U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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August 21, 2017 11:55 AM UTC

Denver Post Coins New Term: "Colorado Obamacare Lie"

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

In an editorial this week, The Denver Post coined the term the “Colorado Obamacare lie” to describe repeated statements by GOP gubernatorial candidates that Obamacare is gobbling up the state budget when, in fact, it has “very little impact” on the state budget.

Nicely done.

And the phenomenon goes beyond GOP gubernatorial candidates, to Republicans in the state legislature and beyond.

For example, last January, State Sen. Tim Neville (R-Littleton) told the “Americhicks,” Molly Vogt and Kim Munson, on KLZ 560-AM, that the Obamacare, also called the “Medicaid expansion,” is “eating every single dollar that we have,” that could be spent on other priorities.

Neville: I believe it’s time for the government to re-prioritize, and of course the 800-pound gorilla in the room is the Medicaid expansion, which the governor did several years ago, eating every single dollar that we have in increased expense.

Also last year, we got this Tweet from the Colorado Senate GOP (@ColoSenGOP), linking to a chart of state and federal Medicaid expenditures: “Maybe Colo could afford FullDayK if #Dems weren’t pouring every spare $ into Obamacare #choices #copolitics #coleg pic.twitter.com/zrS1L6v5KO.”

The Post’s reporting, followed up by its editorial, should put an end not only to this kind of talk on the campaign trail, but in the state legislature as well.


One thought on “Denver Post Coins New Term: “Colorado Obamacare Lie”

  1. Ken Buck, in his recent town halls, also promoted the "Obamacare Lie". He was still claiming that his wife's insurance plan cost 1/10 as much as his Congressional ACA plan. Somehow, Buck never mentions that the ACA subsidized 80% of the costs of the Congressional plan, as they still do today.

    They just keep on spouting this nonsense as though facts don't exist, and none of their constituents are smart enough to look anything up.

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