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July 28, 2009 08:35 PM UTC

Doug Lamborn: Get A Grip

  • by: sufimarie

(Big Bird gives Lamborn the… – promoted by Colorado Pols)

From the Colorado’s Island of Insanity CD-05, Doug Lamborn in typical Republican form, both degrades women and children and then claims to be helping them by taking money from services which benefit them.

You may ask yourself how does one accomplish such a small-minded feat??

From his press release on July 24th:

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today offered an amendment (included in the Republican Motion to Recommit) to the Labor-Health and Human Services Appropriations Act for 2010, HR 3293, to eliminate $541 million from the budget for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

If you wanna cut funds to children’s broadcasting, I suggest you watch this:

…and if you didn’t cry, it’s because you’re dead inside and you should resign from whatever it is you do and go work at an animal shelter or something.

Lamborn then continued on to beat the drum of hypocrasy by co-sponsoring an amendment to cut funding to Planned Parenthood who, he seems to believe, has magical powers of chicanerous influence on the lives of the millions of people they serve:

“We cannot seriously talk about wanting to reduce the number of abortions in this country and then in the very same breath give tax payer money to abortionists. I believe life begins at conception and I cannot, in good conscience, support a bill of this nature that squanders taxpayer money to destroy the lives of women and their children.” – Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Since when does taking the liberty to make a choice destroy someone’s life? Doug Lamborn, I get the message that you don’t think women can think for themselves and that you think Planned Parenthood has the power to force millions women into doing things they wouldn’t do if they have a smart man like yourself to show them the way and the light. Doug Lamborn: you are deluded.

Yes, I know I made up the word chicanerous.

Cheers to every legislator that voted against this guy.  


25 thoughts on “Doug Lamborn: Get A Grip

  1. According to a TV Guide piece on him, Fred Rogers drove a plain old Impala for years. One day, however, the car was stolen from the street near the TV station. When Rogers filed a police report, the story was picked up by every newspaper, radio and media outlet around town.

    Amazingly, within 48 hours the car was left in the exact spot where it was taken from, with an apology on the dashboard. It read, “If we’d known it was yours, we never would have taken it.”


    1. The only things today’s conservatives seem to be interested in conserving is their own Conservatism.  This sounds more and more like the sort of “historic preservation” that belongs to museum curators rather than curators of the public trust, and for this, they will likely be “canned” again in 2010.

  2. Is that voice like a comforting, warm blanket or what?  I miss you as my neighbor Mr. Rogers!

    The age old question:  Mr. Lamborn, have you no shame?

    1. Name me one other place where I can get the stuff I get on NPR, PRI, PBS, and other CBP-funded programs.

      And for the exceptionally small amount that the government currently contributes, it’s at least as worthy as funding for the arts – which I consider to be a worthwhile investment.

      1. I don’t care if taxpayers fund PBS’ NewsHour with Jim MacNeil for me, and don’t watch it themselves. It’s their loss if they can’t handle old-time, balanced reporting. I trust Ray Suarez as a newsman — even more than Jon Stewart!

        1. and you’re against it!?

          I’m opposed to the over-funding of virtually every federal program in existence, but public television is actually shamefully underfunded.

          You can’t make money on intelligent, non-partisan programming and reporting in the current television marketplace. The only way that such programming can continue to exist is through government funding of nonprofit public television.

          I’m seriously marveling at the irony of a liberal opposing public broadcasting on the grounds that it’s a misuse of tax money. Hiiiiilarious!

  3. The private sector delivers a superior product when it comes to educational television, and the US government has no business funding a state-run media.  

    1. You’re kidding, right?

      All that “news” that isn’t so on commercial TV is superior?  I’m making a presumption that that is what you are referring to as “educational.”  Or do you mean that socialist Sesame Street vs. Channel One?    

      And I presume you include Radio Marti, Armed Forces Radio, and the Voice of America in your frothing against government participation in the airwaves.  

      1. The programming on Discovery, TLC, The History Channel, Animal Planet, etc. is at least as good as the educational programming on public television.  The government-run network provides content that is redundant to current commercial ventures.  

        As far as news goes, I do not believe that we should have state-sponsored news outlets in the United States.  

        Never heard of Radio Marti, and I believe that Armed Forces Radio simply re-broadcasts state-side programming.    

        1. that’s not state sponsored? Please, tell me the difference between what you fear and what we have.


          “What you want in a media system” and he meant the Nazi media system “is ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.”


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