(And the winners are… – promoted by Colorado Pols)
UPDATE: Congratulations to ClubTwitty and ThillyWabbit, who tied for 1st place and are your new front page guest editors for the 2nd half of 2009. Because of this tie finish we have decided to give the 2nd place candidate, Barron X, front page posting privileges as well. Terms begin Wednesday, July 1–thanks to all who participated.
This poll (after the jump) is an election for two new front-page guest editors at Colorado Pols. The new editors will start around July 1st, and barring anything unexpected will hold their position until the end of 2009–at which time we’ll hold another election. Remember, there’s only one poll of nominees, and the top two finishers from that poll will win the coveted front page editor spots.
Good luck to nominees, we’ll call voting complete on Sunday night–let’s say 9PM for a cutoff, though it’s certainly possible the races will be settled long before then.
Happy voting!
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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This is the smartest way to do this. I think it will give the blog a much more representative view of where the majority of posters are in the political spectrum.
I enjoyed taking part last time. Thank you.
Spend that vote wisely, eh?
What? No write in option? How else will Cleve Tidwell win?
and his 2 sock puppets already voted.
I kid. I kid. Lighten up.
Just submitted.
Who ever voted for me wasted their vote, I can’t make the commitment to be a guest editor.
hearing cheers erupt from the groupthink peanut gallery
Thanks, whoever you are, I am now solidly beating Lyndon LaRouche!
BTW, I voted for ThillyWabbit.
one of his minions has been haunting the Post Office in Arvada for the last two weeks.
What nutballs they are!
I was in Illinois when two of their folks actually won the Democratic Primary (I think it was 1986) and got on the ballot for Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State. The Democrats started a third party for that election and had Governor/Lieutenant Governor and SOS run seperately from the rest of the ticket.
When I lived in Seattle they were always camped out in front of the main downtown office of the USPS.
but one of them approached me and said that Obama wanted to put Kevorkian in charge of health care and I responded that I was sure that I had read he only wanted to put Kevorkian in charge of his (the protester’s) health care and that I supported the President… He gave me a strange look, turned and walked away.
I’ll have to remember that line if some schmuck comes up to me with some BS like that.
it is so hard to keep track of what’s going on on the western slope. He together with the other solid posters from GJ and the western slope are my PRIMARY source of news for what is going on outside of the front range.
I appreciate yours and everyone’s kind words. I voted for the Wabbit, but if I pull ahead I will not refuse the will of the people…
Thanks again to RSB and LB for their efforts…
with that being said I just voted Twitty.
Mostly because the site already has a lot of lefty bloggers…
into superstition and thinly veiled anger towards all forces which play a part in the deterioration of the white male power structure?
Vote conservative!
I’m just kidding. Please don’t reply with any thinly veiled… nevermind, see above.
We all miss you Bob!
…because I love me.
What should the tie breaker be?
1. Water Balloons at High Noon
2. Laptop battery changing
3. Type the front page of the current issue of the Onion
4. ?
Pols hasn’t had a meetup in a while either, coincidentally.
My final decree as FP editor is a re-decree decree that the next Pols meet-up be in Boulder at Southern Sun.
If Ahmadinejad wins this election, too, we’re taking to the streets. Maybe the streets of Fountain. What do you think?
I know he doesn’t want the job, but I voted for him anyway because I really, really like him.
I only agree with about 30 percent of his political views, but that doesn’t matter. He comes by his views honestly and is a gentleman to those who don’t share them.
I can’t think of a better person to be responsible for the front page.
If we had two votes I would have voted for LB as well. Figured none of the lefties needed my vote to make it to the top two.
If I really wanted a rightie voice why didn’t I go for Libertad or KK, either one of whom would be sure to accept? Because that would be taking the whole affirmative action for righties thing a bit far. Look where affirmative action, legacy style, led GW and the nation. Yikes!
Like Aretha Franklin sings, R – E – S – P – ….
I consider myself an expert on how to win in Iraq. Likewise SSG Dan and a couple others.
What makes us so smart about the situation there, smarter than the folks actually running the war ?
We comprehend that, when folks have almost nothing, they still have their dignity. Its an honor society, and people there (the locals) are thirsting to get respect from the Americans. Thirsting and fighting.
Our most potent weapon, giving these people and their leaders the respect that they think they deserve, makes them putty in our hands, in the instances when we employ it.
Don’t get me wrong – for some Muslims, just being a Christian justifies killing me. People in Iraq can be devious and treacherous.
But they are absolutely disarmed on those infrequent occasions when senior US officials show them respect. Of course, folks in the lower ranks, who have to live and survive in that environment, learn that lesson by their second day on the job.
I come to this site specifically because, even when people note how absolutely looney some of my arguments are
(remember, I’m the one who says that believing that “gay marriage” is a matter of equality is a religious belief,)
I get a fair hearing. I often get laughed at, but not disrespected.
This is a community specifically because we respect and care about each other.
The site is much richer for your contributions, Barron.
I’d like to make the point, though. When you say
The reverse, of course, is also true, and has had a dangerous and mostly unspoken influence on our conduct of the war.
If these results hold up, would it be the biggest electoral victory in ACP history?
And to the six people who voted for me even though I repeatedly said I didn’t want to be FP editor anymore: I love you, I love you, I love you.
(I voted for you too) – you cannot resist the will of the people!
but not by much. Thanks for the love.
I voted for you too
that two Polsters who claim not to want the job are leading. Thanks everyone, I truly appreciate your support.
While I voted for TW, and am a bit worried about time commitment, if elected I will make sure to promote diaries that I think are well-written, on timely subjects, or likely to provoke discussion, regardless of perspective/persuasion from which they come.
That includes Libby, the Kid, and even David’s interviews! (I kid, I kid I like your diaries David).
I will also work diligently to get a few of my own up every week.
I think it’s hilarious. In terms of establishing legitimacy, there is an ancient tradition behind us.
Said Plutarch once upon a time:
And so dictators are made!
Next Week: The World!!!
Three way run off? Or three FP editors?
and wear green to demand a recount.
But if all three tied for front-page editors … well, that’s democracy!
…it sounds like a whisper….
As I already admitted I voted for Thilly, but many, many thanks for all the support. I appreciate that folks find some value in my diaries and postings…it really began as an outlet for myself.
I also think Barron X deserves the position should he be willing. And since he expressed concerns about his time (as have I), how about three FP editors? Afterall, currently #2 is tied…
Just a thought.
Thanks again, I am happy to serve should I make it to the 9 PM hour…
If the diarists aren’t writing every day, as is typical, the site can easily accommodate three front-pagers.
rally on the steps of the Capitol at noon Monday. If TB is knocked out of a tie for second place by a single vote, as looks to be the case, the Grand Ayatollahs have got some ‘splainin’ to do.
….merciless meanies
when we all know no more than 30 people use this site … something fishy here.
I really thought that there were just 6 or 7 of us total.
the worth of a good campaign organization. I canvassed my precinct early in the week. We got the “Elect Twitty” yard signs out all over the neighborhood quite quickly. Campaign donations rolled in after the kids set up a roadside lemonade stand selling frosty “Twitty or Martyrdom” mugs and “Giddy for Twitty” buttons. I’ll file the paperwork with Bernie, later.
Can I hire my dog as a ‘consultant’? ala scooter?
ala scooter. But be careful, he may come back to bite you should you choose to run for another office which the pup is frothing in anticipation of possessing. And be sure to include a few Pavlovian down-boy commands or he might start incessant barking come mid July.
to a c3 established by a c4 that hired you, ala Musty, and reap the rewards of your donors’ support.
These are three really good posters–maybe the best guest editors as a pack this site has ever had. Congratulations.
so how does this work? How do I promote other people’s diaries?
Do my own diaries get automatically front paged when I post them, or is there an intermediate step?
On July 1, you’ll see additional menu options on each diary to allow promotion. Your own posts will appear on the front page unless you uncheck a box that will be checked by default.
Our plan is to work up a simple set of instructions and guidelines (a necessary first for us) for everyone to review before you take office. This will include technical procedures as well as a clearer explanation of the content rules we all operate under–they won’t change, they’ll just be better clarified. Watch for that soon, in the meantime enjoy your post-election glow.
and I will rule as such…
You’re more popular than Dick Cheney!
moving to privatize our accounts?
to remove that turncoat dictatorial governor and liberate their weapons of mass deception sequestered at the corner of State Street and West Temple…
Finally we get to finish what we started years ago.
Go forth and conquer Twitty!
rigging the intertubesyour support in this important vote, Car31Both outstanding choices.
Also glad to have at least one conservative FPer in Barron.
you left
Go Club Twitty! Congratulations!
I look forward to having your western slope perspective contribute to making this a better forum. (Plus, maybe you’ll spread some of the Soros largesse around this side of the mountains! ;))
Meanwhile, let’s get on with conquering Utah!
FYI: Over the weekend I was just a few miles from the border. Looking west from my vantage point in “Josh-Penry’s-Former-Mentor’s Canyons” I could see thousands of blond children gathering up red dust that they will be sneaking into Colorado next winter to spread on our ski slopes and melt our snow. This new red menace must be stopped!
And a pretty well fleshed out story arc. Off year is the time to do these things, perhaps we’ll set to it.
For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about…well, we really can’t take credit for the original idea of “shock and awe” invasion and pacification the state of Utah, indeed you can make the argument that there has always been a clear and present motivation to do so.
We did, however run with a week-long series of “War on Utah” updates in February of 2007.
Far and away, our favorite moment was when interrogation director Janet Rowland vowed to make ousted Utah dictator Warren Jeffs “squeal like a pig.”
I’m on vacation (suckers). So a belated congrats. Looks like we’ve sufficiently bullied ClubTwitty to accept the crown!