposedly the reason behind his firing. The important bits appear to be the ramping up of the investigation and the push by Sessions and Roger Stone to fire Comey. All of those are tied to the Russia-Trump probe.

        There might be someone out there who Democrats could at least look at and think "independent FBI director – good!". I'm not sure who that could be, though. Anyone Trump appoints is going to be highly suspect. Anyone he would be likely to pick is going to be much worse than that.

    1. Probably not a connection with the Comey firing – but significant nonetheless. Census has a big impact on voting districts, guides gerrymandering efforts. In this case, the census director had a chance to designate a new minority – people of middle eastern descent.

      Had that happened, it could have had ripples in many civil rights areas. And you know about Trump putting the kibosh on any questions about sexual orientation. Perhaps the census director who abruptly quit was focused on, you know, doing his job…getting accurate information about the US population.  Because facts can be such inconvenient things.

      I agree that it's interesting.


      1. My guess is that he was either ordered or forbidden to do something with the 2020 census and he quit rather than comply. And, yeah, I know about the next census being scrubbed of all the LGBT data the last one collected. So has every website connected to the Feds.

  5. I'm very worried about the true reason Trump did this. On the flip side he did the right thing and for the right stated reasons which makes it difficult to object to the firing. I think Comey well deserved to be fired and for exactly the reasons stated.

    The giant worries are what was Trump's real reason and who will he appoint.

    1. I think he may be running out of nut cases who are even marginally qualified to do the work. Plus, keeping the government running was never Bannon's priority.

          1. Rudy is already out – said Trump wouldn't ask and he would not say yes if he was asked.

            RWNJ speculation appears to include Trey Gowdy, Sheriff Clarke, and the soon to be former governor of New Jersey.

    2. David, The Yam lacks both the legal background and the political savvy to have done it for the right reasons. Comey was coming for him and his entire corrupt administration and he did a Nixon. That's all there is to it, I'm pretty sure.

    1. Better spend them fast — they may not be worth much in a few months:

      New York Times: Comey Fired Because He ‘Could Bring Down A President’

      The paper of record publishes a scathing editorial over the FBI director’s dismissal.

  6. Oopies — Quick Gerbils — Spin this!

    The explanation for this shocking move — that Mr. Comey’s bungling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server violated longstanding Justice Department policy and profoundly damaged public trust in the agency — is impossible to take at face value. Certainly Mr. Comey deserves all the criticism heaped upon him for his repeated misstepsin that case, but just as certainly, that’s not the reason Mr. Trump fired him.

    Mr. Trump had nothing but praise for Mr. Comey when, in the final days of the presidential campaign, he informed Congress that the bureau was reopening the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails. “He brought back his reputation,” Mr. Trump said at the time. “It took a lot of guts.”

    Of course, if Mr. Trump truly believed, as he said in his letter of dismissal, that Mr. Comey had undermined “public trust and confidence” in the agency, he could just as well have fired him on his first day in office.

    Mr. Comey was fired because he was leading an active investigation that could bring down a president. Though compromised by his own poor judgment, Mr. Comey’s agency has been pursuing ties between the Russian government and Mr. Trump and his associates, with potentially ruinous consequences for the administration.

      1. Imagine a time in the future when republicans admit that from 1980 until 202? they were useful idiots, greedy, selfish, immoral, self-centered sons of bitches, faux-patriots, faux-Christians, smug, self-righteous, condescending pricks, incessant whiners with a terminal ‘victimhood’ complex and severe ‘manhood’ issues, and easily manipulated, proudly ignorant, deaf dumb and blind sycophants, aiding and abetting traitors, liars, thieves, frauds, tax cheats, con artists, hate-media hucksters, tinfoil-hat crackpots, mobsters, racists, bigots, homophobes, polluters, money-launderers, hypocrites, phony bible-humpers, fascists, plutocrats, oligarchs, theocrats, nature-haters and other assorted criminals, ne’er-do-wells, scoundrels and backsliders…

      2. It's been…what? 110 days since the man took the oath? And you're already at it's unpatriotic to not support him?

        This is how you know you've already lost. 

  7. The Justice Department DENIES that Comey asked for more money for the Russia investigation before he was fired. You're trying to make this grand conspiracy theory work, but the facts just don't support you.

    1. And we believe the Justice Department, led by someone involved in the Russia scandal, who directed his Deputy to draw up a list of things Comey did wrong without explicitly making it about his firing?

      Sorry – the request was cross-confirmed by at least three sources and two different news organizations.

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